???? InglaterraSirsiDynix Enterprisehttps://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003dInglaterra$0026te$003dILS$0026ps$003d300?2025-01-12T04:24:00ZHistoria de Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3652512025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Maurois, Andre<br/>?? Historia de Inglaterra<br/>???? Lisboa : Editorial Aster, 1976<br/>??? ??<br/>Memoria de Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3653732025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Faria, B. J.<br/>?? Literatura juvenil -- Narrativas de viagens -- Ingleterra<br/>???? Porto : Salesiana, [196?]<br/>??? ??<br/>História de Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3649572025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Maurois, André, 1885-1967.<br/>?? Historia de Inglaterra<br/>???? Lisboa : Editorial Aster, [D.L. 1959]<br/>??? ??<br/>Cartas de Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2441512025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900.<br/>???? Mem Martins : Europa-America, 2000<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789721047174<br/>Cartas de Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3936922025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Melo, Pedro Homem de, 1904-1984.<br/>?? Literatura Portuguesa -- Poesia<br/>???? Porto : Lello & Irmão, 1973<br/>??? ??<br/>Palmeirim de Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5495022025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Morais, Francisco de, ca. 1500-1572.<br/>???? Lisboa : [s.n.], 1960.<br/>??? ??<br/>Cartas de Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3406132025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900.<br/>?? Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900 -- Correspondência.<br/>???? Porto : Livraria Chardron de Lello & Irmao, 1928<br/>??? ??<br/>Cartas de Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3431322025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Queirós, Eça de, 1845-1900.<br/>?? Literatura portuguesa -- prosa<br/>???? Porto : Livraria Chardron, 1907<br/>??? ??<br/>Uma amiga de Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3132472025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Brookner, Anita, 1938-<br/>???? Lisboa : Difel, D.L.1993<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? 9789722902700<br/>Lo scisma d'Inglaterraent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3454162025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Bostichi, Bernardo Davanzati<br/>?? Cisma -- Inglaterra<br/>???? Genova : A. 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H.<br/>?? Historia da Inglaterra Conflito armado -- mar<br/>???? London : Hodder and Stoughton, c1929<br/>??? ??<br/>The chronicles of the East India Company trading to China : 1635-1834ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3460992025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Morse, Hosea Ballou, 1855-1934<br/>?? Historia da China Tratados internacionais -- Portugal -- Macau -- China -- Inglaterra Mapa -- Cantao -- Macau -- Hong Kong<br/>???? Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1926-1929<br/>??? ??<br/>Politicians and the war : 1914-1916ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3421462025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Beaverbrook, Lord<br/>?? Politica internacional Guerra Mundial -- 1914-1918. Analise politica -- Inglaterra<br/>???? London : Thornton Butterworth, c1928<br/>??? ??<br/>Great Britain in Egyptent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3454212025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Newman, E. W. Polson<br/>?? Colonizacao -- Inglaterra -- Egipto<br/>???? London : Cassell, 1928<br/>??? ??<br/>Anson's voyage round the worldent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3470782025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Walter, Richard<br/>?? Viagens Anson, George Historia da Inglaterra Navegacao<br/>???? London : Martin Hoplinson, 1928<br/>??? ??<br/>Up and down streament://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3509252025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Gosling, Harry<br/>?? Historia da Englaterra<br/>???? London : Methuen, 1927<br/>??? ??<br/>The Anglo-Chinese cookbook : english and chineseent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3456002025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Calder-Marshall, R.<br/>?? CHJP China Culinaria -- China Culinaria -- Inglaterra<br/>???? Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh, 1926<br/>??? ??<br/>The temple primersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3428772025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Jiriczeck, Otto L.<br/>?? Religiao Critica literaria Igreja -- Inglaterra Sagrada escritura Filosofia da religiao<br/>???? London : J. 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Middleton<br/>?? Historia da China Tratados internacionais -- Portugal -- Macau -- China -- Inglaterra<br/>???? London : Constable, 1920<br/>??? ??<br/>Informacao do Governador Jose Manuel da Costa sobre a zona confinante com o sul de Angolaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3408882025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Costa, Jose Manuel<br/>?? Colonizacao -- Sudoeste africano Colonizacao -- Alemanha Colonizacao -- Inglaterra Colonizacao -- Portugal Politica colonial<br/>???? Mossamedes : Ministerio das Colonias, 1920<br/>??? ??<br/>The Dover patrol : 1915-1917ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3450442025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Bacon, Reginald<br/>?? Historia da Inglaterra -- Marinha Guerra Mundial -- 1914-1918.<br/>???? London : Hutchison, [191-?]<br/>??? ??<br/>My mission to London 1912-1914ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3448552025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Lechnowsky, Prince<br/>?? Diplomacia Politica internacional -- Alemanha -- Inglaterra<br/>???? Sanghai : Commercial Press, 1918<br/>??? ??<br/>The international relations of the Chinese empireent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3461002025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Morse, Hosea Ballou, 1855-1934<br/>?? Opium trade China -- Foreign relations China -- Politics and government China -- History -- 19th century China -- History -- 20th century<br/>???? Shanghai [etc.] : Kelly and Walsh, 1918<br/>??? ??<br/>Early English adventures in the eastent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3470732025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Wright, Arnold<br/>?? Voyages and travels India -- History -- 1526-1765 Pitt, Thomas Charnock, Job Presenca Inglesa no Oriente -- India<br/>???? London : Andrew Melrose, 1917<br/>??? ??<br/>Highroads of historyent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3504932025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Nelson, Thomas<br/>?? Historia da Inglaterra -- Monarquia<br/>???? London : Thomas Nelson, 1915<br/>??? ??<br/>The Middle Kingdom : a survey of the geography, government, literature, social life, arts, and history of the chinese empire and its inhabitantsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3460832025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Williams, S. 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G.<br/>?? Biografias -- Inglaterra<br/>???? London : James Nisbet, 1914<br/>??? ??<br/>The laws of Hong Kong : chronological table and index to the ordinances from 1844 to 1912ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3413292025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Alabaster, Chaloner Grenville<br/>?? Direito -- Hong Kong Politica colonial -- Inglaterra -- Hong Kong Leis, decretos, etc<br/>???? Hong Kong : Noronha, 1913<br/>??? ??<br/>Bohemian days in Feet streetent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3465452025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? A journalist<br/>?? Literatura inglesa -- Memorias -- Autobiografia Jornalismo -- Inglaterra<br/>???? London : John Long, 1913<br/>??? ??<br/>The reign of Elizabethent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3479952025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894.<br/>?? Historia da Inglaterra Reinado -- Elizabeth<br/>???? London : J. M. 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Dent, 1908<br/>??? ??<br/>The trade and administration of the Chinese empireent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3456992025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Morse, Hosea Ballou, 1855-1934<br/>?? Historia da China Tratados internacionais -- Portugal -- Macau -- China -- Inglaterra<br/>???? Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh, 1908<br/>??? ??<br/>A wandering student in the Far Eastent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3459502025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Ronaldshay, Conde de<br/>?? Literatura inglesa -- Viagens -- Ensaio -- China -- Japao Literatura externo -- Inglaterra<br/>???? Edimburgh : William and Sons, 1908<br/>??? ??<br/>The household of Sir Thomas More : with roper's life of Moreent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3480832025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Manning, Anne<br/>?? Biografia More, Thomas -- ministro -- Inglaterra -- (1478-1535)<br/>???? London : J. M. 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Fisher Unwin, 1904<br/>??? ??<br/>A study of British geniusent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3462282025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Ellis, Havelock<br/>?? Genio -- Inglaterra Literatura inglesa -- Ensaio<br/>???? London : Hurts and Blackett, 1904<br/>??? ??<br/>Introduction to the history of civilization in Englandent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3453742025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Buckle, Henry Thomas<br/>?? Historia da civilizacao -- Inglaterra<br/>???? London : George Routledge, 1904<br/>??? ??<br/>Questao do Barotze : replica do governo portugues a memoria britannica para a arbitragem de sua Majestade o Rei de Italiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3399862025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? Historia de Portugal -- sec.19 Historia do Barotza -- Africa Central Historia de Angola -- sec.19 Tratado politico entre Portugal e Inglaterra Demarcacao territorial<br/>???? Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional, 1904<br/>??? ??<br/>Questao do Barotze : treplica do governo portugues a replica britannica para a arbitragem de sua majestade o Rei de Italia : original e traduccaoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3399872025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? Historia de Portugal -- sec. 19 Historia do Barotze -- Africa Central Historia de Angola -- sec. 19 Tratado politico entre Portugal e Inglaterra Demarcacao territorial<br/>???? Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional, 1904<br/>??? ??<br/>Lord Macaulay's essays and lays of ancient Romeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3451732025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Macaulay, Thomas Babington<br/>?? Politica Inglaterra -- Sec. 19<br/>???? London : Longmans, Green, 1903<br/>??? ??<br/>Gossip from Paris during the Second Empire : correspondence (1864-1869)ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3452732025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Peat, Anthony B. Worth<br/>?? Literatura inglesa -- Cartas Historia da Franca Historia da Inglaterra<br/>???? London : Kegan Paul, French, Trubner, 1903<br/>??? ??<br/>Qustion du Barotze : memoire du government portugais pour etre soumis a l'arbitrage de sa Majeste le Roi d'Italie : traductionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3399902025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? Historia de Portugal no Ultramar -- sec. 19 Historia de Angola -- demarcacao territoriale -- tratado -- Portugal -- Inglaterra Politica Internacional -- direito<br/>???? Lisbonne : Imprimerie Nationale, 1903<br/>??? ??<br/>ISBN???????? brochado<br/>The need of municipal freedom in Hong Kongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3413002025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Cunningham, Alfred<br/>?? Historia dos municipios -- Hong Kong -- Macau Historia da China -- sec. 19 Historia de Inglaterra -- sec. 19 Politica colonial<br/>???? Hong Kong : The "Daily Press" Office and "China Mail", 1901<br/>??? ??<br/>An introduction to english politicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3411602025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Robertson, John M.<br/>?? Historia de Inglaterra<br/>???? London : Grant Richard, 1900<br/>??? ??<br/>Deeds that won the empire : historical battle scenesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3456162025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Fitchett, W. H.<br/>?? Historia da Inglaterra Guerra -- Inglaterra<br/>???? London : George Bell and Sons, 1900<br/>??? ??<br/>China and the present crisis : with notes on a visit to Japan and Koreaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3457012025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Walton, Joseph<br/>?? CHJP Diplomacia -- China -- Inglaterra Literatura inglesa -- Ensaio<br/>???? London : Sampson Low, Murston, 1900<br/>??? ??<br/>The guide to english history and biography : from the invasion of Julius Casae to the present timeent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3405442025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Brewer<br/>?? Religiao Historia da Igreja Religiao e Estado -- Inglaterra<br/>???? London : Harold and Sons, [18-?]<br/>??? ??<br/>The constitutional history of England : from the accessions of Henry VII to the death of Georg IIent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3453752025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Hallam, Henry<br/>?? Constituicao -- Inglaterra Direito constitucional Historia da Inglaterra<br/>???? London : Word, Lock, [18--?]<br/>??? ??<br/>Brief history of England : with note, questions, and mapsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3454192025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? Historia da Inglaterra<br/>???? London : T. 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M.<br/>?? Great Britain. Royal Navy -- History Historia naval -- Inglaterra<br/>???? London : S. W. Partridge, [189-?]<br/>??? ??<br/>Great English paintersent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3470122025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Sharp, William<br/>?? Pintura -- Inglaterra<br/>???? London : Walter Scott, [18--?]<br/>??? ??<br/>The history of the laws and courts of Hong Kongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3420002025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Kyshe, James William Norton<br/>?? Consular jurisdiction Courts -- China -- Hong Kong -- History Law -- China -- Hong Kong -- History and criticism Direito -- Hong Kong Jurisprudencia -- Hong Kong<br/>???? London : T. 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Barnett<br/>?? Historia da Inglaterra -- Biografia Vitoria, Rainha da Inglaterra<br/>???? London : George Routledge ans Sons, 1897<br/>??? ??<br/>The reformation in Englandent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3452482025-01-12T04:24:00Z2025-01-12T04:24:00Z?? / ??? Beckett, W. 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