白世門 合奏曲 = Simao : musica de camara = Barreto : chamber music
白世門 合奏曲 = Simao : musica de camara = Barreto : chamber music
Ng, Ian, 音樂統籌
Macau : Megalight Interactive Productions, [1995?]
1 CD(39 min. 54 seg.) : som
I -- 1, 利利.拉貝萊(Lili Labelain) -- II 兩河與河畔 (Dos Rios e suas Margens) (Of Rivers and their Banks) -- 2, 漂浮的小船 (Junco Vogando Fragil) (Frail Drifting Junk) -- 3, 在南灣花園裡 (No Jardim de S. Francisco) (In San Francisco Gardens) -- 4, 我的澳門 (Amacau) -- III -- 5, 隨想曲 (Divagacoes) (Digressions) -- IV -- 6, 插曲 (Interludium) (Interludium) -- V 《滴漏》組詩II (Clepsydra II) -- 7, 問 (Interrogacao) (Questioning) -- 8, 快敲的鼓 (Rufando Apressado) (Drum Roll) -- 9, 正在逝去的水 (Agua Morrente) (Dying Water) -- 10, 大提琴 (Violoncelo) (Violoncello) -- 11, 道路一 (Caminho I) (Way I) -- 12, 道路二 (Caminho II) (Way II) -- 13, 道路三 (Caminho III) (Way III) -- 14, 雕像 (Estatua) (Statue) -- 15, 美女現身 (Esvelta Surge) (Svelte, She Emerges) -- 16, 瑟拉斯修道院裡 (No Claustro de Celas) (In the Cloister of the Cells) -- 17, 眼前掠過的形象 (Imagens que Passais pela Retina) (Images that Pass by the Retina) -- 18, 戰斗後與取勝後 (Depois da Luta e Depois da Conquista) (After the Battle and After the Conquest) -- 19, 不該盛開的玫瑰花 (Floriram por Engano as Rosas Bravas) (Wild Roses Blossomed by Mistake) -- 20, 誰弄污,誰撕毀了我的麻布床單 (Quem Poluiu, Quem Rasgou os meus Lencois de Linho) (Who polluted, Who Tore my Linen Sheets?)
音樂統籌:Ian Ng