???? Museus -- Macau - ?????? 2005SirsiDynix Enterprisehttps://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003dMuseus$002b--$002bMacau$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509$0025E5$002587$0025BA$0025E7$002589$002588$0025E6$002597$0025A5$0025E6$00259C$00259F$0025092005$0025092005$0026ps$003d300?2025-01-13T18:59:03Z2005???????? 2005 Macau dia internacional dos museus = 2005 Macao international museum dayent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1534102025-01-13T18:59:03Z2025-01-13T18:59:03Z?? / ??? ?????<br/>?? ???<br/>???? [Macau : ?????, 2005]<br/>??? ??<br/>Macau cidade de congressos e festivaisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3905672025-01-13T18:59:03Z2025-01-13T18:59:03Z?? Turismo Porto de Ka-Ho Jogos sem fronteiras Aeroporto Internacional de Macau Central de incineração<br/>??? ????<br/>Prego a fundo no museuent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3975222025-01-13T18:59:03Z2025-01-13T18:59:03Z?? / ??? Santos, José Costa<br/>?? Museu do Grande Prémio de Macau<br/>??? ????<br/>??? = The port of Macaoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2711732025-01-13T18:59:03Z2025-01-13T18:59:03Z?? / ??? ??. ???, ?<br/>?? ?? -- ?? ?? -- ?? ???? -- ?? ????? -- ?? ?? -- ??<br/>???? ?? : ???(Maritime Administration), 2005<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993760221<br/>A luz da escola do sul : exposição extraordinária comemorativa do 450o. aniversário do nascimento de Dong Qi Chang = The light of the southern school : special exhibition on the 450th anniversary of the birth of Don Qi Changent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2818032025-01-13T18:59:03Z2025-01-13T18:59:03Z?? / ??? Macau. Instituto para os Assuntos Cívicos e Municipais<br/>?? Pintura chinesa Caligrafia chinesa Exposição Catálogo Dong Qi Chang<br/>???? Macau : IACM, 2005<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993754534<br/>The new Macauent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2698062025-01-13T18:59:03Z2025-01-13T18:59:03Z?? / ??? Welker, Jennifer<br/>?? História de Macau Descrição de viagens -- Macau Casinos Jogo Hóteis<br/>???? Macau : China-Link, c. 2005<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993782209<br/>