???? Addition - ?????? 2024 SirsiDynix Enterprise https://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003dAddition$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509$0025E5$002587$0025BA$0025E7$002589$002588$0025E6$002597$0025A5$0025E6$00259C$00259F$0025092024$0025092024$0026ps$003d300? 2025-01-10T16:51:44Z Drugnet Europe : newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:383297 2025-01-10T16:51:44Z 2025-01-10T16:51:44Z ?? / ???&#160;European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction<br/>??&#160;Drug control -- Periodicals&#160;European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction&#160;Toxicomania&#160;Estupefaciente<br/>????&#160;Lisbon : European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 1996-<br/>???&#160;????<br/> Annual report : the state of the drugs problem in the acceding and candidate countries to the European Union ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:379325 2025-01-10T16:51:44Z 2025-01-10T16:51:44Z ?? / ???&#160;European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction<br/>??&#160;Drug abuse -- European Union countries -- Prevention -- Periodicals&#160;Drug abuse -- European Union countries -- Periodicals<br/>????&#160;Lisbon, Portugal : European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 1995-<br/>???&#160;????<br/> Annual report. Selected issues ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:407397 2025-01-10T16:51:44Z 2025-01-10T16:51:44Z ?? / ???&#160;European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction<br/>??&#160;Drug abuse -- European Union countries -- Periodicals&#160;Drug abuse -- European Union countries -- Prevention -- Periodicals<br/>????&#160;Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, c2005-<br/>???&#160;????<br/> Report on the drug situation in the candidate CEECs ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:409206 2025-01-10T16:51:44Z 2025-01-10T16:51:44Z ?? / ???&#160;European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction<br/>??&#160;Drug abuse -- Europe, Eastern -- Prevention -- Periodicals&#160;Drug abuse -- Europe, Central -- Prevention -- Periodicals&#160;Drug abuse -- International cooperation -- Prevention -- Periodicals<br/>????&#160;Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002-<br/>???&#160;????<br/>