???? economia - ?????? 2009SirsiDynix Enterprisehttps://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003deconomia$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Publication$002bDate$0025092009$0025092009$0026ps$003d300?2024-12-26T13:14:54ZEconomia de Macau continua em expansãoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3857952024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? Economia Exportação Desenvolvimento económico Macau<br/>??? ????<br/>Common wealth : um novo modelo para a economia mundialent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3007742024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Sachs, Jeffrey D.<br/>?? Desenvolvimento sustentavel Desenvolvimento economico Economic policy Sustainable development<br/>???? Alfragide : Casa das Letras, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789724618692<br/>?????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3883932024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>???? : ????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4548142024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ?????????, ?, ?, ?, ?<br/>???? ?? : ??????, 1991-<br/>??? ????<br/>?????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3887242024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>???????????????? : ???????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3887622024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>????????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3904912024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ??<br/>??? ??<br/>Boletim económico de Macauent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4623662024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Governo da RAEM. Direcção dos Serviços de Economia<br/>?? Comércio externo Dados estatísticos Exportação Financas Públicas Importação<br/>???? Região Administrativa Especial de Macau : Direcção dos Serviços de Estatística e Censos, 2001-<br/>??? ????<br/>Rapport annuel ... sur la politique de developpement de la Communaute europeenne et la mise en oeuvre de l'aide exterieure en ...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4541332024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission Europeenne. 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Directorate-General for Regional Policy<br/>?? Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession -- Periodicals European Union -- Membership -- Periodicals Econmic assistance, European -- Europe, Eastern -- Periodicals Economic assistance, European -- Europe, Central -- Periodicals Investments, Europe -- Europe, Eastern -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, c2002-<br/>??? ????<br/>L'agriculture dans l'Union Europeenne : informations statistiques et economiquesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4541702024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission Europeenne. Direction Generale de l'Agriculture et du Developpement Rural<br/>?? Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Agriculture -- European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001-<br/>??? ????<br/>Actividades do Tribunal de Justica e do Tribunal de Primeira Instancia das Comunidades Europeiasent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4542102024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Uniao Europeia. Tribunal de Justica<br/>?? Tribunal de Justica CE Tribunal de Primeira Instancia CE Relatorio de Actividade Law reports, digests, etc. -- European Economic Community countries Court records -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxemburgo : Tribunal de Justica das Comunidades Europeias, [1990]-<br/>??? ????<br/>Statistiques en bref. Theme 2. 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Directorate-General for Agriculture<br/>?? Agricultural prices -- Statistics -- European Economic Community countries -- Agricultural prices -- Statistics -- Periodicals Agricultural prices -- Statistics -- European Union countries -- Agricultural prices -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1990-<br/>??? ????<br/>EU industrial structureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4552342024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? European Union -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals Industrial organization -- European Union countries -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007-<br/>??? ????<br/>European competitiveness report : working document of the services of the European Commissionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4552382024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. Enterprise DG<br/>?? Industrial productivity -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Industrial policy -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Competition -- European Union countries -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000-<br/>??? ????<br/>EC economic data pocket bookent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4560242024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Economic indicators -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic conditions -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001<br/>??? ????<br/>1984 : linhas de acção governativaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4613212024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Macau. 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Direccao dos Servicos de Estatistica e censos<br/>?? Classificacao do tipo para o comercio internacional Classificacao por grandes categorias economicas Comercio externo Comercio internacional Economia<br/>???? Macau : ??????(Direccao dos Servicos de Estatistica e Censos), 1999-<br/>??? ????<br/>World Trade Center Macau : newsletterent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4614422024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? World Trade Center Association<br/>?? World Trade Center Comercio Economia<br/>???? Macau : ????????????(WTCM), 1996-<br/>??? ????<br/>Macau : III serieent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4614472024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau. 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Unit A.1<br/>?? Labor -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals Labor -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Labor policy -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals Labor policy -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Labor market -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxemburgo : Servico das Publicacoes Oficiais das Comunidades Europeias, 1989-<br/>??? ????<br/>The agricultural situation in the European Unionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4534922024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Agriculture -- European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995-<br/>??? ????<br/>Le courrier : Afrique-Caraibes-Pacifique-Union Europeenneent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4543602024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission Europeenne<br/>?? European Economic Community -- Developing countries -- Periodicals European Economic Community -- Africa -- Periodicals European Economic Community -- Pacific area -- Periodicals European Economic Community -- Caribbean Area -- Periodicals Developing countries -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals<br/>???? Bruxelles : Commission Europeenne, 1975?-<br/>??? ????<br/>Proceedings of the Court of Justice and of the Court of First Instance of the European Communitiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4545152024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Court of First Instance of the European Communities<br/>?? Law reports, digests, etc. -- European Economic Community countries Court records -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Information Service of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, [1990]-<br/>??? ????<br/>Biblio flashent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4576712024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission of the European Communities (Brussels, Belgium). 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Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs<br/>?? Economic forecasting -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals Economic forecasting -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Finance -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals Finance -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Economic Community countries -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1986-<br/>??? ????<br/>Économie Européenneent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4588282024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission Europeenne. Direction Generale Affaires Economiques et Financieres<br/>?? Economic forecasting -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals Economic forecasting -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Finance -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals Finance -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Economic Community countries -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office des Publications Officielles des Communautes Europeennes, 1986-<br/>??? ????<br/>1985 : linhas de acção governativa : plano de investimentos : análise da situação económica e financeira do Territórioent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4617772024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Macau. Governo<br/>?? Acção governativa Política interna Investimento Finanças Economia<br/>???? Macau : Imprensa Nacional, imp.1985-<br/>??? ????<br/>?????? = Revista : Novidades da plataforma dos paises lusofonosent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4618942024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???????????<br/>?? Cooperacao economica -- China-Macau-Paises Losofonos Cooperacao comercial -- China-Macau-Paises Losofonos Economia Desenvolvimento economico Associacao Comercial Internacional para os Mercados Lusofonos<br/>???? Macau : ???????????(Associacao Comercial Internacional Para Os Mercados Lusofonos), 2006-<br/>??? ????<br/>Macau Businessent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4619032024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? Economia Desenvolvimento económico Comércio<br/>???? Macau : De Ficção-Projectos Multimédia, 2004 -<br/>??? ????<br/>????????????? = Utilizacao da tecnologia informatica nas actividades do sector economicoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4619092024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ??????<br/>?? Tecnologia informatica Actividade economica Comercio Industria Dados estatisticos<br/>???? Macau : ??????(Direccao dos Servicos de Estatistica e Censos), 2003 -<br/>??? ????<br/>Report on the state of the environment of Macao...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4619752024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Macau. 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/ ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>United Nations Development Program annual reportent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3982722024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? United Nations Development Programme<br/>?? United Nations Development Programme -- Periodicals United Nations -- Economic assistance -- Periodicals United Nations -- Technical assistance -- Periodicals<br/>???? New York : United Nations Development Program, 2001-<br/>??? ????<br/>????????????????“????”ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4005372024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>“??”?“??” : 1995-2002?????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4005662024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>?????????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4005702024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>Sigma : le bulletin de la statistique europeenneent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4075542024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Office Statistique des Comunautes Europeennes<br/>?? European Economic Community countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office Statistique des Comunautes Europeennes, 1991-<br/>??? ????<br/>Macaoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4079362024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? Historia de Macau Costumes de Macau Cultura Politica Arquitectura<br/>???? Macao : Government information bureau(GCS) of the Macao SAR, 2009-<br/>??? ????<br/>???????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4080242024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>??“??”??????? : ????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4080412024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>Statistical yearbook on candidate countriesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4081382024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Statistical Office of the European Communities<br/>?? Europe, Eastern -- Economic conditions -- 1989- -- Statistics -- Periodicals. Europe, Eastern -- Population -- Statistics -- Periodicals. Europe, Southern -- Economic conditions -- Statistics -- Periodicals. Europe, Southern -- Population -- Statistics -- Periodicals.<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, c2003-<br/>??? ????<br/>... ??????? = Estrutura sectorial de Macau ... = Industrial structure of Macao ...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4081462024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? Economia Actividade economica Sector secundario Sector terciario Industria<br/>???? Macau : ???????????????(Governo da regiao administrativa especial de Macau direccao dos servicos de estatistica e censos), [2009?]-2013<br/>??? ??<br/>????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4083732024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>European Union foreign direct investment yearbookent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4091042024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Statistical Office of the European Communities<br/>?? Investments, European -- Periodicals Investments, Foreign -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals Europe -- Economic conditions -- 1945- -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001-<br/>??? ????<br/>Pocketbook on candidate countries and Western Balkan countriesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4098752024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Statistical Office of the European Communities<br/>?? Balkan Peninsula -- Economic conditions -- 1991- -- Statistics -- Periodicals Balkan Peninsula -- Population -- Statistics -- Periodicals Balkan Peninsula -- Social conditions -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, c2006-<br/>??? ????<br/>Os fundos estruturais em ... : relatorio anualent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4127862024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Comissao Europeia<br/>?? Fundos Estruturais Coordenacao de fundos Politica da concorrencia Politica de transportes Politica de ambiente<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, [1989]-<br/>??? ????<br/>Biblio east = Biblio est = Biblio Ostent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3789482024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission of the European Communities (Brussels, Belgium). Library<br/>?? Europe, Eastern -- Economic conditions -- 1945- -- Periodicals Europe, Eastern -- Commerce -- Periodicals Europe, Eastern -- Politics and government -- 1945- -- Periodicals<br/>???? [Bruxelles] : Commission of European Communities Central Library, 1990-<br/>??? ????<br/>European economy news : magazine of the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3790832024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs<br/>?? European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals<br/>???? Brussels : External Communications Unit of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, c2006-<br/>??? ????<br/>Biblio country reportsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3790922024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission of the European Communities (Brussels, Belgium). Library<br/>?? Europe -- Economic conditions -- 1945- -- Periodicals Europe -- Politics and government -- 1989- -- Periodicals<br/>???? [Bruxelles] : Bibliotheque centrale de la Commission, 1993-<br/>??? ????<br/>Enlargement papersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3791762024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs<br/>?? European Union -- Periodicals Europe -- Economic integration -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic policy -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals<br/>???? Brussels, Belgium : Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission, c2000-<br/>??? ????<br/>Asia urbs magazineent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3808332024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. EuropeAid Co-operation Office<br/>?? Asia Urbs Programe -- Periodicals Economic assistance, European -- Asia -- Periodicals Economic development projects -- Asia -- Periodicals European Union -- Asia -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : European Commission, EuropeAid Co-Operation Office, Asia Urbs Programme, 1999-<br/>??? ????<br/>Social protection in the member states of the European Union, of the European Economic Area and in Switzerlandent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3825752024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? MISSOC Organization<br/>?? European Economic Area -- Periodicals Social security -- Law and legislation -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Social security -- Law and legislation -- Switzerland -- Periodicals Social legislation -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Social legislation -- Switzerland -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2006-<br/>??? ????<br/>Sigma : the bulletin of European statisticsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3832992024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Statistical Office of the European Communities<br/>?? European Economic Community countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Statistical Office of the European Communities, 1991-<br/>??? ????<br/>SOLVIT ... report : development and performance of the SOLVIT networkent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3833042024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. DG Internal Market and Services<br/>?? Conflict of laws -- Commercial law -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Dispute resolution (Law) -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic integration -- Periodicals Law -- International unification -- Periodicals<br/>???? Brussels : Commission of the European Communities, 2004-<br/>??? ????<br/>Le courrier : Afrique-Caraibes-Pacifique-Union Europeenneent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3833582024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission Europeenne<br/>?? European Economic Community -- Developing countries -- Periodicals European Economic Community -- Africa -- Periodicals European Economic Community -- Pacific area -- Periodicals European Economic Community -- Caribbean Area -- Periodicals Developing countries -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals<br/>???? Bruxelles : Commission Europeenne, 1975?-<br/>??? ????<br/>????????????????? : “97???????????”???????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3883952024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>?????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3884852024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3887572024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>??????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3887762024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>????????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3888052024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>???????? : ????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3888092024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>?? : ??/???????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3888142024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>CEPA????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3893052024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3893132024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>EU integration seen through statistics : key facts of 18 policy areasent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3902162024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic integration -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, c2006-<br/>??? ????<br/>????????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3904882024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>???????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3904892024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3904902024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>?????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3904942024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>?????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3904952024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>???????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3904962024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>“????”????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3905102024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>??????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3905112024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>The structural funds in ... : annual reportent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4085512024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Structural adjustment (Economic policy) -- European Union countries -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, [1989]-<br/>??? ????<br/>Annual report of the Cohesion Fundent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4092112024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Cohesion Fund (European Commission)<br/>?? Cohesion Fund (European Commission) -- Periodicals Economic development projects -- European Union countries -- Periodicals. Economic assistance, Domestic -- European Union countries -- Periodicals. European Union countries -- Economic conditions -- Regional disparities -- Periodicals.<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997-<br/>??? ????<br/>Relatório anual ... sobre a politica de desenvolvimento da Comunidade Europeia e a implementação da ajuda externa em ...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4091032024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Comissao Europeia. Servico de Cooperacao EuropeAid<br/>?? Assistância economica da Europa -- Países em desenvolvimento -- Periódicos. Desenvolvimento economico -- Periódicos. Economic assistance, European -- Developing countries -- Periodicals. Economic development -- Periodicals.<br/>???? Luxemburgo : Servico das Publicacoes Oficiais das Comunidades Europeias, 2002-<br/>??? ????<br/>??????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4100942024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z???? ?? : ???, 2003-<br/>??? ??<br/>Business in Europe statistical pocketbookent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4102042024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Statisticcal Office of the European Communities<br/>?? Foreign trade promotion -- European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals Economic indicators -- European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, c2001-<br/>??? ????<br/>European economic statisticsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4103112024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Statistical Office of the European Communities<br/>?? Economic indicators -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic conditions -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008-<br/>??? ????<br/>Relatório anual do Fundo de Coesãoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4127872024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Comissão Europeia.<br/>?? Fundo de Coesao Instrumento Financeiro Comunitario Coesao Economica e Social Convergencia Economica Desenvolvimento Economico<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997-<br/>??? ????<br/>Growth in action : the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme magazineent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3805512024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? Industrialization -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Sustainable development -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Technological innovations -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic policy -- Periodicals<br/>???? Brussels, Belgium : European Commission, DG Research, Directorate C, c2000-<br/>??? ????<br/>Inforegio panoramaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3826172024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate-General for Regional Policy.<br/>?? Regional planning -- European Union countries. Regional economic disparities -- European Union countries. Regional economics -- European Union countries.<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000-<br/>??? ????<br/>Inforegio panoramaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3826022024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Union Europeenne. Politique Regionale<br/>?? Regional planning -- European Union countries. Regional economic disparities -- European Union countries. Regional economics -- European Union countries.<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautes europeennes, 2000-<br/>??? ????<br/>Le courrier : le magazine de la cooperation au developpement ACP-UEent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3832882024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission Europeenne. Direction Generale du Developpement<br/>?? Developing countries -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals Developing countries -- Social conditions -- Periodicals European Economic Community -- Developing countries -- Periodicals European Economic Community -- Africa -- Periodicals European Economic Community -- Pacific area -- Periodicals<br/>???? Bruxelles : Commission Europeenne, 2002-<br/>??? ????<br/>Bibliografia juridica de la integracion Europea = Legal bibliography of European integration = Bibliografia juridica de integracao Europeiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3832892024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Court of Justice of the European Communities. Library Division.<br/>?? Law -- European Economic Community countries -- Bibliography Europe -- Economic integration -- Bibliography<br/>???? [Luxembourg?] : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1981-<br/>??? ????<br/>Newsletter : the newsletter of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communitiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3833392024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Office for Official Publications of the European Communities<br/>?? Office for Official Publications of the European Communities -- Periodicals European communities -- Periodicals Government publications -- European communities -- Bibliography -- Periodicals European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, [2002]-<br/>??? ????<br/>Sectorial policies : investment plan (Public sector) 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3938542024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Macau. Governo<br/>?? Acção governativa Política interna Investimento Finanças Economia<br/>???? Macau : Government Printing Press, 1984-<br/>??? ????<br/>Sectorial policies : investment plan (Public sector) 1987ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3938562024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Macau. Governo<br/>?? Acção governativa Política interna Investimento Finanças Economia<br/>???? Macau : Government Printing Press, 1987<br/>??? ????<br/>Valuing the economic benefits of black-faced spoonbill conservation in Macauent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4004082024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Jin, Jianjun<br/>??? ??<br/>????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4004322024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>?????????????? : ???????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4004332024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>??????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4004342024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>???????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4035832024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4068122024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>Inforegio panoramaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4072842024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Comissao Europeia. Direccao-Geral da Politica Regional<br/>?? Integracao Regional Politica Regional Fundos Estruturais Regional planning -- European Union countries. Regional economic disparities -- European Union countries.<br/>???? Luxemburgo : Servico das Publicacoes Oficiais das Comunidades Europeias, 2000-<br/>??? ????<br/>Eurobarometre : l'opinion publique dans les pays candidatsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4073752024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission Europeenne<br/>?? Public opinion -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals Public opinion -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Economic Community countries -- Politics and government -- Public opinion -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Politics and government -- Public opinion -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office des Publications Officielles, 1974-<br/>??? ????<br/>Eurobarometer : public opinion in the European Unionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4073762024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Public opinion -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals Public opinion -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Economic Community countries -- Politics and government -- Public opinion -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Politics and government -- Public opinion -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Public Office, 1974-<br/>??? ????<br/>EIB informationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4074052024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Investment Bank<br/>?? Investment banking -- European Economic Community countries -- Periodicals. Investment banking -- European Union countries -- Periodicals. European Investment Bank -- Periodicals.<br/>???? Luxembourg : European Investment Bank, 1975-<br/>??? ????<br/>Corps diplomatique accredite aupres des Communautes europeennesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4075772024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General for External Relations<br/>?? Diplomatic and consular service -- European Economic Community countries -- Registers Diplomatic and consular service -- European Union countries -- Registers<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office des Publications Officielles des Communautes Europeennes, 1968-<br/>??? ????<br/>Pocketbook on candidate and potential candidate countriesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4075822024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Statistical Office of the European Communities<br/>?? European Union countries -- Economic conditions -- Statistics European Union countries -- Population -- Statistics European Union countries -- Populations -- Statistics European Union countries -- Social conditions -- Statistics<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007-<br/>??? ????<br/>Annual report ... on the EC development policy and the implementation of the external assistance.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4075102024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. EuropeAid Co-operation Office.<br/>?? Economic assistance, European -- Developing countries -- Periodicals. Economic development -- Periodicals.<br/>???? Brussels : EuropeAid Co-operation Office : Development Directorate-General, 2002-<br/>??? ????<br/>Annual reportent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4180362024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Agency for Safety and Health at Work<br/>?? European Agency for Safety and Health at Work -- Periodicals Industrial safety -- Economic aspects -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Work environment -- European Union countries -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997-<br/>??? ????<br/>Eurostat yearbookent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4127882024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Statistical Office of the European Communities<br/>?? European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals Economic indicators -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Social indicators -- European Union countries -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic conditions -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995-2018.<br/>??? ????<br/>Occasional papersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3791852024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs<br/>?? European Union -- Periodicals Europe -- Economic integration -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic policy -- Periodicals European Union countries -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals<br/>???? Brussels, Belgium : Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission, c2003-2015<br/>??? ????<br/>Agriculture in the European Union : statistical and economic informationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3821632024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Union. Directorate-Geeneral for Agriculture<br/>?? Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- European Union countries -- Periodicals Agriculture -- European Union countries -- Statistics -- Periodicals<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000-2014<br/>??? ????<br/>???? : ??????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1386522024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???, ?<br/>?? ???? -- ??<br/>???? ??? : ????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789866614248<br/>????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1504802024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ??, ??<br/>?? ???? ????<br/>???? ??? : ??????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787509707753<br/>?????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1505632024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???, ??<br/>?? ???? ????<br/>???? ??? : ??????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787509707845<br/>??? : ?????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1555702024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Charan, Ram, ?<br/>?? ???? ????<br/>???? ??? : ????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789862163436<br/>??????? : ???????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1557402024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Barbera, Robert J, ??<br/>?? ???? ???? ????<br/>???? ??? : ?????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789861576282<br/>??????????? = Research on development ideas in Chengdu-Chongqing economic zoneent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1579652024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ?????????, ?<br/>???? ?? : ?????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787229013783<br/>???????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1590702024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???, ?<br/>?? ????? ??<br/>???? ??? : ?????????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787509711873<br/>??????? = The economic system of Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2124922024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???, ?.?<br/>?? ???? ??<br/>???? ?? : ?????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787508616438<br/>Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, a new chapter of defending the frontiers and opening up wastelandent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1695852024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Wei, Heping<br/>?? Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China) -- Economic conditions<br/>???? Beijing : China Intercontinental Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787508515434<br/>Development and progress in Xinjiang (September 2009) History and development of Xinjiang (May 2003)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1696882024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? China. Guo wu yuan. Xin wen ban gong shi<br/>?? Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China) -- Economic conditions Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China) -- Social conditions Ethnology -- China -- Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu<br/>???? Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787119060804<br/>China, questions & answersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1699202024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>?? China -- Politics and government -- 2000- China -- Economic conditions -- 2000- China -- Description and travel<br/>???? Beijing : Foreign languages press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787119057835<br/>Growing with China : MNC executives talk about Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1699452024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Zhu, Ling<br/>?? Investments, Foreign -- China International business enterprises -- China -- Case studies Success in business -- China China -- Commerce China -- Economic policy -- 1976-2000<br/>???? Beijing : New World Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787802289925<br/>Thirty years since the opening-up in China : changes in growth mode, structure and systement://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1699612024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Jiang, Xiaojuan<br/>?? China -- Economic policy -- 20th century China -- Economic policy -- 2000- China -- Economic conditions -- 20th century China -- Economic conditions -- 2000-<br/>???? Beijing : Peoples Publishing House, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787010083032<br/>Key words of chinese economy 2009ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1699732024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Development Research Center of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Information Center<br/>?? China -- Economic conditions -- 2000- China -- Economic policy -- 2000-<br/>???? Beijing : China Intercontinental Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787508518121<br/>???????? : ???? = Enhance your professional English vacbulary : economicent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1425332024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???, ?<br/>?? ???? -- ??<br/>???? ??? : ????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789867293886<br/>?????? = Practical writing for economic & foreign tradeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1491452024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???, ??<br/>?? ???? ???? ?????<br/>???? ?? : ??????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787313056726<br/>?????????? : ?????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1519502024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Cable, Vince, ?<br/>?? ???? ????<br/>???? ?????? : ?????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789866414299<br/>???? : ?????????????? = Global market domestic politics and asean regional economic integrationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1548742024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ??, ?<br/>?? ?? ?????? ???? ??<br/>???? ??? : ????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787501794747<br/>Where there are Asians, there are rice cookers : how "National" went global via Hong Kongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1557322024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Nakano, Yoshiko, 1964-<br/>?? Kitchen appliances industry -- Japan Strategic alliances (Business) -- Japan Strategic alliances (Business) -- China -- Hong Kong Commercial products -- Modification for export -- China -- Hong Kong Globalization -- Economic aspects -- Japan<br/>???? Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789888028085<br/>???????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1583962024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ??, ?<br/>?? ???<br/>???? ??? : ??, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 97875436050374<br/>????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1586272024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ??, ?<br/>?? ???? ???? ??????<br/>???? ?? : ?????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787010079530<br/>??"???"? : ????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1589182024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ??, ?<br/>?? ???? ??<br/>???? ??? : ???????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787505884601<br/>TianJin Binhai new area : a new shared opportunity for the worldent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1690872024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Ke, Wenli<br/>?? Industries -- China -- Tianjin -- History -- 21st century Tianjin -- China -- History Tianjin -- China -- Economic conditions<br/>???? Beijing : China Intercontinental Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787508514925<br/>?????????. ?????? = Hong Kong social and economic trends. 2009 editionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1696702024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???????. ?????, ?<br/>?? ?? -- ??<br/>???? ?? : ????????????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>Imagining India : the idea of a renewed nationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5666832024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Nilekani, Nandan.<br/>?? India -- Economic policy. India -- Politics and government. India -- Civilization.<br/>???? New York : Penguin Press, 2009.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781594202049<br/>Macao gaming human resources : issues and solutionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2959512024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Zheng, Gu<br/>?? Gambling industry -- Macau Personnel management -- Macau Labour supply -- Macau Casinos Liberalização do jogo<br/>???? Macau : Association of Economic Sciences, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993768982<br/>The post-American world and the rise of the restent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2960312024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Zakaria, Fareed<br/>?? Twenty-first century -- Forecasts International relations -- Forecasting International economic relations -- Forecasting World politics -- 21st century -- Forecasting East and West<br/>???? London : Penguin Books, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780141038056<br/>The cost of capitalism : understanding market mayhem and stabilizing our economic futureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2963772024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Barbera, Robert J<br/>?? Financial crises Economic stabilization Capitalism United States -- Economic conditions -- 2001-2009 United States -- Economic conditions -- 1981-2001<br/>???? New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780071628440<br/>A European economic recovery plan : annual country assessments : Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2973592024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Economic development -- European Union countries Job creation -- European Union countries Employment -- European Union countries European Union countries -- Economic conditions Unemployment -- European Union countries<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communites, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279104794<br/>Moving Europe : EU research on migration and policy needsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2973292024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate-General for Research, Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities<br/>?? Migration, Internal -- European Union countries European Union countries -- Emigration and immigration<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279096983<br/>European research on youth : supporting young people to participate fully in society : the contribution of European Researchent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2973302024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate-General for Research, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities<br/>?? Youth -- Research -- European Union countries Youth -- Government policy -- European Union countries<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279114502<br/>Stephen Roach on the next Asia : opportunities and challenges for a new globalizationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2974422024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Roach, Stephen<br/>?? Investments -- Asia United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Asia Asia -- Foreign economic relations -- Asia<br/>???? Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780470446997<br/>Dumb money : how our greatest financial minds bankrupted the nationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2974452024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Gross, Daniel<br/>?? Financial crises -- United States United States -- Economic conditions -- 2001-2009<br/>???? New York : Free Press, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781439159873<br/>Bailout nation : how greed and easy money corrupted Wall Street and shook the world economyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2974472024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Ritholtz, Barry<br/>?? Financial crises -- United States Finance -- Government policy -- United States Intervention (Federal government) United States -- Economic conditions -- 2001-2009 United States -- Economic policy -- 2001-2009<br/>???? Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780470520383<br/>Losing the news : the future of the news that feeds democracyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2977612024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Jones, Alex S.<br/>?? Journalism -- Political aspects -- United States Journalism -- Economic aspects -- United States Journalism -- Objectivity -- United States Journalistic ethics -- United States<br/>???? New York [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780195181234<br/>The state of China atlas : mapping the world's fastest-growing economyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2978092024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Benewick, Robert<br/>?? China -- Economic conditions -- 2000- China -- Economic conditions -- 2000- -- Maps China -- Politics and government -- 2002- China -- Politics and government -- 2002- -- Maps China -- Social conditions -- 2000-<br/>???? Berkeley [etc.] : University of California Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780520256101<br/>When China rules the world : the rise of the middle kingdom and the end of the Western worldent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2979732024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Jacques, Martin<br/>?? Globalization -- Economic aspects -- China China -- Foreign relations -- 1976- China -- Politics and government -- 2002- China -- Economic conditions -- 2000- China -- Foreign relations -- Western countries<br/>???? London : Allen Lane, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780713992540<br/>Previsivelmente irracional : as forcas ocultas que influenciam as nossas decisoesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3007702024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Ariely, Dan<br/>?? Economia -- Aspectos psicologicos Tomada de decisao Consumidores -- Comportamento<br/>???? Alfragide : Estrela Polar, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789898206183<br/>Gangsteres economicos : corrupcao, violencia e a pobreza das nacoesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3007732024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Fisman, Raymond<br/>?? Corrupcao -- Aspectos Economicos Violencia Corruption -- Economic aspects Political corruption -- Economic aspects Smuggling<br/>???? Lisboa : Espuma dos Dias, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789898299017<br/>Os países de língua portuguesa e a China num mundo globalizado = ?????????????? : ????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3013262024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? WeiDan (??)<br/>?? Economia Desenvolvimento económico Cooperação económica -- China-Macau-Países Lusófonos Cooperação comercial -- China-Macau-Países Lusófonos Língua portuguesa<br/>???? Coimbra : Almedina, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789724039220<br/>Start-up nation : the story of Israel's economic miracleent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3018302024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Senor, Dan<br/>?? Israel -- Economic conditions<br/>???? New York [etc.] : Twelve, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780446541466<br/>Trade-off : why some things catch on, and others don'tent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3018992024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Maney, Kevin, 1960-<br/>?? Technological innovations -- Economic aspects -- History<br/>???? New York : Broadway Books, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780385525947<br/>$20 per gallon : how the inevitable rise in the price of gasoline will change our lives for the betterent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3024522024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Steiner, Christopher.<br/>?? Petroleum products -- Prices -- United States. Transportation -- United States -- Forecasting. Economic forecasting -- United States. United States -- Economic policy -- 2001-2009.<br/>???? New York [etc.] : Grand Central, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780446549554<br/>The corruption of capitalism : a strategy to rebalance the global economy and restore sustainable growthent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3025152024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Duncan, Richard, 1960-<br/>?? Financial crises -- United States Finance -- Government policy -- United States Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 United States -- Economic policy -- 1993-2001 United States -- Economic policy -- 2001-2009<br/>???? Hong Kong [etc.] : CLSA Books, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789889894245<br/>Poorly made in China : an insider's account of the tactics behind China's production gameent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3025332024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Midler, Paul, 1968-<br/>?? Manufactures -- China Work environment -- China China -- Economic conditions -- 2000-<br/>???? Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780470405581<br/>Where underpants come from : from checkout to cotton field - travels through the new Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3187142024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Bennett, Joe, 1957-<br/>?? Bennett, Joe, 1957- -- Travel -- China China -- Commerce Clothing trade -- China Exports -- China China -- Economic conditions<br/>???? London : Pocket Books, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781847390011<br/>Report on the economic and social development of Tibetent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3226002024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? China Tibetology Research Center<br/>?? Tibet Autonomous Region (China) -- Economic conditions Tibet Autonomous Region (China) -- Social conditions<br/>???? Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787119056661<br/>Globalization and informal jobs in developing countriesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3758942024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Bacchetta, Marc<br/>?? Informal sector (Economics) -- Developing countries Labor market -- Developing countries Globalization -- Economic aspects<br/>???? Geneva : International Labour Organization : World Trade Organization, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789287036919<br/>Edinni v raznoobrazieto = Unida en la diversidad = United in diversityent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3760832024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs<br/>?? European Union -- Membership European Union countries<br/>???? [Luxembourg?] : European Communities, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279125591<br/>Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions : a strategy for ICT R&D and innovation in Europe : raising the gameent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3760972024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Commission of the European Communities<br/>?? Information technology -- Government policy -- European Union countries<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279111587<br/>The priorities of the European Economic and Social Committee during the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union, January-June 2010ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3760982024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Economic and Social Committee<br/>?? Council of the European Union -- Presidency European Economic and Social Committee European Union countries -- Economic policy European Union countries -- Social policy<br/>???? Brussels : European Economic and Social Committee, [2009]<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789283012733<br/>The priorities of the European Economic and Social Committee during the Swedish presidency of the Council of the European Union, July-December 2009ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3761212024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Economic and Social Committee<br/>?? Council of the European Union European Economic and Social Committee European Union countries -- Economic policy European Union countries -- Social policy<br/>???? [Brussels] : European Economic and Social Committee, "Visits and Publications" Unit (ViP), [2009]<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789283012290<br/>A concise history of Chinese economic thoughtent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3039392024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Hu, Jichuang<br/>?? Economics -- China -- History<br/>???? Beijing : Foreign Language Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787119057552<br/>Global financial crisis : implications for ASEANent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3043252024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.. ASEAN Studies Centre<br/>?? ASEAN Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 Southeast Asia -- Economic policy<br/>???? Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789812309181<br/>Nudge : improving decisions about health, wealth, and happinessent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3068942024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Thaler, Richard H., 1945-<br/>?? Economics -- Psychological aspects Choice (Psychology) -- Economic aspects Decision making -- Psychological aspects Consumer behavior<br/>???? New York : Penguin Books, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780143115267<br/>The ascent of money : a financial history of the worldent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3069002024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Ferguson, Niall<br/>?? Finance -- History Economic history Economics -- History Money -- History International finance -- History<br/>???? New York : Penguin, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780143116172<br/>China and the transformation of global capitalisment://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3072162024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Hung, Ho-fung<br/>?? Capitalism Economic history -- 21st century China -- Economic policy -- 2000- China -- Economic conditions -- 2000-<br/>???? Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780801893087<br/>Stephen Roach on the next Asia : opportunities and challenges for a new globalizationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3102462024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Roach, Stephen S.<br/>?? Investments -- Asia United States -- Foreign economic relations -- Asia Asia -- Foreign economic relations -- United States<br/>???? Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780470646045<br/>Breaking through : the birth of China's opening-up policyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3104832024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Li, Lanqing<br/>?? Economic development -- China China -- Economic policy -- 1976-2000 China -- Economic conditions -- 1976-2000 China -- Foreign relations -- 1976- China -- Politics and government -- 1976-2002<br/>???? Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780198016922<br/>Aid for Trade at a glance 2009 : maintaining momentument://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3269302024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? World Trade Organization<br/>?? Aid for Trade (Initiative) Economic assistance -- Developing countries Economic assistance -- Developing countries -- Statistics International economic relations International economic integration<br/>???? [Geneva?] : World Trade Organization, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789287035257<br/>Law and social sciences : proceedings of the first seminarent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2958052024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Espandinha, Maria Antónia<br/>?? Law and the social sciences -- China -- Macau (SAR) -- Congresses Law and the social sciences -- Brazil -- Congresses Law and the social sciences Constituição -- China Constituição -- Brasil<br/>???? Macau : University of Macau, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993797050<br/>Common wealth : economics for a crowded planetent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2958812024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Sachs, Jeffrey<br/>?? Economic policy Sustainable development Globalisierung<br/>???? New York : Penguin Books, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780143114871<br/>Kitchen table sustainability : practical recipes for community engagement with sustainabilityent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2962302024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Sarkissian, Wendy<br/>?? Community development Sustainable development -- Citizen participation Economic development -- Citizen participation Regional planning<br/>???? London ; Sterling, VA : Earthscan, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781844076147<br/>Right relationship : building a whole earth economyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2964152024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Brown, Peter G.<br/>?? Sustainable development -- Econometric models Human ecology -- Economic aspects<br/>???? San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781576757628<br/>Change for America : a progressive blueprint for the 44th presidentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2964282024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Green, Mark J.<br/>?? Political planning -- United States National security -- United States -- Planning United States -- Economic policy -- 2001-2009 United States -- Social policy -- 1993- United States -- Military policy<br/>???? New York : Basic Books, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780465013876<br/>Material markets : how economic agents are constructedent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2964442024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? MacKenzie, Donald<br/>?? Economics -- Sociological aspects Markets -- Social aspects Money market<br/>???? New York [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780199278152<br/>The return of the economic naturalist : how economics helps make sense of your worldent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2964482024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Frank, Robert H<br/>?? Economics -- Popular works<br/>???? London : Virgin, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780753519660<br/>House of cards : how Wall Street's gamblers broke capitalisment://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2964502024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Cohan, William D.<br/>?? Bear, Stearns & Co. -- History Financial institutions -- United States International economic relations<br/>???? London : Allen Lane, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781846141959<br/>O safari chines : pequim a conquista do continente negroent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2968302024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Michel, Serge<br/>?? Africa -- Foreign economic relations -- China China -- Foreign economic relations -- Africa<br/>???? Alfragide : Dom Quixote, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789722037754<br/>The ascent of money : a financial history of the worldent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2968802024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Ferguson, Niall<br/>?? Finance -- History Economic history Economics -- History Money -- History International finance -- History<br/>???? London [etc.] : Penguin Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780141035482<br/>Clintonomics : how Bill Clinton reengineered the Reagan revolutionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2970422024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Godwin, Jack<br/>?? Clinton, Bill, 1946- United States -- Economic policy -- 1993-2001<br/>???? New York : American Management Association, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780814413982<br/>Spin-free economics : a no-nonsense, nonpartisan guide to today's global economic debatesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2970212024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Behravesh, Nariman<br/>?? International economic relations International finance Globalization -- Economic aspects Economic development<br/>???? New York : McGraw-Hill, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780071549035<br/>The ROI of human capital : measuring the economic value of employee performanceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2970922024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Fitz-enz, Jac<br/>?? Human capital Productivity accounting Labor economics<br/>???? New York : AMACOM, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780814413326<br/>Leadership in the era of economic uncertainty : the new rules for getting the right things done in difficult timesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2971032024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Charan, Ram<br/>?? Leadership Financial crises Achievement motivation<br/>???? New York : McGraw-Hill, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780071626163<br/>A European economic recovery plan : detailed overview of progress across the EU in the specific macro- and micro-economic as well as the employment areas : Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2973582024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Economic development -- European Union countries Employment -- European Union countries European Union countries -- Economic conditions Unemployment -- European Union countries<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communites, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279104817<br/>Trade and climate change : a report by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Trade Organizationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2973252024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Tamiotti, Ludivine, 1973-<br/>?? Global warming -- Economic aspects Climatic changes -- Economic aspects International trade -- Environmental aspects Climatic changes -- International cooperation Climatic changes -- Government policy<br/>???? Geneva [Switzerland] : World Trade Organization ; [Nairobi, Kenya] : United Nations Environment Programme, 2009.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789287035226<br/>The gods that failed : how blind faith in markets has cost us our futureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2974672024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Elliott, Larry<br/>?? Financial crises Capitalism Economic history -- 1945- Economic security<br/>???? New York : Nation Books, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781568586021<br/>Meltdown : a free-market look at why the stock market collapsed, the economy tanked, and government bailouts will make things worseent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2977562024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Woods, Thomas E.<br/>?? Financial crises -- United States Finance -- Government policy -- United States United States -- Economic conditions -- 2001-2009 United States -- Economic policy -- 2001-2009<br/>???? Washington, DC : Regnery Pub., 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781596985872<br/>The economic naturalist's field guide : common sense principle for troubled timesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2979722024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Frank, Robert H.<br/>?? Economics Economics -- Psychological aspects Environmental policy -- Economic aspects Income distribution Finance<br/>???? New York, NY : Basic Books, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780465015115<br/>The undercover economist : the very best letters from the 'dear economist'columnent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2979882024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Harford, Tim, 1973-<br/>?? Economics Economics -- Psychological aspects Conduct of life -- Economic aspects Economics -- Popular works<br/>???? London : Little, Brown, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781408701553<br/>Bernanke's test : Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, and the drama of the central bankerent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2979902024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Overtveldt, Johan Van<br/>?? Bernanke, Ben Greenspan, Alan, 1926- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) Banks and banking, Central -- United States Monetary policy -- United States<br/>???? Chicago : Agate, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781932841374<br/>China shakes the world : the rise of a hungry nationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2979932024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Kynge, James<br/>?? China -- Economic conditions -- 2000- China -- Foreign economic relations<br/>???? London : Phoenix, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780753826706<br/>???????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2980142024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???, ?<br/>?? ?? -- ?? ?? -- ??<br/>???? ?? : ???? : ??????, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993798637<br/>Green recovery : get lean, get smart, and emerge from the downturn on topent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2987622024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Winston, Andrew S.<br/>?? Industrial management -- Environmental aspects Organizational effectiveness -- Environmental aspects Strategic planning -- Environmental aspects Green movement -- Economic aspects<br/>???? Boston, MA : Harvard Business Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781422166543<br/>Macau e as relações económicas China/Países de língua portuguesa 1999-2009 : Dez anos de crescimentoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2987752024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Instituto Internacional de Macau<br/>?? Economia -- Macau Desenvolvimento económico -- Macau Cooperação económica -- China-Macau-Países Lusófonos<br/>???? Macau : Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993745297<br/>The miracle : the epic story of Asia's quest for wealthent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2989352024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Schuman, Michael<br/>?? Economic development -- Asia -- 20th century Economic development -- Asia -- 21st century Asia -- Economic policy -- 20th century Asia -- Economic policy -- 21st century<br/>???? New York : Harper Business, c2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780061346682<br/>Macau 2009 : livro do anoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2991132024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Macau. Gabinete de Comunicação Social do Governo da RAEM<br/>?? Cronologia -- 2008 Anuário de Macau Economia Desenvolvimento económico Turismo<br/>???? Macau : GCS, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993756149<br/>Macao yearbook 2009ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2991152024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Macau. Government Information Bureau of the Macao S.A.R.<br/>?? Yearbooks -- Macau -- 2009 Chronology -- Macau -- 2008 Cronologia -- 2008 Anuário de Macau Economia<br/>???? Macau : GCS, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993756156<br/>When China rules the world : the end of the western world and the birth of a new global orderent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2992442024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Jacques, Martin<br/>?? Globalization -- Economic aspects -- China China -- Foreign relations -- 1976- China -- Politics and government -- 2002- China -- Economic conditions -- 2000- China -- Foreign relations -- Western countries<br/>???? New York : Penguin Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781594201851<br/>World wide internet : changing societies, economies and culturesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2986972024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Cardoso, Gustavo<br/>?? Internet -- Social aspects Internet -- Economic aspects Information society Internet Tecnologia de informação<br/>???? Macau : University of Macau, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993798644<br/>Tendências de integração economica do sul da China : desafios e oportunidadesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2987162024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Silveira, André Castel-Branco da<br/>?? Economia Desenvolvimento económico Relações económicas<br/>???? Macau : Instituto Politécnico : Instituto Internacional, [2009]<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993745280<br/>China, aventura milenar : um relance brasileiroent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2987212024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Oliveira, Carlos Tavares de<br/>?? Política -- China Economia -- China Relações comerciais sino-americanas Relações comerciais sino-brasileiras Deng Xiaoping, 1904-1997<br/>???? Macau : Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993745242<br/>As relações Brasil-China e os desafios do século XXIent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2987232024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Cabral, Severino<br/>?? Política Economia Relações diplomáticas -- China-Brasil Relações comerciais sino-brasileiras<br/>???? Macau : Instituto Internacional de Macau, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993745228<br/>??? = Conference proceedings : an international conference on gaming industry and public welfare 2009ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2988332024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???????????????? (2009 : ?????)<br/>?? ??? -- ???? -- ?????? ??? -- ?? Jogo Turismo Economia<br/>???? China : ???????????????(China Center for Lottery Studies(CCLS) Peking University), 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993758815<br/>Confronting collapse : the crisis of energy and money in a post peak oil world : a 25-point program for actionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2994282024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Ruppert, Michael C.<br/>?? Energy policy -- United States Energy policy -- Economic aspects -- United States<br/>???? White River Junction, Vt. : Chelsea Green Pub., 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781603582643<br/>Predictioneer's game : using the logic of brazen self-interest to see and shape the futureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3027512024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, 1946-<br/>?? Game theory Economic man Self-interest<br/>???? New York : Random House, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781400067879<br/>Retrospect and prospect of China's thirty-year reform of economic systement://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3039552024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Wei, Liuqun<br/>?? China -- Economic conditions -- 1976-2000 China -- Economic conditions -- 2000- China -- Economic policy -- 1976-2000 China -- Economic policy -- 2000-<br/>???? Beijing : People's Publishing House, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787010083025<br/>Study on the China model : analysis of economic development path of Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3039722024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Jiang, Jinquan<br/>?? China -- Economic policy -- 2000- China -- Economic policy -- 1976-2000<br/>???? Beijing : People's Publishing House, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787010081090<br/>Plugging into production networks : industrialization strategy in less developed Southeast Asian countriesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3043112024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Kuroiwa, Ikuo<br/>?? Industrial policy -- Southeast Asia Industrial clusters -- Southeast Asia Southeast Asia -- Economic integration<br/>???? Singapore : ISEAS, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789812309341<br/>ASEAN economic community blueprintent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3043212024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.. ASEAN Studies Centre<br/>?? ASEAN -- Congresses Southeast Asia -- Economic integration -- Congresses Regionalism -- Southeast Asia -- Congresses<br/>???? Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789812309327<br/>Economic integration and the investment climates in ASEAN countries : perspectives from Taiwan investorsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3043232024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.. ASEAN Studies Centre<br/>?? ASEAN -- Congresses Investments, Taiwan -- Southeast Asia -- Congresses Southeast Asia -- Economic integration -- Congresses Southeast Asia -- Commerce -- Taiwan -- Congresses Taiwan -- Commerce -- Southeast Asia -- Congresses<br/>???? Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789812307743<br/>Competition among financial centres in Asia-Pacific : prospects, benefits, risks, and policy challengesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3043272024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Young, Soogil<br/>?? Competition -- Pacific Area -- Congresses Competition -- Asia -- Congresses Financial institutions, International -- Asia -- Congresses Financial institutions, International -- Pacific Area -- Congresses Asia -- Economic integration -- Congresses<br/>???? Singapore : ISEAS, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789812308559<br/>The EESC : a bridge between Europe and organised civil societyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3050912024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Economic and Social Committee<br/>?? European Economic and Social Committee<br/>???? Luxembourg : European Economic and Social Committee, [2009]<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789283011675<br/>Mes impressions sur la Chine : la Chine aux yeux des officiers etrangers (en version francaise)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3051302024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Zhang, Yingli<br/>?? China -- Politics and government -- 21st century China -- Economic conditions -- 21st century<br/>???? Beijing : China Intercontinental Press, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9787508517087<br/>Dear undercover economist : priceless advice on money, work, sex, kids, and life's other challangesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3051642024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Harford, Tim, 1973-<br/>?? Economics Economics -- Psychological aspects Conduct of life -- Economic aspects<br/>???? London : Little, Brown, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780349121543<br/>Galapagos at the crossroads : pirates, biologists, tourists and creationists battle for Darwin's cradle of evolutionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3052652024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Bassett, Carol Ann<br/>?? Bassett, Carol Ann -- Travel -- Galapagos Islands Nature conservation -- Galapagos Islands Galapagos Islands -- Description and travel Galapagos Islands -- Social conditions Galapagos Islands -- Politics and government<br/>???? Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781426204029<br/>Factos sobre o alargamento da UEent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3055572024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Comissao Europeia. Direccao-Geral do Alargamento<br/>?? Alargamento Comunitario Politica economica Politica do ambiente Livre circulacao de pessoas Livre circulacao dos trabalhadores<br/>???? Luxemburgo : Servico das Publicacoes Oficiais das Comunidades Europeias, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279117640<br/>Emprego e crescimento na UE : itinerario para um futuro sustentavelent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3055612024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? Comissao Europeia. Direccao-Geral da Comunicacao<br/>?? Politica Social Politica de emprego Crescimento economico Politica do Ambiente Desenvolvimento sustentavel<br/>???? Luxemburgo : Servico das Publicacoes Oficiais das Comunidades Europeias, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279074356<br/>Better, faster, more : implementing EC external aid 2004-2009ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3758232024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. EuropeAid Co-operation Office<br/>?? Economic assistance, European Economic development<br/>???? Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279123504<br/>European research on education and training : FP6 and FP7 research projects addressing directly issues of education and trainingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3758262024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Sixth Framework Programme (European Commission) Seventh Framework Programme (European Commission) Education -- European Union countries Training -- European Union countries<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European communities, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279114847<br/>The world in 2025 : rising Asia and socio-ecological transitionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3760952024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate General for Research<br/>?? Economic forecasting Globalization -- Asia Globalization -- European Union countries International relations<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279124853<br/>?????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4078622024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???y<br/>??? ??<br/>???????????????????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4078632024-12-26T13:14:54Z2024-12-26T13:14:54Z?? / ??? ???<br/>??? ??<br/>