???? Lisboa - ?????? EnglishSirsiDynix Enterprisehttps://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003dLisboa$0026qf$003dLANGUAGE$002509Language$002509ENG$002509English$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue?2024-12-28T18:37:38ZBest of Lisboaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2798842024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Carter, Terry<br/>?? Lisbon (Portugal) -- Guidebooks<br/>???? Footscray, Vic : Lonely Planet Publication, 2006<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781741040883<br/>Lisboa = Lisbonne = Lisbon = Lissabonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3593452024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Andrade, Ferreira<br/>?? Roteiro -- Lisboa<br/>???? Lisboa : Editorial Publicacoes Turisticas, 1965<br/>??? ??<br/>Lisboa = Lisbonne = Lisbon = Lissabonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3593502024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Andrade, Ferreira<br/>?? Roteiro -- Lisboa<br/>???? Lisboa : Editorial Publicacoes Turistricas, 1960<br/>??? ??<br/>Lisboa and its surroundings.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5340372024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z???? Lisboa : Distri editora, [19--?]<br/>??? ??<br/>A quick look around Lisboaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2623222024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Zambujal, Isabel<br/>?? Lisbon (Portugal) -- Guidebooks<br/>???? Lisbon : Oficina do Livro, 2003<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789895550029<br/>Exibition guide : Feira Internaciola de Lisboaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4855592024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Lisboa 93 : estilo de vida = life stylesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2835962024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Mendonca, Maria Sobral, 1963-<br/>?? Lisboa (Portugal) -- Guidebooks Lisboa (Portugal) -- Monografia<br/>???? Lisboa : Press-Forum Comunicacao Social, 1993<br/>??? ??<br/>First Lisbon Meeting on Child Language with Special Reference to Romance Languages = Primeiro Encontro de Lisboa sobre Linguagem Infantil com Referência Especialàs Línguas Românicasent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4178222024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Encontro de Lisboa sobre Linguagem Infantil com Referência Especialàs Línguas Românicas (1o. : 1994 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Linguística Encontro<br/>???? Lisboa : APL, 1994.<br/>??? ??<br/>5th Congress of the European Anthropological Association : Lisboa 28th September - 4th October 1986.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4929712024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Estaleiros navais de Lisboa, S.A.R.L.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4914402024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Embroidered quilts : from the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga Lisboa : India, Portugal, China 16th/18th century.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4896452024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>ICAS proceedings 1978 : 11th Congress of the Internation Council of Aeronautical Sicences (ICAS) : 10-16 September 1978 LIsboa/Portugalent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4915362024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>African realities and delusions : Address given in the Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa at the closing meeting of the <<Semana do Ultramar>> 9th June 1962ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4897372024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Best of Brussels, Bruges, Antwerp & Ghentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2798862024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Carter, Terry<br/>?? Brussels (Belgium) -- Guidebooks<br/>???? Footscray, Vic : Lonely Planet Publication, 2006<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781740597395<br/>Southern europe and the enlargement of the EECent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4592002024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Workshop (1980 : Lisboa)<br/>?? C.E.E -- Sul da Europa<br/>???? Lisboa : ECONOMIA, 1982.<br/>??? ??<br/>New routes for leisure : actasent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2461972024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Congresso Mundial do Lazer (1992 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Leisure industry<br/>???? Lisboa : Instituto de Ciencias Sociais. Universidade, 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>To the capitalent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2539892024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900.<br/>???? Manchester : Carcanet Press, 1995<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781857541977<br/>The yellow sofa & three portraitsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2539902024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900.<br/>???? Manchester : Carcanet Press, 1993<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781857540345<br/>The illustrious house of Ramiresent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2539932024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900.<br/>???? Manchester : Carcanet Press, 1992<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780856359682<br/>Macau interactive cityent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2861122024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? universidade nova de Lisboa. CITI, produced<br/>?? ?? -- ?? ?? -- ?? ?? -- ???? ?? -- ?? ???? -- ??<br/>???? Macau : Macau government information services, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>Justice across the atlantic : the theory and the reality of the criminal process in Portugal and in the United States of Americaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3354462024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Justice Across the Atlantic (1997 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Criminal procedure -- Portugal Criminal procedure -- United States Processo Criminal -- Portugal Processo Criminal -- Estados Unidos<br/>???? Lisboa : Luso-American Development Foundation, 1997<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729724688<br/>Littoral 94 : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3362632024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? International Symposium (2 : Lisboa :1994)<br/>?? Oceanografia Oceanography<br/>???? Porto : Instituto de Hidraulica e Recusrso Hidricos. Universidade : Instituto de Conservacao da Natureza. Ministerio do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais, 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>The Ageing of the Population-Challenges and Alternative Strategies for Europeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4581092024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Mesa Redonda Europeia, (1993 : Lisboa,)<br/>?? Envelhecimento da População -- Europa<br/>???? Lisboa : National Commitee for Elderly Policy, 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>Coloquio Herman Melvilleent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3132252024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Coloquio Herman Melville, (1991 : Lisboa,)<br/>?? Melville, Herman, 1819-1891.<br/>???? Lisboa : Colibri, imp. 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>Descriptive list of the state papers Portugal : 1661-1780 : in the Public Record Office Londonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4941142024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Portugal. Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.<br/>???? Lisboa : Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, 1979-1983.<br/>??? ??<br/>Macau na Filmoda [3]ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2564352024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Macau na Filmoda (1973 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Comércio externo Indústria<br/>???? [Lisboa : s.n., 1973]<br/>??? ??<br/>Flat roof waterproofing systems in Portugal. present situation and actions for the future : comunicacaoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3359232024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? IAHS World Housing Congress (25 : 1998 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Roof<br/>???? Lisboa : CDIT, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789724917689<br/>Housing : an heritage for the future : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3386142024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? IAHS World Housing Congress (25 : 1998 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Housing City planning Architecture<br/>???? Porto : Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789727520244 9789727520251<br/>Proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4054522024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Meeting on the Pyrenean Desman (1992 : Lisboa)<br/>?? História Natural Seminário<br/>???? Lisboa : Serviço Nacional de Parques, Reservas e Conservação da Natureza : Museu Nacional de História Natural-Museu Bocage, D.L.1993<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728083137<br/>Oitavo Congresso Internacional de Criminologia : actasent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3827442024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Congresso Internacional de Criminologia (8, : 1978 : Lisboa,)<br/>?? CriminologiaCongresso -- Actas<br/>???? [Lisboa] : Comissao Organizadora, [1978?]<br/>??? ??<br/>Travels and knowledge : (China, Macau and Global Connections)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5219242024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Colóquio Internacional "China-Macau e Globalizações" (2014 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Globalization História da China História de Macau Globalização China -- History<br/>???? Lisboa : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, I.P. ; Macau : Fundação Macau, 2018<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728586546<br/>Macau : past and presentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4704932024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Colóquio Internacional "Macau : passado e presente" (2012 : Lisboa)<br/>?? História de Macau Macau -- History International Colloquium "Macau : past and present" Colóquio Internacional "Macau : passado e presente"<br/>???? Lisboa : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau ; Macau : Fundação Macau, 2015<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728586430<br/>Port cities and intercultural relations 15th-18th centuriesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3115802024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Colóquio Internacional "Cidades Portuárias e Relações Interculturais: Séc. XV-XVIII", (2009 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Port Cities -- Intercultural relations -- 15th-18th Centuries International Symposium -- Proceedings -- Lisbon -- 12-14/Oct/2009 Cidades portuárias -- Relações interculturais -- Séc. XV-XVIII Colóquio Internacional -- Textos -- Lisboa -- 12-14/Out/2009<br/>???? Lisboa : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, I.P., 2012<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728586294<br/>Paths of Macau and of Portuguese-Chinese Relations (1974-1999) : proceedings of the seminarent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3103542024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Seminário Rumos de Macau e das Relações Portugal-China (1974-1999) (2009 : Lisboa)<br/>?? História de Macau Questão de Macau Relações luso-chinesas Negociações -- China-Portugal Transição de Macau<br/>???? Lisboa : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, 2010<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728586171<br/>Rumos de Macau e das relações Portugal-China (1974-1999) : actas do seminárioent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5983742024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Seminário Rumos de Macau e das Relações Portugal-China (1974-1999) (2009 : Lisboa)<br/>?? História de Macau Questão de Macau Relações luso-chinesas Negociações -- China-Portugal Transição de Macau<br/>???? Lisboa : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, 2010<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728586188<br/>Bulletin of portuguese-japanese studiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2576942024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Centro de História de Além Mar<br/>?? Japan History Jesuits -- Japan Missionaries -- Japan História do Japão Jesuítas -- Japão<br/>???? Lisboa : Centro de História Além-Mar, 2000-2001<br/>??? ??<br/>Macau in the Pearl River Deltaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2605822024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa. Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas. Instituto do Oriente<br/>?? Economia -- Macau Desenvolvimento económico -- Macau Investimento -- China Geografia -- Delta do Rio das Pérolas Cultura<br/>???? Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, 2000<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729229732<br/>Proceedings of the eighteenth International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Educationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3713692024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (8 : 1994 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Psicologia -- Congresso Matematica -- Ensino<br/>???? Lisboa : Universidade de Lisboa.Faculdade de Ciencias.Departamento de Educacao, D.L.1994<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728161002 9789728161019 9789728161026 9789728161033<br/>Social Psychology in Europe : abstracts bookent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4043922024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (10 : 1993 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Psicologia Social<br/>???? Lisboa : Cosmos [distrib.], 1993<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728081171<br/>Proceedings of an International Conference : the social dimension of politics - what kind of answers?ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4174952024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? International Academy for Development in Freedom (6 : 1992 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Sociologia Conferência<br/>???? Sintra : AILD, D.L.1993<br/>??? ??<br/>International Business and Europe after 1992 : proceedings of the 19 th Annual Conferenceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4173142024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Annual Conference of European International Business Association (19 : 1993 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Economia Conferência<br/>???? Lisboa : CEDE-Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 1993.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729594403 9789729594410 9789729594427<br/>Biopsychology of early parent-infant communicationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3790142024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? International Symposium "Olá Bébé - Early Parent-Infant Communication (1986 : Lisboa).<br/>?? Biologia Psicologia Família Relações pais e filhos<br/>???? Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.Serviço de Educação, imp.1989<br/>??? ??<br/>VIII festival internacional do filme industrialent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3820822024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Festival Internacional do Filme Industrial, (8, : Lisboa,1967)<br/>?? Cinematografia<br/>???? Lisboa : [s.n.], 1967 (Lisboa : Tipografia Casa Portuguesa)<br/>??? ??<br/>Actasent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3714382024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Congresso Internacional de Historia dos Descobrimentos (1960 : Lisboa)<br/>?? Historia de Portugal -- Descobrimentos Portugueses Congresso -- Actas<br/>???? Lisboa : Comissao Executiva das Comemoracoes do V Centenario da Morte do Infante D. Henrique, 1961<br/>??? ??<br/>O Tejoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3596262024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Pires, Mário, 1904-<br/>?? Rio Tejo<br/>???? Lisboa : Camara Municipal de Lisboa, [D.L. 1964]<br/>??? ??<br/>Doroteo Arnaiz : signos, simbolos, siluetas, sombras : 1958-1998ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3049932024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Arnaiz, Doroteo, 1936-<br/>?? Arnaiz, Doroteo, 1936-<br/>???? Lisboa : Sociedada Nacional de Belas-Artes, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9788486836993<br/>History of Mathematical Sciences : Portugal and East Asia II : scientific practices and the portuguese expansion in Asia (1498-1759)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2697112024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? International meeting "History of Mathematical Sciences. Portugal and East Asia" (2 : 1998 : Macau)<br/>?? Matemática Ciência matemática Expansão portuguesa -- Ásia História de Macau Intercâmbio cultural -- Portugal-China<br/>???? Lisboa : EMAFUL-UL, 2001<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729522932<br/>Econometric methodsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4041572024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Teekens, Rudolf.<br/>?? Ciência Económica<br/>???? Lisboa : ISEGI, 1993.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728093020<br/>Rediscovering the role of film archives : to preserve and to showent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3599822024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? International Federation of Film Archives<br/>?? Cinema -- Portugal Cinemateca Portuguesa Conferencias -- Cinema -- Portugal<br/>???? Lisboa : International Federation of Film Archives, 1993<br/>??? ??<br/>A new life of Saint Francis Xavierent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2554302024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Schurhammer, Georg, 1882-1971 S.J.<br/>?? Biografia Bibliografia Jesuítas Francisco Xavier, Santo<br/>???? Lisboa : [s.n.], 1961<br/>??? ??<br/>Poemas inglesesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2694222024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935<br/>?? Literatura Portuguesa -- Poesia -- Traducao para ingles Poetry, Portuguese -- Translations into English Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935.<br/>???? Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional. Casa da Moeda, 1993-<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789722705141 9789722708517 9789722709361<br/>Patronage dossier : Fundação Oriente Museument://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3092922024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Fundação Oriente<br/>?? Arte Cultura Fundação Oriente Museum<br/>???? Lisboa : Fundação Oriente, [20 ]<br/>??? ??<br/>Fake plastic girlent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5806722024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Lisbon, Zara.<br/>?? Actresses -- Juvenile fiction. Female friendship -- Juvenile fiction. Murder -- Juvenile fiction. Actors and actresses -- Juvenile fiction. Venice (Los Angeles, Calif.) -- Juvenile fiction.<br/>???? New York : Henry Holt and Company, 2019.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781250156297<br/>Drawing breath : through branches = Desenhar. Respirar : por entre árvoresent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4914052024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Archer, Carol<br/>?? Painting -- Exhibition catalogs Pintura Catálogo Exposição Archer, Carol<br/>???? Lisboa : [s.n.], cop. 2017<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789996557163<br/>José de Almada Negreiros : a way of being modernent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5880932024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Negreiros, Almada, 1893-1970.<br/>?? Geometry in art -- Exhibitions. Glass painting and staining -- Portugal -- Exhibitions. Painting, Portuguese -- 20th century -- Exhibitions. Almada Negreiros, José de, 1893-1970 -- Exhibitions.<br/>???? Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian : Documenta, c2017.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789898834553<br/>The portugueseent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5819862024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Hatton, Barry<br/>?? História de Portugal Portugal -- Social life and custons Portugal -- History<br/>???? Lisboa : Clube do Autor, 2015<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789897240218<br/>History and interregnum : three works by Stan Douglasent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4996322024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Lapa, Pedro.<br/>?? Video installations (Art) Photography, Artistic. Douglas, Stan, 1960- -- Exhibitions.<br/>???? Lisboa : Museu Coleção Berardo, 2015.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9783943620382<br/>Skylightent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5000212024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Saramago, José, 1922-2010.<br/>?? Lisbon (Portugal) -- Fiction.<br/>???? London : Vintage, 2015.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780099581826<br/>Macao's creative "fever" on show in Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4227662024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Tao, Max<br/>??? ????<br/>Skylightent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5161602024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Saramago, José, 1922-2010.<br/>?? Interpersonal relations -- Fiction. Nineteen forties -- Fiction. Portuguese fiction -- Translations into English. Lisbon (Portugal) -- Fiction.<br/>???? London : Harvill Secker, 2014.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781846557347<br/>Night train to lisbon ?????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2112142024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? August, Bille, ??<br/>???? ?? : ????, 2013<br/>??? ????<br/>InFLUXUS 2013 - Creative Dialogues : Beijing, Macau, Lisbon and Portoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5755832024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Babel-Cultural Organization<br/>?? Short films Artists Art Filmes Artistas<br/>???? [Macau] : Babel-Cultural Organization, 2013<br/>??? ??<br/>Night train to Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5153742024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Mercier, Pascal, 1944-<br/>?? Teachers -- Fiction. Teachers -- Travel -- Europe -- Fiction. Self-realization -- Fiction. Psychological fiction.<br/>???? London : Atlantic Books, 2013.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781782390893<br/>Tracing Macau through chinese writers and Buddhist/Daoist Templesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4887832024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Cheng, Miu Bing (Christina)<br/>?? Buddhist temples Taoist temples Templos Budismo Tauismo<br/>???? Macau : Fundação Macau ; Lisboa : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, I.P., 2013<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789993710950<br/>Law, politics, and ombudsmen in the Lisbon era : 8th National Seminar of the European Network of Ombudsmen, Copenhagen 20-22 October 2011.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3761972024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Seminar of the National Ombudsmen of EU Member States and Candidate Countries (8th : 2011 : Copenhagen)<br/>?? Ombudspersons -- European Union countries -- Congresses<br/>???? Strasbourg : European Network of Ombudsmen, c2012<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789292123451<br/>Pocket Lisbon : top sights, local life, made easyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3111902024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Christiani, Kerry<br/>?? Lisbon (Portugal) -- Guidebooks<br/>???? Oakland, CA [etc.] : Lonely Planet, 2012<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781741797022<br/>A Grande Fome de Mao : a história da maior catástrofe de sempre na China, 1958-1962ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5818582024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Dikötter, Frank.<br/>?? Famines -- China. Food supply -- China. China -- Economic policy -- 1949-1976.<br/>???? Lisboa : D.Quixote, 2012.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789722050661<br/>Museum of the orient in Lisbon : a conversation between past and presentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4130152024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Staff Reporter<br/>??? ????<br/>Portuguese heritage around the world : architecture and urbanism : Asia Oceaniaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4253352024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Mattoso, José<br/>?? Arquitectura portuguesa -- Ásia Arquitectura portuguesa -- Oceânia Património cultural -- Ásia Património cultural -- Oceânia Urbanismo<br/>???? Lisboa : Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, c.2011<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789899575882<br/>Macau work in progressent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3067722024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Hartung, David<br/>?? ?? -- ??? ?? -- ??? Fotografia -- Macau História de Macau Casinos<br/>???? Macau : Ignite Media Group Limited(??????), 2011<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789996587009<br/>Top 10 Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3115252024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Tranaeus, Tomas<br/>?? Lisbon (Portugal) -- Guidebooks<br/>???? London [etc.] : DK, c2011<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780756670399<br/>Macau seen from four angles at four different moments in its history : from Macau, Hong Kong, Lisbon, and Beijingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4196562024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Catarino, Pedro<br/>??? ??<br/>The askent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2998572024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Lipsyte, Sam, 1968-<br/>?? College administrators -- Fiction College benefactors -- Fiction Educational fund raising -- Fiction Satire<br/>???? Lisboa : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780374298913<br/>Forever someone else : selected poemsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4809452024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935.<br/>?? Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935 -- Translations into English.<br/>???? Lisboa : Assírio & Alvim, 2010.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789723713794<br/>Traditional Portuguese cookingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3118932024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Modesto, Maria de Lurdes, 1930-<br/>?? Cooking, Portuguese<br/>???? Lisboa : Verbo, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789722211734<br/>Macau during the Ming Dynastyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3007012024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Barreto, Luís Filipe<br/>?? História de Macau Dinastia Ming -- 1368-1644 Missionários -- China Jesuítas Mulheres -- 1633-1644<br/>???? Lisboa : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, I.P. : Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728586140<br/>Lisbon to Macao : the occluded geographies of Portugal's discoveriesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4102922024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Sidaway, James D.<br/>??? ????<br/>A European economic recovery plan : detailed overview of progress across the EU in the specific macro- and micro-economic as well as the employment areas : Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2973582024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Economic development -- European Union countries Employment -- European Union countries European Union countries -- Economic conditions Unemployment -- European Union countries<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communites, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279104817<br/>A European economic recovery plan : annual country assessments : Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2973592024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Economic development -- European Union countries Job creation -- European Union countries Employment -- European Union countries European Union countries -- Economic conditions Unemployment -- European Union countries<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communites, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279104794<br/>Soviet tank units 1939-45ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2992722024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Porter, David<br/>?? Soviet Union. Raboche-Krestianska i a Krasna i a Armi i a -- Organization Soviet Union. Raboche-Krestianska i a Krasna i a Armi i a -- Equipment Tanks (Military science) -- Soviet Union -- Identification Armored vehicles, Military -- Soviet Union -- Identification Tanks (Military science) -- Soviet Union -- History -- 20th century<br/>???? Lisboa : Amber Books, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781906626310<br/>Communist manifesto Wages, price and profit selections from Capitalent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3033902024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Marx, Karl, 1818-1883.<br/>?? Communism Socialism<br/>???? Lisboa : CRW, 2009<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781905716739<br/>Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs : launching the new cycle (2008-2010) : keeping up the pace of changeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3269282024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? European Commission<br/>?? Manpower policy -- European Union countries European Union countries -- Economic policy European Union countries -- Economic conditions<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279075929 9789279075940 9789279075971<br/>Gordon Ramsay's healthy appetite : recipes from the f wordent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2960282024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Sargeant, Mark<br/>?? Cooking Cuisine<br/>???? Lisboa : Quadrille, 2008<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781844006366<br/>Lisbon story ??????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1550972024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? ???, ??<br/>???? ?? : ????, [2008?]<br/>??? ????<br/>Equal opportunities for all : delivering the Lisbon strategy through social innovation and transnational cooperationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2973072024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.. Unit B4<br/>?? Equality -- European Union countries Employees -- Recruiting -- European Union countries European Union countries -- Social conditions Igualdade de oportunidades no emprego<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2008<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279101533<br/>Progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training : indicators and benchmarks 2008ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2973612024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Commission of the European Communities<br/>?? Continuing education -- European Union countries -- Statistics Education -- European Union countries -- Statistics European Union -- Education -- Statistics Occupational training -- European Union countries -- Statistics<br/>???? Luxembourg : Commission of the European Communities, 2008<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279093173<br/>Implementing the Community Lisbon programme : social services of general interest in the European Unionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3760322024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? European Commission. Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.. Unit E.4<br/>?? European Union countries -- Social policy Public welfare -- European Union countries Social service -- European Union countries<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2006<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789279019449<br/>The sinking of the Lisbon Maru : Britain's forgotten wartime tragedyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2887162024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Banham, Tony, 1959-<br/>?? Lisbon Maru (Ship) World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, Japanese Shipwrecks -- Pacific Ocean World War, 1939-1945 -- Naval operations, American World War, 1939-1945 -- Naval operations -- Submarine<br/>???? Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 2006<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789622097711<br/>Adam Runawayent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3070002024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Prince, Peter, 1942-<br/>?? Merchants -- Fiction Young men -- Fiction Portugal -- History -- John V, 1706-1750 -- Fiction British -- Portugal -- Fiction Lisbon (Portugal) -- Fiction<br/>???? London : Bloomsbury, 2006<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780747582946<br/>Betty Woodman : teatros = theatres = theatresent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2859382024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Drake, Cathryn<br/>?? Woodman, Betty, 1930- -- Exhibitions<br/>???? Lisboa : Skira Editore, c2005<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9788876245909<br/>Macau review 2005ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2949072024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? História de Macau Casinos Casino Lisboa Economia Investimento<br/>???? Hong Kong : The Standard, cop. 2005<br/>??? ??<br/>A mancha humanaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2810952024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Roth, Philip<br/>?? Passing (Identity) -- Fiction African American men -- Fiction College teachers -- Fiction Newark (N.J.) -- Fiction Jewish men -- Fiction<br/>???? Lisboa : Dom Quixote, 2005<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789722025775<br/>Ensaios sobre a Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3051822024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Leys, Simon, 1935-<br/>?? China -- Politics and government -- 1949- China -- History -- Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976<br/>???? Lisboa : Cotovia, c2005<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789727951192<br/>Dicionário Inglês Português = Dictionary English Portuguese.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5114032024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? Língua inglesa -- Dicionários -- Português. English language -- Dictionaries -- Portugues.<br/>???? Lisboa [etc.] : Texto Editores, 2005, c1999.<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789724728421<br/>A minha vidaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2691932024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Clinton, Bill, 1946-<br/>?? Clinton, Bill, 1946- Clinton, Bill, 1946- -- Amigos e colegas Presidentes -- Estados Unidos -- Biografia Clinton, Bill, 1946- -- Friends and associates Clinton, Hillary Rodham<br/>???? Lisboa : Temas e Debates, 2004<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789727595716<br/>Chanel : perfumeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3056432024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Aveline, Francoise<br/>?? Chanel, Coco, 1883-1971 Perfumes -- France -- History<br/>???? Lisboa : Assouline, 2003<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9782843235184 9782843235177<br/>Macaoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2575262024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Pons, Philippe<br/>?? História de Macau Vida social -- Macau Ilha de Coloane Rua dos Ervanários Ruas de Macau<br/>???? Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 2002<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789622096172<br/>Charles R. Boxer : an uncommon lifeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2575612024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Alden, Dauril<br/>?? Biografia -- Boxer, Charles Ralph<br/>???? [Lisboa] : Fundação Oriente, c2001<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789727850235<br/>Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2645352024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Wilkinson, Julia<br/>?? Lisbon (Portugal) -- Guidebooks<br/>???? Melbourne [etc.] : Lonely Planet, 2001<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9781864501278<br/>Aviation in Macau : one hundred years of adventureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3926072024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Sá, Luís Andrade de<br/>?? Aviação Aviadores Raid Aéreo Lisboa-Macau Avião "Pátria" Clementi<br/>??? ????<br/>Keeping an antenna in Europeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3893272024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Lopes, Gilberto<br/>?? Missão de Macau -- Lisboa Relações luso-chinesas Intercâmbio cultural Livraria Oriente -- Lisboa Curso de Lingua Chinesa -- Lisboa<br/>??? ????<br/>The winds of fortuneent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3893282024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Ortet, Luís<br/>?? Geomância Casino Deusa Kun Iam -- estátua Entrevistas Superstições<br/>??? ????<br/>Many years of schoolsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2889122024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Beja, Filomena Marona, 1944-<br/>?? School buildings -- Portugal -- Design and construction Edificios escolares -- 1941<br/>???? Lisboa : Ministerio da Educacao, imp. 2000<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728314101<br/>English dictionary illustrated : youngent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2588392024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? English language -- Dictionaries -- Juvenile literature<br/>???? Lisboa : Texto Editora, c2000<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789724716381<br/>O descobrimento do Brasil : 1500-1548 = The discovery of Brazilent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2484422024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Guedes, Max Justo, 1927-<br/>?? Descobrimento do Brasil -- 1500-1548 Descobrimentos -- Brasil Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) Brazil -- History -- 1500-1548 America -- Discovery and exploration -- Portuguese<br/>???? [Lisboa] : Clube do Coleccionador dos Correios, 2000<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729127595<br/>An anthology of old portugueseent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3822722024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Roberts, Kimberley S.<br/>?? Literatura Portuguesa -- Antologia<br/>???? Lisboa : Livraria Portugal, [19--?]<br/>??? ??<br/>Performance indicators : current trendsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3324702024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Alegre, Helena<br/>?? Engenaria Civil<br/>???? Lisboa : Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789724917818<br/>Corrosion of aluminium and its anodic coatings : ten years of natural exposure : comunicacaoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3359092024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Fontinha, I. Rute<br/>?? Corrosion and anti-corrosives Corrosion resistant materials Coatings<br/>???? Lisboa : CDIT, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789724917849<br/>Compatible renders for the conservation of ancient buildings : comunicacaoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3359102024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Workshop on Compatible Restoration Mortars for the Protection of European Cultural Heritage (1998 : Atenas)<br/>?? Building -- Conservation<br/>???? Lisboa : CDIT, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789724917863<br/>Protection of steel and aluminium by inorganic coatings : results from natural exposure testsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3359172024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Fontinha, I. Rute<br/>?? Corrosion and anti-corrosives Corrosion resistant materials Coatings<br/>???? Lisboa : Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789724917856<br/>Tolkien : man and mythent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2444822024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Pearce, Joseph, 1961-<br/>?? Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973 Authors, English -- 20th century -- Biography Anglicists -- Great Britain -- Biography Fantasy literature -- Authorship Middle Earth (Imaginary place)<br/>???? Lisboa : HarperCollinsPublishers, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780002740661<br/>The portuguese education system : the system today and plans for the futureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2451692024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Boal, Maria Eduarda<br/>?? Education -- Portugal Sistema de Ensino<br/>???? Lisboa : Ministry of Education, [1999]<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729752674<br/>Aviation in Macau : one hundred years of adventureent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2649712024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Sá, Luís Andrade de<br/>?? Aeronautics -- Macau -- History Airports -- Macau Endurance flights -- Macau Aviação Raid Aéreo Lisboa-Macau<br/>???? Macau : Livros do Oriente, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729418839<br/>Macao from the skyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2668512024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Jorge, Filipe<br/>?? História de Macau Cartografia Panorâmica de Macau Iconografia Fotografias aéreas<br/>???? Lisboa : Argumentum, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728479053<br/>Implementation in Portugal of the ExternE accounting frameworkent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2668892024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Martins, Alvaro.<br/>?? Renewable energy sources -- Portugal Energy development -- Portugal Power resources -- Portugal<br/>???? Lisboa : CEEETA, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729536229<br/>Metroplois International Workshop : proceedings metropolisent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3334982024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? Statistics<br/>???? Lisboa : Fundacao Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729724695<br/>Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian : the man and his achievements : on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of his birth 1869-1999ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3345992024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? Gulbenkian, Calouste Sarkis.<br/>???? Lisboa : Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729785955<br/>Organic Lawent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3346422024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Portugal. Banco de Portugal<br/>?? Direito comerical<br/>???? Lisboa : Banco de Portugal, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729479519<br/>Macau : a cultural Janusent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2575252024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Cheng, Miu Bing (Christina)<br/>?? Social science -- Anthropology -- Cultural História de Macau Descobrimentos portugueses Monumentos -- Lisboa Influência cultural<br/>???? Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, c1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789622094864<br/>Military Museum : Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2436222024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? D'almeida, Ferrand<br/>?? Museu Militar Museums -- Portugal -- Lisboa<br/>???? Lisboa : M.C. Gab. das Relacoes Internacionais, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729702112<br/>Guide of the protected areas near Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2471102024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Biosfera, Comunicacao e Imagem Lda<br/>?? Reserva Natural -- Lisboa<br/>???? Lisboa : Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza, 1999<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728402587<br/>Can I help you?. Book 1, Oral and written practice for beginnersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5547822024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Monteiro, Fernando, 1954-<br/>???? Lisboa : Escol, [19--]<br/>??? ??<br/>Can I help you?. Book 2, Inglês – nível 2ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5547882024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Monteiro, Fernando, 1954-<br/>???? Lisboa : Escol, [19--]<br/>??? ??<br/>Inglês. 1o anoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5609922024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z???? Lisboa : Direcção Geral do Ensino Secundário, [19--]<br/>??? ??<br/>English course. Unit 1.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5573822024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z???? Lisboa : Centro Audio-Visual de Linguas, [19--]<br/>??? ??<br/>A new practical english course for studentsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5580032024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Oliveira, Maria Manuela Teixeira de, 1885-1961.<br/>???? Lisboa : Gomes e Rodrigues, [19--]<br/>??? ??<br/>Keep smiling : 1st forment://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5591022024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Piçarra, Maria Clara.<br/>???? Lisboa : Plátano, [19--]<br/>??? ??<br/>Lisbon : and its surroundingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5334572024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Vasconcelos, Pedro de.<br/>???? Lisboa : Colibri, [19--?]<br/>??? ??<br/>Second European conference on weigh-in-motion of road vehicles, Lisbon 14th-16th September, 1998ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3268762024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? European Conference on Weigh-in-Motion of Road Vehicles (2nd : 1998 : Lisbon )<br/>?? Motor vehicle scales -- Europe -- Congresses Trucks -- Europe -- Weight -- Measurement -- Congresses Electronic weighing systems -- Europe -- Congresses<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Commission, c1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789282836767<br/>Continents in movement : new trends in dance teaching = Continentes em movimento : novas tendencias no ensino da dancaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3357502024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? International Conference New Trends in Dance Teaching (1998 : Oeiras)<br/>?? Dance<br/>???? Lisboa : Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789727350520<br/>Galleries of paintings : guideent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3358062024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Calouste Gulbenkian Museum<br/>?? Painting<br/>???? Lisboa : Calouse Gulbenkian Foundation, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728128456<br/>Museums of science and technologyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2590762024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Ferreira, Maria Alzira Almoster<br/>?? Museums<br/>???? Lisboa : Fundacao Oriente/Museu de Ciencia da Universidade de Lisboa, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729440885<br/>The history of the Siege of Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2610682024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Saramago, José, 1922-2010.<br/>?? Proofreading -- Fiction Sieges -- Fiction Lisbon (Portugal) -- History -- Siege, 1147 -- Fiction Historical fiction<br/>???? San Diego[etc.] : A Harvest Book, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780156006248<br/>Statute of the ombudsman = Statut du mediateurent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3320312024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Portugal.. Provedoria de Justica. Divisao de Documentacao<br/>???? Lisboa : Provedoria de Justica, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729762314<br/>Of the newe lades of ye people founde by the messengers of the kynge of portygale named emanuel : being the description of the voyage of D. Francisco de Almeida from Lisbon to India in 1505ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3334932024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Springer, Balthasar.<br/>?? Almeida, Francisco Descrobrimentos Portugueses Viagens Maritimas -- India<br/>???? Lisbon : O Mundo do Livro, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>Menezent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2826182024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Menez, 1926-<br/>?? Menez, 1926- Menez, 1926- -- Criticism and interpretation<br/>???? Lisboa : Galeria III : Quetzal Editores, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789725643761<br/>Building the city of tomorrow : the energy dimension : May 29-30, 1998, EXPO'98, Lisbon, Portugal : conference proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3030542024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Building the city of tomorrow : the energy dimension (May 29-30, 1998, EXPO'98 : Lisbon, Portugal)<br/>?? Energy policy -- European Union countries -- Congresses Energy consumption -- European Union countries -- Congresses Sustainable development -- European Union countries -- Congresses Conservation of natural resources -- Congresses<br/>???? Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789282851173<br/>Beyond Baixa : signs of urban planning in eighteenth century Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2809562024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Rossa, Walter<br/>?? City planning -- Portugal -- Lisbon -- History -- 18th century Lisbon (Portugal) -- Buildings, structures, etc. Lisbon (Portugal) -- History<br/>???? Lisboa : Ministerio da Cultura. Instituto Portugues do Patrimonio Arquitectonico, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728087593<br/>Cognition and contextent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2439232024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Quelhas, Ana Cristina<br/>?? Cognition Cognitive psychology Context effects (Psychology)<br/>???? Lisboa : ISPA, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728400064<br/>The portuguese tax systement://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2467782024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Portugal. Direccao-Geral das Contribuicoes e Impostos. Centro de Estudos Fiscais<br/>?? Taxation -- Portugal<br/>???? Lisboa : Rei dos Livros, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789725107737<br/>Fantasma : desenhos = Fantasma : drawingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2498082024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Dumas, Marlene<br/>?? Dumas, Marlene Pintura Portuguesa<br/>???? Lisboa : Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, 1998<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789726351115<br/>The jewel in the crownent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3873032024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? Hotel Lisboa<br/>??? ????<br/>The voyage of Luís Fróis to India in 1548ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3910082024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Matos, Artur Teodoro de<br/>?? Viagem marítima -- Lisboa-Índia -- 1548 Nau "Conceição Galega" Nau "Santo Espírito" Fróis, Luís, Padre -- 1532-1597<br/>??? ????<br/>The voyage made by Luis Frois and his companions from Lisbon to India in 1548ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3892222024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Matos, Artur Teodoro de<br/>??? ??<br/>Strategic social pact 1996/1999 : celebrated in the standing committee for social dialogueent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3351102024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Hatton, Barry<br/>???? Lisboa : Conselho Economico e Social, 1997<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729698095<br/>The American British world : an anthology of historic and literary textsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3351582024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Gaspar, Alberto<br/>?? Americans<br/>???? Lisboa : Escolar Editora, 1997<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789725920992<br/>The social science bridgeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3356122024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? The Social Science Bridge (1997 : Lisbon)<br/>?? Sociology<br/>???? Lisbon : Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology, 1997<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728421250<br/>Portugal : a land for you to discoverent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2452422024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? Tourism -- Portugal Portugal -- Desenvolvimento economico Tourismo -- Portugal<br/>???? Lisboa : Investimentos Comercio e Turismo, 1997<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789727371143<br/>Filhos da neve : antologia poeticaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3361282024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Cohen, Leonard, 1934-2016.<br/>?? Poesia<br/>???? Lisboa : Assirio & Alvim, 1997<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789723704129<br/>Por esses oceanos... ao encontro de culturas = Across the oceans... in a meeting of culturesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2783412024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Ferreira, Artur<br/>?? Fotografia Exposição Catálogo<br/>???? [Lisboa : s.n.], 1997<br/>??? ??<br/>Portuguese poetry after Pessoaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2441212024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Régio, José, pseud.<br/>?? Portuguese poetry -- 20th century -- Translations into English Literatura Portuguesa -- Poesia<br/>???? Lisboa : Camara Municipal de Lisboa. Casa Fernando Pessoa : Contexto, 1997<br/>??? ??<br/>Macau : the gardens and pavillion of the palace of Santa Sanchaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3092072024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Cadete, Maria do Carmo Maia<br/>?? Palacete de Santa Sancha -- arquitectura<br/>???? [Lisboa] : [s.n.], 1997<br/>??? ??<br/>Tempo real : coleccao de relogios do Paco da Ajuda = Clocks and watches : Ajuda Palace collectionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3247162024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Godinho, Isabel da Silveira<br/>?? Palacio Nacional da Ajuda (Portugal) -- Exhibitions Clocks and watches -- Europe -- History -- 19th century -- Exhibitions Clocks and watches -- Portugal -- Lisbon -- Exhibitions Relogios -- Portugal<br/>???? Lisboa : Instituto Portugues do Patrimonio Arquitectonico e Arqueologico, D.L.1996<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729496219<br/>An early 16th century wrought iron cannon in goaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2461322024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Smith, Ronald Bishop<br/>?? Ordnance Wrought-iron -- Goa<br/>???? Lisboa : [s.n], 1996<br/>??? ??<br/>Dicionario de termos tecnicosent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3709102024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Caninas, Joao<br/>?? Tecnologia -- Dicionarios bilingues Lingua inglesa -- Dicionario -- Portugues<br/>???? Lisboa : Litexa, D.L.1995<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789725781241<br/>Literature and psychology : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3288902024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? International Conference on Literature and Psychology (11 : 1994 : Sandbjerg)<br/>?? Literature -- Psychological aspects<br/>???? Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 1995<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729548697<br/>Lisbon mostly on footent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3363242024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Taylor, Kathleen Joan<br/>?? Lisbon (Portugal) -- Guidebooks<br/>???? Lisboa : Pergaminho, [1995]<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789727110612<br/>Cathayent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3387232024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972.<br/>???? Lisboa : Relogios D'Agua Editores, 1995<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789727082636<br/>The British Historical Society of Portugal : twenty first annual report and reiview 1994ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2888892024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? British Historical Society of Portugal<br/>???? Lisboa : Maria Candida Macedo, 1995<br/>??? ??<br/>Uma galeria de arte : visita guiada aos grandes marcos da historia da economiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2489522024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Neves, João César das, 1957-<br/>?? Historia da economia Econimia geral<br/>???? Lisboa : Verbo, 1995<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789722216685<br/>Descobriu-se outra vez a Índiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3921042024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? Aviação Raid Aéreo Lisboa-Macau -- 1924 Viagem aérea -- 1934 Raid Portugal-Macau Avião "Safres" -- 1987<br/>??? ????<br/>Relations between Macao and Brazil in the nineteenth centuryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3973862024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Moura, Carlos Francisco<br/>?? História de Macau Relações comerciais -- Macau-Brasil Emigração de cules Cultura do chá Impressões de Macau -- Séc. 19<br/>??? ????<br/>Contacts : memoires and collected piecesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4538482024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? MarquesLuís, 1898-1976<br/>?? Literatura Portuguesa -- Memórias<br/>???? Lisboa : Galvao, 1995<br/>??? ??<br/>Literature and psychology : proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3623702024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Pereira, Frederico<br/>?? Psicologia Literatura -- Conferencia<br/>???? Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729548659<br/>The corkent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4067432024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Oliveira, Manuel Alves de, 1902-<br/>???? ?Lisboa? : Portuguese Trade Commission;?s.l.? : Cork Institute of America, imp.1994<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789729552502<br/>Portugal in the opening of the worldent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3578902024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Barreto, Luis Filipe, 1944-<br/>?? Discoveries in geography -- Portuguese -- Exhibitions Portugal -- History -- Period of discoveries, 1385-1580 -- Exhibitions Descobrimentos Portugueses<br/>???? Lisboa : Comissao Nacional para as Comemoracoes dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>Dicionario de ingles-portuguesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3579762024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? Lingua Inglesa -- Dicionarios -- Portugues<br/>???? Lisboa : Fluminense, imp.1994<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789725550045<br/>Tense and aspect in english : a contribution to a pedagogic grammarent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2500462024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Mealha, Isabel Maria Ferro<br/>?? English language -- Grammar<br/>???? Lisboa : Colibri, 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789728047665<br/>Quarta-feira de cinzas : edicao bilingueent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3138502024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965.<br/>???? Lisboa : Hiena, 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>Diz-me a verdade acerca do amor : dez poemasent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3387212024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973<br/>???? Lisboa : Relogio D'Agua Editores, 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789727082582<br/>Santa Sanchaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2812552024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Cadete, Maria do Carmo Maia<br/>?? Little Palace of Santa Sancha -- Macau -- Architecture Palacete de Santa Sancha -- Macau -- Arquitectura<br/>???? [Lisboa] : [s.n.], 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>Palácio da Praia Grandeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2813912024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Grilo, Eduardo<br/>?? Palace of Praia Grande -- Macau -- Architecture Palácio da Praia Grande -- Macau -- Arquitectura<br/>???? [Lisboa] : [s.n.], 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>Insight pocket guides : Macauent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2714222024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Yogerst, Joseph R.<br/>?? Roteiro turístico Turismo Roteiro turístico -- Taipa Roteiro turístico -- Coloane Templos<br/>???? Hong Kong : APA Publications, 1994<br/>??? ??<br/>Training manual : vocational training in general practice Coordination of Vocational Training in General Practique (Southern Portugal)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4178302024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Portugal. Instituto de Clínica Geral da Zona Sul.. 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/ ??? Araujo, Agostinho<br/>?? Historia de Portugal -- 1771-1819 Historia da Inglaterra -- 1771-1819<br/>???? Lisbon : The British Historical Society of Portugal, imp.1988<br/>??? ??<br/>Instruments of navigationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3538052024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Albuquerque, Luis de, 1917-1992<br/>?? Descobrimentos Navegacao<br/>???? Lisboa : Comissao Nacional para as Comemoracoes dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1988<br/>??? ??<br/>Guide of the archaeological museument://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3533762024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Associacao dos Arqueologos Portugueses<br/>?? Museologia Arqueologia<br/>???? Lisboa : Associacao dos Arqueologos Portugueses, 1988<br/>??? ??<br/>The chronicle of Petros di Sarkis Gilanentz : concerning the Afghan invasion of Persia in 1722,the Siege of Isfahan and the repercussions in northern Persia,Russia and Turkeyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3533822024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Gilanentz, Petros di Sarkis<br/>?? Historia da Persia -- Sec.18<br/>???? Lisboa : Caloust Gulbenkian Foundantion, 1988<br/>??? ??<br/>Report of the 7th European Regional Y.H.A. conferenceent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3599472024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Coference of Regional Youth Hostel Association, (7, : 1987 : Catalazete (Oeiras))<br/>?? Congressos<br/>???? Lisboa : Associacao Portuguesa das Pousadas de Juventude, 1988<br/>??? ??<br/>Sintra : a sombra da serraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2579082024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Alves, Afonso Manuel, 1949-<br/>?? Sindra (Portugal) -- Pictorial works<br/>???? Lisboa : Difel, c1988<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789722901574<br/>A renovação programática do socialismo democráticoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5299832024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Constâncio, Vítor, 1943-<br/>???? Lisboa : Fund. Friedrich Ebert, 1988.<br/>??? ??<br/>Instituições de Macauent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3990152024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Bruxo, Jorge<br/>?? Instituições Organização administrativa Estatuto Orgânico de Macau Governador de Macau Assembleia Legislativa<br/>??? ????<br/>No segredo dos deusesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5305792024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Marenches, Alexandre de, 1921-1995.<br/>???? Lisboa : Referendo, 1988.<br/>??? ??<br/>The church of Saint Engrácia, National Pantheonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5345662024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Birg, Manuela.<br/>???? [Lisboa] : The Portuguese Cultural Heritage Institute, [D.L. 1988]<br/>??? ??<br/>The Lisbon earthquake of 1755 : some British eye-witness accountsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3651392024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Nozes, Judite<br/>?? Historia de Portugal -- 1755 Terramoto -- 1755<br/>???? Lisbon : The British Historical Society of Portugal, 1987<br/>??? ??<br/>The Mount Pleasant Airport project : recently completed in the Falkland Islandsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3818862024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Smith, Ronald.<br/>?? Aeroporto -- Guia -- Ilhas Falkland<br/>???? [S.l. : s.n.], imp.1987 (Lisboa : Tip.Silvas).<br/>??? ??<br/>Several epistles-one profile D. Fr. Alexandre de Gouveia - Bishop of Pekingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3999532024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Silva, Beatriz Basto da<br/>?? Biografia Viagem marítima -- Lisboa-Pequim Portugueses -- China Gouveia, Alexandre de, Bispo de Pequim -- 1782<br/>??? ????<br/>Vice-Almirante A. Teixeira da Mota : in memoriament://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3554732024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Oliveira, Rogerio S. D. G. de<br/>?? Historia de Portugal<br/>???? Lisboa : Academia de Marinha : Insituto de Investigacao Cientifica Tropical, 1987<br/>??? ??<br/>Palacio Nacional da Pena : roteiroent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3693742024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Carneiro, Jose Manuel Martins<br/>?? Palacio Nacional da Pena<br/>???? Lisboa : Elo, 1987<br/>??? ??<br/>Portuguese women past and presentent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3697932024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Guimaraes, Elina<br/>?? Feminismo -- Portugal Mulheres e sociedae<br/>???? Lisboa : Commission of the Status of Women, 1987<br/>??? ??<br/>The book of papersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3782062024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? EUCEPA Symposium 87-Production and Utilization of Energy in the Pulp and Paper Industry<br/>?? Energia Indústria<br/>???? Lisboa : [s.n.], 1987 (Lisboa : Soc.Astória)<br/>??? ??<br/>Country manors of Portugal : a passage through seven centuriesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3793722024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Binney, Marcus<br/>?? Arquitectura de Habitação -- Portugal<br/>???? Lisboa : Difel, D.L.1987<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789722901611<br/>Proceedingsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3825902024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, (8, : 1986 : Lisbon,)<br/>?? Sismologia Conferência<br/>???? Lisboa : Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, 1986<br/>??? ??<br/>Unrivalled atlas : of modern geography for schools and familiesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3523432024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Johnston, W.<br/>?? Atlas<br/>???? Lisboa : Publica, 1986<br/>??? ??<br/>Historic Centre of Macau : proposal for the World Heritage List : UNESCOent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2548752024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Calado, Maria<br/>?? Protecção do património Urbanismo Arquitectura Panorâmica de Macau Legislação<br/>???? Lisboa : Partex-CPS, T. Taveira, [1986]<br/>??? ??<br/>Cultural agreement between the government of the Portuguese Republic and the government of the Kingdom of Thailand : published in the Portuguese "Government Gazette", no. 152, I serie, in 5th Jully 1985, in Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2571252024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Portugal.<br/>?? Tratados internacionais Acordos de cooperação Intercâmbio cultural Portugal Tailândia<br/>???? Macau : Imprensa Oficial, 1986<br/>??? ??<br/>Laser anemometry in fluid mechanics - II : selected paper form the Second International Symposium on applications of Laser Anemometry to Fluid Mechanics Lisboan, Portugal, July 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4944552024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>First exhibition-dialogue on contemporary art in Europe = Primeira Exposicao-Dialogo sobre a Arte Contemporanea na Europaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3561442024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian. Centro de Arte Moderna<br/>?? Art, Modern -- 20th century -- Exhibitions Art museums -- Europe -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Art and society -- Exhibitions Arte contemporanea -- Catalogos Arte -- Catalogos<br/>???? Lisboa : Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, 1985<br/>??? ??<br/>The American International School-Lisbon : Saudades <<VIII>> : curso de 1984/85ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3598292024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? Livro de curso -- Finalistas<br/>???? Lisboa : Oficinas Graficas, 1985<br/>??? ??<br/>Pa. Oxy. 2390 : the cosmogony : the text of the commentary on "Alcaman's cosmogony" and some related lexical researchent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3668482024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Pereira, P. A. T. da<br/>?? Histria da Grecia Antiga<br/>???? Lisboa : Oficinasf Graficas de Barbosa & Xavier, 1985<br/>??? ??<br/>Fernando Pessoa,a galaxy of poetsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3775522024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Portugal. Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros<br/>?? Literatura Portuguesa -- Poesia<br/>???? Lisboa : M.N.E., imp.1985<br/>??? ??<br/>Macau : memorial city on the estuary of the River of Pearlsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2552692024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Calado, Maria<br/>?? História de Macau Urbanismo Desenvolvimento urbano Património cultural Estabelecimento dos portugueses<br/>???? Lisboa : Consortium "Partex (CPS), Tomas Taveira", 1985<br/>??? ??<br/>Francisco Rodrigues de Silveira, the forgotten soldado práticoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2791262024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Winius, George D.<br/>?? Biografia Manuscritos -- Índia Portuguesa Silveira, Francisco Rodrigues da<br/>???? Lisboa : Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, 1985<br/>??? ??<br/>An efficient computational structure for the simulation of tidal circulation and pollutant in Shallow Waterent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5376272024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Baptista, António Melo.<br/>???? Lisboa : Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, 1985.<br/>??? ??<br/>Port of Lisbon : Contribution to the study of works, equipment and vessels from the viewpoint of industrial archaeologyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4915322024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Fishing boats and their artsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3815542024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Castelo Branco, Manuel de<br/>?? Embarcacoes de pesca -- Baia de Cascais (Portugal) -- 1900-1925<br/>???? Lisboa : Circulo de Leitores, 1984<br/>??? ??<br/>Cosmosent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3563392024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Sagan, Carl, 1934-1996.<br/>?? Cosmos Astronomy -- Popular works<br/>???? Lisboa : Gradiva, imp.1984<br/>??? ??<br/>Portuguese books = Livres portugais = Portugiesiche bucherent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3563502024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Louro, Regina<br/>?? Bibliografia<br/>???? Lisboa : Instituto Portugues do Livro, 1984<br/>??? ??<br/>Além-Mar : códice casanatense 1889 com o Livro do Oriente de Duarte Barbosaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2551732024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Barbosa, Duarte, ca 1480-1521<br/>?? Expansão portuguesa Códice -- 1889 Portugueses -- Oriente Viagens Cartografia<br/>???? Lisboa ; Milão : Bertrand Editora : Franco Maria Ricci, 1984<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9788821650338<br/>From Lisbon to Goa, 1500-1750 : studies in Portuguese maritime enterpriseent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2559712024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Boxer, Charles Ralph, 1904-2000<br/>?? Navegação portuguesa História de Portugal Carreira da Índia Ataíde, António de Real, João Pereira Corte<br/>???? London : Variorum Reprints, 1984<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9780860781424<br/>Quatrum.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4894432024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z???? Lisboa : Empresa Nacional de Química Orgânica, 1984.<br/>??? ??<br/>Economic and social partnership and incomes policy = Pacto social e política de rendimentosent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5321782024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z???? Lisboa : Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 1984.<br/>??? ??<br/>Banco de Portugal : private commercial and investment banks : legal framework.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5414582024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z???? Lisboa : Banco de Portugal, 1984.<br/>??? ??<br/>Pyramid : a secondary course in English : level 1ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5592422024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Read, Carol.<br/>???? Lisboa : Escolar Editora, 1984.<br/>??? ??<br/>Laser anemometry in fluid mechanics : selected papers from the First International Symposium on Applications of Laser-Doppler Anemometry to Fluid Mechanics Lisbon, Portugal, July 1982ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4708392024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Sessão comemorativa do dia nacional da água : discurso do Presidente da República, General Ramalho Eanes no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, 1 de Outubro de 1984.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5305892024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Saraiva, José Hermano, 1919-2012.<br/>???? Lisboa : ADirecção-Geral da Divulgação, 1984.<br/>??? ??<br/>Evaluation of reaganomics as scientific macroeconomics : Lecture at New University of Lisbon, October 29, 1984ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4892012024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Some recent advances in statisticsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3811832024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Oliveira, J. Tiago de, 1928-1992.<br/>?? Ciência Estatística.<br/>???? Lisboa : Academia das Ciências, 1983.<br/>??? ??<br/>Annual 1983 reportent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3596212024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Foreign Investment Institute<br/>?? Relatorios Instituto Investimento Estrangeiro -- Relatorio<br/>???? Lisboa : Foreign Investment Institute, 1983<br/>??? ??<br/>Position paper - angiotension - converting enzyme blockade as a therapeutic modalityent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4894282024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Brunner, Hans R., 1937- ‎<br/>???? [Lisboa : Tip. Safil], D.L. 1983.<br/>??? ??<br/>A wasted wealth : some thoughts on the economics of a rational utilization of the large portuguese potential solar resourcesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5338762024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Borges, Virgílio.<br/>???? Lisboa : V.G. Borges, 1983.<br/>??? ??<br/>Step by step 2 : workbookent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5589312024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Fernandes, Francisco Sampaio.<br/>???? Lisboa : Plátano, [D.L. 1983]<br/>??? ??<br/>Lisbonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4948212024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Integrating land-use and transport components in urban systems modellingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3796472024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Geraldes, Pedro.<br/>?? Transportes -- Estudo -- Chicago<br/>???? Lisboa : [ s.n.], imp.1982 (Lisboa : Lab.Nac.de Engenharia Civil)<br/>??? ??<br/>Algarveent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3553852024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Heinzelmann, Willy.<br/>?? Monografia -- Algarve<br/>???? Lisboa : Banco Portugues do Atlantico, imp.1982<br/>??? ??<br/>Thailand and Portugal : 470 years of friendshipent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2753932024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? Relações luso-siamesas Documentos<br/>???? Lisboa : Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1982<br/>??? ??<br/>Seminar on research needs in river hydraulics : June 21-25, 1982 Lisbon-Portugal.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4913712024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Desenvolvimento e ambiente : 2 anos de acção governativaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5299872024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Carvalho, Margarida Borges de.<br/>???? Lisboa : Secretaria de Estado do Ordenamento e Ambiente, 1982.<br/>??? ??<br/>Homework is funent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5587052024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Rosa, Cheryl Roup.<br/>???? Lisboa : Básica, imp. 1982.<br/>??? ??<br/>O inglês de hojeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5575322024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z???? Lisboa : S. R. D., imp. 1982.<br/>??? ??<br/>The yellow road : pupils' bookent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5661432024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Chaves, Maria Amália.<br/>???? Lisboa : Didáctica Editora, 1982.<br/>??? ??<br/>Saudades : The American International Shcool - Lisbon.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4894652024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Vakwandu : history, kinship and systems of production of an herero people of south-west Angolaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3697082024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Medeiros, Carlos Laranjo<br/>???? Lisboa : Junta de Investigacoes Cientificas do Ultramar, 1981<br/>??? ??<br/>Um bosquejo historico da cultura e da marinha e a Fundacao da Casa Piaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3657322024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Tadeu, Viriato<br/>?? Historia de Portugal Cultura da marinha Casa da Pia<br/>???? Lisboa : Academia de Marinha, 1981<br/>??? ??<br/>Fast language training. 2ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5579112024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Barlow, William C.<br/>???? Lisboa : Círculo de Leitores, imp. 1981.<br/>??? ??<br/>Saudades : The American International School - Lisbon.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4894642024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Proceedings of an International Symposium on Glaucoma : Lisbon, May 21, 1980ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4933262024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>4th National Congress of the Socialist Party : Lisbon 8-10th May 1981.ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4944092024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Fernando Pessoa and Edgar Allan Poe ; Fernando Pessoa and Walt Whitmanent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3279572024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Baker, Badiaa Bourennane<br/>?? Literatura Portuguesa -- Poesia Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935 -- Crítica literária.<br/>???? Lisboa : Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, 1980<br/>??? ??<br/>Test your english nowent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5574102024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Goulão, Aura Maria.<br/>???? Lisboa : Didáctica, 1980.<br/>??? ??<br/>O inglês de hojeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5575352024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z???? Lisboa : S. R. D., imp. 1980.<br/>??? ??<br/>Algarve : and alentejoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5335392024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Santana, Teresa, 1952-<br/>???? Lisboa : Colibri, [D.L. 1980]<br/>??? ??<br/>The church of St. Paul in Macauent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2808022024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Teixeira, Manuel, Padre, 1912-2003<br/>?? Church of Saint Paul Jesuits História de Macau Jesuítas Macau -- History<br/>???? Lisboa : CEHU da Junta de Investigação Científica do Ultramar, 1979<br/>??? ??<br/>Target 2 : An audio-visual english course for secondary schoolent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5655952024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Alexander, L. G. (Louis George)<br/>???? Lisboa : Bertrand, 1978.<br/>??? ??<br/>The portuguese economy prospects and policies : plan proposal for 1978ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5319852024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z???? Lisboa : [M.P.E.C.], 1977.<br/>??? ??<br/>These Islands : livro de inglês para o 1o e 2o anos do curso complementar dos liceusent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5516802024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Cartaxo, António, 1934-<br/>???? Lisboa : Presença, imp. 1977.<br/>??? ??<br/>Enjoy learning English. IIent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5675572024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Vilela, Margarida.<br/>???? Lisboa : Didáctica Editora, 1977.<br/>??? ??<br/>A study of enterovirus isolated in patients interned in a Lisbon Hospitalent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4938602024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>The epidemiology of enterovirus infections in Lisbon childrenent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:4938642024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z??? ??<br/>Portugal, cinquenta anos de ditaduraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3783282024-12-28T18:37:38Z2024-12-28T18:37:38Z?? / ??? Figueiredo, António de, 1929-2006.<br/>?? Ditadura -- Salazarismo.<br/>???? Lisboa : Publicações Dom Quixote, imp. 1976.<br/>??? ??<br/>