???? Hong Kong - ?????? ??????SirsiDynix Enterprisehttps://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003dHong$002bKong$0026qf$003dLIBRARY$002509$0025E5$00259C$002596$0025E6$00259B$0025B8$0025E9$0025A4$0025A8$0025091$00253ALS$002509$0025E8$0025AD$0025B0$0025E4$0025BA$00258B$0025E4$0025BA$0025AD$0025E8$002597$00258F$0025E6$00259B$0025B8$0025E6$0025A8$002593$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue?2024-12-26T02:50:27ZA comunidade [Hong Kong]ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3446152024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Liga Portuguesa de Hong-Kong<br/>?? Hong Kong -- Jornais Comunidade portuguesa -- Hong Kong -- Jornais Informacao<br/>???? Hong-Kong : Liga Portuguesa, 1935-1936<br/>??? ??<br/>Gardening for Hong Kongent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3495612024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Tutcher, W. 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S.<br/>?? Chinese language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers Cantonese dialects -- Textbooks for foreign speakers Missionaries -- China Lingua Chinesa -- Vocabularios Lingua Chinesa -- Dialectos<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1914<br/>??? ??<br/>Dictionnaire cantonnaise-francais = ???ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3451522024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Aubazac, Louis<br/>?? Lingua francesa -- Dicionario Lingua chinesa -- Dicionario<br/>???? Hong Kong : Imprimerie de la Societe des Missions-Etrangeres, 1912<br/>??? ??<br/>The educational reform in Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3459562024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Graybill, Henry Blair, 1880-1950<br/>?? Education -- China Educacao -- China Educacao -- Reforma -- China<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1911<br/>??? ??<br/>A Chinese-English dictionary in the Cantonese dialectent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3451502024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Eitel, Ernest John<br/>?? CHJP Lingua inglesa -- Dicionario Lingua chinesa -- Dicionario<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1910<br/>??? ??<br/>Notes on the geography of the Chinese empire = =ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3455512024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Biblioteca da Reparticao do Expediente Sinico<br/>?? CHJP Geografia da China<br/>???? Hong Kong : South China Morning Post, 1910<br/>??? ??<br/>An English and Chinese dictionary = ??????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3414372024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Kwong, Ki Chiu<br/>?? English language -- Dictionaries -- Chinese Dicionario Ingles-Chines Lingua Inglesa -- Dicionarios -- Chines Lingua Chinesa<br/>???? Hong Kong [etc.] : Kelly & Walsh, 1909<br/>??? ??<br/>Dictionnaire Francais-Cantonnais = ????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3413832024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Aubazac, Louis<br/>?? Lingua Francesa -- Dicionarios -- Chines Dicionario Frances-Chines Dicionario Frances-Dialecto Cantonense Dialecto Cantonense French language -- Dictionaries -- Chinese<br/>???? Hong Kong : Imprimerie de la Societe des Missions Etrangeres, 1909<br/>??? ??<br/>The Cantonese made easy vocabulary : a small dictionary in English and Cantonese words and phrases used in the spoken language...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3509192024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Ball, J. 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Montalto de (Carlos Augusto Montalto), 1863-1927.<br/>?? Historia da Macau -- Portugal -- China Tratados internacionais<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1902<br/>??? ??<br/>How to speak Cantonese : fifty conversation in Cantonese colloquial with Chinese character, free and literal English translation and romanaised spelling with tonic and diacritical marks : preceded by five short lessons of one, two, and three wordsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3454872024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Ball, J. Dyer (James Dyer), 1847-1919.<br/>?? Chinese language -- Dialects -- China -- Guangzhou. Chinese language -- Conversation and phrase books -- English. Língua chinesa -- Dialectos.<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1902<br/>??? ??<br/>The French in Tonkin and South Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3457552024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Cunmingham, Alfred<br/>?? CHJP Literatura inglesa -- Viagens -- Vietname -- China<br/>???? Hong Kong : Hong Kong Daily Press, [ca 1902]<br/>??? ??<br/>The China review, or, Notes and queries on the Far Eastent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3420242024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Dennys, N. B.<br/>?? China -- Periodicals East Asia -- Periodicals<br/>???? Hong Kong : China Mail Office, 1872-1901<br/>??? ??<br/>The political obstacles to missionary success in Chineent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3460302024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Michie, Alexander<br/>?? CHJP Igreja e estado -- China<br/>???? London : Hong Kong Daily Press, 1901<br/>??? ??<br/>Things chinese : being notes on various subjects'connectedent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3455282024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Ball, J. Dyer (James Dyer), 1847-1919.<br/>?? Sociologia -- China -- Macau<br/>???? London ; Hong Kong; Shanghai : Sampson Low Martson : Kelly & Walsh, 1900<br/>??? ??<br/>L'annamite appris en qutre lecons et ving fables : eveque titulaire de Medee Vocaire, apostolique de Saigonent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3504242024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Mossard, Mgr.<br/>?? Lingua Vietmane<br/>???? Hong Kong : Societe de Missions Etrangeres, 1900<br/>??? ??<br/>Au pays des pagodes : notes de voyage : Hongkong, Macao, Shanghai, Le Houpe, Le Hounan, Le Kouei-Tcheouent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3405612024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Raquez, A.<br/>?? China Costumes Chineses Historia da China Historia de Macau Literatura das Viagens<br/>???? Shanghai : Imprimerie de la Presse Orientale, 1900<br/>??? ??<br/>The break-up of China : with an account of its present commerce, currency, waterways, armies, railways, politics and future prospectsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3457062024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Beresford, Charles<br/>?? Eastern question (Far East) China -- Commerce China Li Hung Chang Hart, Robert<br/>???? London ; New York : Harper and Brothers, 1899<br/>??? ??<br/>The Chinese dramaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3458232024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Stanton, William<br/>?? Arte -- Teatro -- Analise Reservado Teatro -- Macau -- Hong Kong -- Cantao<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1899<br/>??? ??<br/>O andaco do Portoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3410252024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Silva, Jose Gomes da<br/>?? Medicina Epedemiologia Peste bubonica -- Porto -- Macau -- Hong Kong Associacao Industrial Portuense Uniao dos Industriais do Norte<br/>???? Porto : Commercio do Porto, 1899<br/>??? ??<br/>Cremationent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3496792024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Pollock, H. E.<br/>?? Cremacao<br/>???? Hong Kong : s.n., 1899<br/>??? ??<br/>No Oriente : de Napoles a China : diario de viagement://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3409192024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Loureiro, Adolfo<br/>?? Relatorio -- viagem -- Napoles a Hong Kong -- 1883 Etnografia -- Hong Kong Etnografia -- Macau Etnografia -- India Etnografia -- Estado da India<br/>???? Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional, 1896-1897<br/>??? ??<br/>Guia oficial de la Islas Filipinas. para 1897ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3489492024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Secretaria del Gobierno General<br/>?? Historia de Asia Filipinas Hong Kong Singapura<br/>???? Manila : Secretaria del Gobierno General, 1897<br/>??? ??<br/>Notes on the geography of the Chinese empireent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3455522024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Biblioteca da Reparticao do Expediente Sinico<br/>?? CHJP Geografia da China<br/>???? Hong Kong : Noronha, 1896<br/>??? ??<br/>The tourist's guide to Canton / The west river and Macaoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2741122024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Hurley, R. C.<br/>?? Roteiro turistico Turismo<br/>???? Hong Kong : Noronha & Co., 1895<br/>??? ??<br/>Readings is Cantonese colloquial : being selections from books in the Cantonese vernacular with free an literal translations of the Chinese character and romanized spellingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3513682024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Ball, J. Dyer (James Dyer), 1847-1919.<br/>?? Lingua Chinesa Dialecto Cantonense<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly & Walsh, 1894<br/>??? ??<br/>Hung lou meng or, The dream of the red chamber : a Chinese novelent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3457442024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Cao, Xueqin, ca. 1717-1763<br/>?? China -- Fiction Literatura Chinesa -- Romance<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1892-1893<br/>??? ??<br/>Manuel pratique de la langue chinoise parlee, a l'usage des Francais, comprenant : I. Les elements de la grammaire. II. Des phrases et dialogues faciles. III. Unrecueil des mots les plus usitesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3454662024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Imbault-Huart, Camille Clement, 1857-1897<br/>?? Lingua chinesa -- Gramatica Chinese language -- Grammar Chinese language -- Conversation and phrase books -- French Chinese language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc<br/>???? Hong Kong : Noronha, 1892<br/>??? ??<br/>Instructions for making meteorological observations prepared for use in Chinaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3458662024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Doberck, William, 1852-<br/>?? Meteorology -- Observers' manuals Meteorologia -- Manual Tufoes -- Hong Kong<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1892<br/>??? ??<br/>Os portuguezes na Africa, Asia, America e Oceania : ou historia chronologica dos descobrimentos, navegacoes, viagens e conquistas dos portuguezes... : desde o principio do seculo XVent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3401822024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Chagas, Manuel Pinheiro, 1842-1895<br/>?? Historia de Portugal -- sec. 15-19 Descobrimentos portugueses -- sec. 15-19 Expansao portuguesa -- cronologia -- sec. 15-19 Portugueses na India Portugueses an China<br/>???? Lisboa : Livraria de Antonio Maria Pereira, 1890<br/>??? ??<br/>Defeza do darwinismo : refutacao d'um artigo do jornal "Catholic Register"ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3447632024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Marques, Lourenço Pereira.<br/>?? Ciencias naturais Antropologia -- darwinismo Teologia e Ciencia Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.<br/>???? Hong Kong : Typographia de Noronha, 1889<br/>??? ??<br/>The Canton guideent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3448842024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Kerr<br/>?? CHJP Guia -- Cantao<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh ; Canton : A. S. Watson, 1889<br/>??? ??<br/>Select phrase in the Canton dialectent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3451652024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Kerr<br/>?? CHJP Lingua chinesa<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, [1888]<br/>??? ??<br/>Select phrases in the Canton dialectent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3514052024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Kerr<br/>?? Lingua Chinesa Dialecto Cantonense<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly & Wash, 1888<br/>??? ??<br/>The origin of the Chinese : an attempt to trace the connection of the Chinese with western nations in their religions, superstitions, arts, languague, and traditionsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3457052024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Chalmers, John, 1825-1899<br/>?? Ethnology -- China Chinese language Lingua Chinesa Antropologia cultural -- China Aculturacao -- China<br/>???? Hong Kong : Printed by de Souza & Co., 1866<br/>??? ??<br/>The Cantonese made easy vocabulary : a small dictionary in English and Cantonese, cotaining only words and phrases uses in the spoken language,...ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3513672024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Ball, J. Dyer (James Dyer), 1847-1919.<br/>?? Lingua Chinesa -- Dialecto Cantonense -- Dicionario Dialecto Cantonese<br/>???? Hong Kong : The China Mail Office, 1886<br/>??? ??<br/>Analyse das evidencias adduzidas na origem do homement://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3496772024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.<br/>?? Filosofia<br/>???? Hong Kong : Tip. de Guedes, 1885<br/>??? ??<br/>Pratical and inductive bookeeping : for the use of schools and self-tuitionent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3416422024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Milner, J. L. Hart<br/>?? Pedagogia Ensino comercial -- Macau<br/>???? Hong Kong : Yokohama, 1884<br/>??? ??<br/>Tungkingent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3460742024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Mesny, William<br/>?? CHJP Historia da China<br/>???? Hong Kong : Noronha, 1884<br/>??? ??<br/>A validade do darwinismoent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3390602024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Marques, Lourenço Pereira.<br/>?? Darwinismo Evolucao Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.<br/>???? Hong Kong : International Printing Office, 1882<br/>??? ??<br/>Defeza do darwinismo : refutacao d'um artigo do jornal "Catholic Register"ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3523032024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Marques, Lourenço Pereira.<br/>?? Darwinismo<br/>???? Hong Kong : Tipografia de Noronha, 1880<br/>??? ??<br/>An index to Dr. Williams' "Syllabic dictionary of the Chinese language"ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3416362024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Acheson, James<br/>?? Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English Dicionario Chines-Ingles Lingua Chinesa -- Dicionarios -- Ingles Lingua Inglesa<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly and Walsh, 1879<br/>??? ??<br/>The cities and towns of China : a geographical dictionaryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3455402024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Playfair, G. M. H. (George Macdonald Home), 1850-1917.<br/>?? CHJP Geografia da China -- Dicionario Cidades -- China<br/>???? Hong Kong : Noronha, 1879<br/>??? ??<br/>Comparative Chinese family lawent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3455472024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Parker, Edward Harper, 1849-1926.<br/>?? Direito de familia -- China<br/>???? Hong Kong : China Mail, 1879<br/>??? ??<br/>Glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far Eastent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3454622024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Giles, Herbert Allen, 1845-1935<br/>?? East Asia Extremo Oriente -- Glossarios<br/>???? Hong Kong : Lane, Crawford, 1878<br/>??? ??<br/>Chinese & English grammar for beginners = ???? : being an introduction to Allen and Cornwell's English school grammarent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3454712024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Kwok, Chan Sang<br/>?? English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- Chinese English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers Lingua Inglesa -- Ensino Lingua Chinesa -- Manuel CHJP<br/>???? Hong Kong : printed by the Chinese Printing and Publishing Company, 1878<br/>??? ??<br/>Os portuguezes na Africa, Asia, America e Oceania : ou historia chronologica dos descobrimentos, navegacoes, viagens e conquistas dos portuguezes... : desde o principio do seculo XVent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3401092024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Chagas, Manuel Pinheiro<br/>?? Historia de Portugal -- sec. 15-19 Descobrimentos portugueses -- sec. 15-19 Portugueses na India Portugueses na China Descoberta do caminho maritimo para a India<br/>???? Lisboa : Livraria de Antonio Maria Pereira, 1877<br/>??? ??<br/>A Chinese dictionary in the Cantonese dialectent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3451492024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Eitel, Ernest John<br/>?? Cantonese dialects -- Dictionaries -- English Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English Lingua Chinesa -- Dicionarios -- Ingles Dicionario Chines-Ingles Dialecto Cantonense<br/>???? London ; Hong Kong : Trubner : Lane, Crawford, 1877<br/>??? ??<br/>A Chinese primerent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3505012024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Burdon, J. S.<br/>?? Chinese language Lingua chinesa<br/>???? Hong Kong : De Souza & Co., 1877<br/>??? ??<br/>Walks in the city of Canton : with an itineraryent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3444412024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Gray, John Henry<br/>?? CHJP Turismo -- Cantao<br/>???? Hong Kong : De Souza, 1875<br/>??? ??<br/>A Chinese and English dictionary = ????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3451472024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Lobscheid, William<br/>?? Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English Cantonese dialects -- Dictionaries -- English English language -- Dictionaries -- Chinese Lingua Chinesa -- Dicionarios -- Ingles Dialecto Cantonense -- China -- Hong Kong<br/>???? Hong Kong : Noronha, 1871<br/>??? ??<br/>English and Chinese dictionary. Part III : with the punti and mandarin pronunciation = ????ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3413622024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Lobscheid, William<br/>?? Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English Cantonese dialects -- Dictionaries -- English English language -- Dictionaries -- Chinese Lingua Chinesa -- Dicionarios -- Ingles Dialecto Cantonense -- China -- Hong Kong<br/>???? Hong Kong : "Daily Press" Office, 1868<br/>??? ??<br/>The Chinese classics : with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena, and copious indexesent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3457432024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Legge, James<br/>?? CHJP Literatura chinesa classica Filosofia -- China Confucionismo<br/>???? Hong Kong : J. Legge, 1861-1865<br/>??? ??<br/>The Chinese and English guide through China and Eastern Asiaent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3459572024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? CHJP Geografia da China -- Guia<br/>???? Hong Kong : Printed at Noronha's Office, 1864<br/>??? ??<br/>Grammar of the Chinese languageent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3454702024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Lobscheid, William<br/>?? English language -- Grammar English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- Chinese Cantonese dialects Lingua Chinesa -- Dialectos Dialecto Cantonense -- Gramatica<br/>???? Hong Kong : The "Daily Press", 1864<br/>??? ??<br/>The Chinese commercial guide : constaining treaties, tariffes, regulations, table, etc... useful in the trade to China and Eastern Asia : with and appendix of sailing directions for those seas and coastent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3458492024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Willaims, S. Wells<br/>?? Historia da China Tratados<br/>???? Hong Kong : Published by A. Shortrede, 1863<br/>??? ??<br/>The beginners's firts book : or vocabulary of the canton dialectent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3503532024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Devan, T. T.<br/>?? Dialecto cantonense<br/>???? Hong Kong : China Mail, 1858<br/>??? ??<br/>Verdade e liberdade : jornal politico, literario e commercialent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3446312024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Sousa, Jose Maria da Silva e<br/>?? Hong Kong -- Jornais Politica -- Jornais Comercio -- Jornais Informacao<br/>???? Hong-Kong : J. M. da Silva e Sousa, 1852<br/>??? ??<br/>The eastern messenger of the sacred heartent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3427282024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? Religiao -- evangelizacao<br/>???? Hong Kong : Local Printing Press, 1849<br/>??? ??<br/>Reflections on the recent Canton revolt and afterent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3460212024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Vaidya, K. B.<br/>?? CHJP Revolta de Cantao Hong Kong<br/>???? Hong Kong : K. B. Vaidya<br/>??? ??<br/>Progressive and idiomatic sentences in Cantonese colloquialent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:3513662024-12-26T02:50:27Z2024-12-26T02:50:27Z?? / ??? Fulton, A. A.<br/>?? Lingua chinesa -- Idioma Cantonense Idiolecto Cantonense<br/>???? Hong Kong : Kelly & Walsh, [s.d.]<br/>??? ??<br/>