???? ?? - ?????? Livros gerais - Colec&ccedil;&otilde;es sem Requisi&ccedil;&atilde;o - Dep&oacute;sito Central - Requer reserva SirsiDynix Enterprise https://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003d$0025E8$002597$00259D$0025E8$0025A1$002593$0026qf$003dITEMCAT2$002509Item$002bCategory$002b2$0025091$00253AG$002509Livros$002bgerais$0026qf$003dITYPE$002509Material$002bType$0025091$00253ANOCIR-ITEM$002509Colec$0025C3$0025A7$0025C3$0025B5es$002bsem$002bRequisi$0025C3$0025A7$0025C3$0025A3o$0026qf$003dLIBRARY$002509Library$0025091$00253ADC$002509Dep$0025C3$0025B3sito$002bCentral$002b-$002b$002bRequer$002breserva$0026te$003dILS$0026lm$003dHT$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue? 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ???? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:305971 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993749394<br/> ???? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:65752 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ????<br/>????&#160;?????? : ????, 2006<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789867185709<br/> ????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302653 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Bah? Ull?h, 1817-1892<br/>??&#160;????<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993720911<br/> ????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:282390 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Bah? Ull?h, 1817-1892<br/>??&#160;????<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993720546<br/> 100????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:65468 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Cattaneo, Marco, ?<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;??? : ??????, 2005<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789574402434<br/> ????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:58893 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Honour, Hugh, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?????? : ????, 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789574695355<br/> ????????? : ?????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301618 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;?????????? (? 1 ? : 2009: ??)<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??????<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????c???????, 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993760740<br/> ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:494937 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996532306<br/> ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:310938 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993710639<br/> ???? : ??? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:270625 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993749110<br/> ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265634 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993779100<br/> ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:263444 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993748021<br/> ???? : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:268583 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;???? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993754077<br/> ??????? : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:315622 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644) -- ???&#160;??? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912) -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996584459<br/> ???? : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:262129 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;??? -- ???????&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993733607<br/> ??????18???? : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:263439 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993748069<br/> A ciencia ao servico da arte = ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:275263 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Cavalheiro, Jorge<br/>??&#160;Arte&#160;Historia da arte&#160;Tecnologia&#160;Ciencia<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????(Instituto Cultural), ?1987?<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ???????????2021 = Cat&aacute;logo de Arte Macau : bienal internacional de arte de Macau 2021 = Catalogue of Art Macao : Macao international art biennale 2021 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:604311 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2021<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993705062<br/> ? : 2019????????? = Fusion : exhibition of artworks of Macao artists 2019 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:575526 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? : ???????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ????????2015?? = Olhares interiores : document&aacute;rios sobre performance art chinesa 2015 = Inward gazes : documentaries of chinese performance art 2015 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:464117 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;???? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos C&iacute;vicos e Municipais) : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502934<br/> ???? = Proximidade e adaptacao : ??????????2014 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:210332 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??? -- ??&#160;????&#160;???&#160;??&#160;Arte -- Exposicoes<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502125<br/> ???? : ?????????2012?? = Olhares interiores : document&aacute;rios sobre Performance Art Chinesa 2012 = Inward gazes : documentaries of Chinese Performance Art 2012 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311983 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;???? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;Arte&#160;Artistas chineses&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501241<br/> ??. ?? : ??????????????? : ??????? = Mobilidade e memoria : propostas de Macau a 54a bienal de Veneza = Mobility &amp; memory : Macao's propsed artworks for the 54th Venice biennale ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304992 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Martins, Edgar, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Fotografia<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????((Museu de Arte de Macau), 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500725<br/> ???? : ???????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302996 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????? : ????, 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500527<br/> ???? = Olhares interiores : ?????????2008?? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295889 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;???? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;Arte&#160;Artistas chineses<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759850<br/> ???? = Olhares interiores : ?????????2008?? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295892 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;????, ??<br/>??&#160;???? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;Arte&#160;Artistas -- Asia<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759867<br/> ?? : ??????????????????????? = Diverg&ecirc;ncia : propostas de Macau &agrave; 53a Bienal de Veneza = Divergence : Macao's propsed artworks for the 53rd Venice Biennale ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:296129 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Exposicao&#160;Instalacoes<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????((Museu de Arte de Macau), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759980<br/> ?? : ???????????????? = Renovar : arte contempor&acirc;nea de artistas emergentes de Macau e Xangai = Refresh : contemporary art of emerging Macao and Shanghai artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295051 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;????(??)&#160;Arte&#160;Instalacoes<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759683<br/> ??????? : ??&quot;????????.????????&quot;??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:288077 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???? : ???????, 2006<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993754909<br/> ???? : ?????? = Nice : arte contempor&acirc;nea Francesa = Nice : contemporary French art = Nice du nouveau r&eacute;alisme &agrave; supports surfaces ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:254698 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;P&eacute;glion, Jacqueline, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??(1900- ) -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??(1900- )&#160;Arte francesa&#160;Artistas franceses&#160;Biografia<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729075<br/> ???? : ????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:528055 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996579899<br/> ??????.?????? : ???????????. 2017/2018 = Macao Polytechnic Institute. School of Arts : bachelor of arts in visual arts graduation portfolio 2017/2018 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:517429 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;????&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:528064 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996579882<br/> ? : ??????? = Fluxo : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o de arte do vidro por Sunny Wang = Flow : glass art exhibition by Sunny Wang ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:504160 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703600<br/> ??? : ???????? = Ballade: animamix arte contempor&acirc;nea = Ballade: animamix contemporary art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508758 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;????&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703488<br/> ?31??????? : ?????????? ??? ?????? = Obras premiadas dos novos talentos da XXXI exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o colectiva dos artistas de Macau = artworks of the winners of new talent prize of XXXI collective exhibition of Macao artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:476722 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??? --&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????(Divis&atilde;o de Desenvolvimento das Artes Visuais, Departamento de Museus), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703075<br/> ???? : ????????????????????? = Inspira&ccedil;&atilde;o Inovadora : pintura de Mak Kuong Weng vencedor do pr&eacute;mio especial melhor cria&ccedil;&atilde;o da XXXI exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o colectiva dos artistas de Macau = Innovative Inspiration : painting of Mak Kuong Weng winner of the best creation special prize of the XXXI collective exhibition of Macao artists. ???(Vol.VI) ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:476168 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Institute Cultural), 2016?<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703051<br/> ???? : ????????? = O pal&aacute;cio magnificente : arquitectura imperial da Cidade Proibida = The magnificent palace : imperial architecture of the Forbidden City ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:464993 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos C&iacute;vicos e Municipais) : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502880<br/> ???? : ??????? = Napoleao e as artes decorativas : tesouros de palacios imperiais = Napoleon and the decorative arts : treasures of the imperial palaces ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:316635 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;Mobiliario&#160;Arte&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau) : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501623<br/> ???? : ???????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215585 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501647<br/> ???? : ???????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:212994 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?????&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???? : ???????, 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501975<br/> ???? : ??????? = Magnific&ecirc;ncia : obras de Chan Chi Vai = Magnificence : artworks of Chan Chi Vai ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:312204 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501197<br/> ???? : ??????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:308854 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?????&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????? : ????, 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501043<br/> ???? = Fragrancias da Mente : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:299737 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Xie Jinglan&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????((Museu de Arte de Macau), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9799993700240<br/> ???? : ??????? = Simplicidade e diversidade : obras de Wu Hao = Simplicity and diversity : artworks by Wu Hao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303006 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Caligrafia chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau) : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500435<br/> ???? : ?????? = Territ &oacute; rios de sonhos : uma retrospectiva de Kwok Woon = Territories of dreams : a retrospective of Kwok Woon ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:212760 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501890<br/> ???? : ???????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:297800 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9799993700035<br/> ????? = Arte moderna e contempor&acirc;nea = Modern and contemporary art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301016 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Pintura<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9799993700165<br/> ?????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:294814 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993790242<br/> ???? : ???????????? : ???? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:283613 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;????? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;??? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912) -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????? : ????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759119<br/> ???? : ???????????? = Conhecimento eterno : livros imperiais, obras de arte e cultura dos Qing = Eternal Knowledg : imperial books, art works and culture of the Qing ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:283621 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;????? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912) -- ??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912) -- ??&#160;Arte chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais) : ???????(Museu de arte de Macau), 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759157<br/> ???? : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:290247 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759348<br/> ???? : ????????? = Impress&otilde;es de Fran&ccedil;a : obras de Renoir &amp; Guino = Impression from France : works by Renoir &amp; Guino = Impressions de France : oeuvres de Renoir &amp; Guino ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:264472 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Renoir, Pierre Auguste, 1841-1919, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Escultura&#160;Desenho&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais) : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746928<br/> ???? : ???????? = Condi&ccedil;&atilde;o da humana : obras de Mio Pang Fei = On human condition : artworks by Mio Pang Fei ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265304 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Pintura&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993754022<br/> ???? : ?????????? = Viv&ecirc;ncias do imperador : Qian Long = The life of emperor : Qian Long ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265636 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;??? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912) -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746423<br/> ??????? : ??????? = Espa&ccedil;o sereno : fotografias sobre Macau de Laurence Aberhart = Ghostwriting : photographs of Macau by Laurence Aberhart ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:335347 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Aberhart, Laurence, ??<br/>??&#160;Historia de Macau&#160;Fotografia&#160;Clinicas dentarias&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729419<br/> ???? : ???????? = Legados dos Qing : a sumptuosa arte da embalagem imperial = Qing legacies : the sumptuous art of imperial packaging ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:254706 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;???? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Edicao da Camara Municipal de Macau), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729198<br/> ??? : ???????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:577246 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2020<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789998131415<br/> ???? : ???????? = Cat&aacute;logo de Arte Macau : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o internacional de arte = Catalogue of Art Macao : international art exhibition ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:556530 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789998131200<br/> ??????? : ??????? = 2.&deg; encontro em Macau : festival de artes e cultura entre a China e os pa&iacute;ses de l&iacute;ngua Portuguesa = 2nd encounter in Macao : arts and cultural festival between China and Portuguese-speaking countries ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:528143 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????&#160;????&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????? : ???? ???? = XXIX festival de artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508270 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????? : ???? ???? = 29th Macao arts festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508284 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ??????? = Encontro em Macau : festival de artes e cultura entre a China e os pa&iacute;ses de l&iacute;ngua Portuguesa = Encounter in Macao: arts and cultural festival between China and Portuguese-speaking countries ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508883 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????&#160;????&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? ???? : ??????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:513012 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;????&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993712527<br/> ?? : ????????????????????????????. 2017 = MPI School of Arts graduation portfolio of the bachelor of arts degree in design and visual arts. 2017 /c?????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:497583 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : 2017?????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:497758 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996579851<br/> ?? : ?????????????? = Extension : works of Macao Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibitions = Extensao : Exposicao de Arte Contemporanea Pintura a Oleo de Macao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:507194 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996532009<br/> ???? : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:514805 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;????&#160;???&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993712435<br/> ???? : ?????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:515723 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;????&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996595332<br/> ?????????? = 28th Macao arts festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:485392 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????? = XXVIII Festical de artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:485393 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ??????????2017 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:494959 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;??: ????????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993771685<br/> ?????????? = XXVII Festival de artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:464014 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????? = 27th Macao arts festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:464015 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : 2016?????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:467757 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??????????<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996579837<br/> ??????? : ??????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:478753 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??, ??<br/>??&#160;??????&#160;?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ???????<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? : ?????, 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703044<br/> ????? : ???????????? = Habitus Mundo : Desenho Coreano de Cha Young Seok = Habitual World : Korean Drawing Exhibition of Cha Young Seok ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425526 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502668<br/> ???? : ???????????????????? = O cultivador de sil&ecirc;ncios : pintura de Lio Man Cheong vencedor do pr&eacute;mio especial melhor cria&ccedil;&atilde;o da XXX exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o colectiva dos artistas de Macau = The silent nurturer : painting of Lio Man Cheong winner of the best creation special prize of the XXX collective exhibition of Macao artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425622 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto Para Os Assuntos C&iacute;vicos E Municipais), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502743<br/> ??????? : ?????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:450559 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ??????&#160;?????<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702733<br/> ???? : ??????????2015 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:214770 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993771661<br/> ?????????? = XXVI Festival de artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215487 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), [2015]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ??.?? : ??????????2015????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215850 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996577802<br/> ???? : ????????????????? = Comemoracao do 30 aniversario : obras dos artistas de melhor criacao na exposicao colectiva dos artistas de Macau = The 30th anniversary commemoration : best creative artists'artworks at the collective exhibition of Macao artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215856 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502484<br/> ??????????????????????? : ???????????????2015 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:218394 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????? : ??????, [2015 ]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????? = 26th Macao arts festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215489 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), [2015]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215622 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993711605<br/> ???????? : ????? = Magic space of black and white : pandaful art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:464991 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??????????????, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;[??] : ????????????, ?? : ????????????, [2015]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????? 2014 : ???????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:464725 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;?????, ?<br/>??&#160;?????&#160;????? -- ??&#160;???? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:475109 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????????????????????? ??? ??? ??? = Obras premiadas novos talentos da XXVIII e XXIX Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau Lam Hoi Leng, Pun Weng, I Mak Si Un = Artworks of the winners of new talent prize of XXVIII &amp; XXIX Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists Lam Hoi Leng, Pun Weng, I Mak Si Un ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:214738 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502309<br/> ???? = Danca de Luz e Sombras : ??????????? : exposicao patrimonial das lanternas de flores de Xangai por He Keming = Dance of light and shadows : heritage exhibition of Shanghai flower lanterns by He Keming ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:214739 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502262<br/> ????? : ?????? : ????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215341 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????, 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996570018<br/> ???? : ??????? = Os espiritos incorporados do pinheiro ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:208174 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??&#160;Pinturas a tinta da China -- Coleccao de obras&#160;Pinturas de paisagens -- Coleccao de obras<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502118<br/> ?????????? = XXV Festival de artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:207782 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), [2014]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????? = 25th Macao arts festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:207783 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), [2014]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????????? : ???????????????2014 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:211257 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????? : ??????, [2014]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? = Impressoes da cidade : ???????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:211770 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??&#160;Pinturas -- Exposicoes&#160;Aguarela -- Exposicoes<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502187<br/> ????? : ?????????????? = Arte?vida : pintura contemporanea da Malasia de Lee Kian Choong = Art?life : Malaysian contemporary paintings Lee Kian Choong ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215484 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502507<br/> ?????????? = 24th Macao arts festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:315299 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), [2013]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ??? : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:315981 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??, 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993780854<br/> Open show : ????????????????(????)???????2013 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:316622 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????? : ??????, [2013]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> Open show : ??????. ?????????????????2013 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:316623 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;??????<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ?????? = Belezas de Myanmar : arte contemporanea Birmanesa = Beauties of Myanmar : Burmese contemporary art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:316640 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Arte birmanesa&#160;Pintura birmanesa<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501821<br/> ??????? : ???????????????2013?????????? = Design : beauty &amp; energy : theses on art and design &amp; graduation portfolio of class 2013 at Macau University of Science and Technology ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:316700 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????(Macau University of Science and Technology), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993753414<br/> ???? = Porem confesso-me : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:208023 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;????&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Installations (Art)&#160;Jin Zhongjiu -- Arts collection&#160;Instalacoes (Arte)<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501630<br/> ???? = O encontro do presente : ???????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:208035 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??&#160;Pinturas -- Exposicoes&#160;Aguarela -- Exposicoes<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501777<br/> ?? : ????????????????????? = O palco dos prazeres : pintura de Lio Hak Man vencedor do pr&eacute;mio especial melhor cria&ccedil;&atilde;o da XXVI Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau = The stage of joy : painting of Lio Hak Man winner of the best creation special prize of the XXVI Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:310965 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Lio Hak Man<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501098<br/> ??????? : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:315620 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644) -- ???&#160;??? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912) -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996584442<br/> ????II : ???? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:308841 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;????&#160;??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993752554<br/> ????? : ????????????????(????)??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:310718 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????? : ??????????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:310747 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Lao, Angela En-Yu, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;??????<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ??????????@????? = Discovery : a creative journey through the works of 20 Macau contemporary artists @ MGM Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311556 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Art For All Society), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ?????? = O brilho de um talento : exposicao de arte de Deng Sanmu = The shininess of a talent : art exhibition of Deng Sanmu ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311858 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501128<br/> ???? : ????????? = O requinte da artes : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o de artes e of&iacute;cios de Xangai = Refinement of arts : exhibition of arts and crafts from Shanghai ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311988 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;???? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ??? -- ??&#160;Arte&#160;Jade&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501227<br/> ???? : ???????????????????? = Pinceladas esvoa&ccedil;antes : obra art&iacute;stica de Ho Loi Seng vencedor da XXVII Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau = The flying strokes : artworks of Ho Loi Seng winner of XXVII Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311990 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501289<br/> ?????????????????? : ???????????? = Obras premiadas novos talentos da XXVII exposicao colectiva dos artistas de Macau : Lei Mei I,Xie Yun,Cheang Kin Ieng = Artworks of the winners of new talent prize of XXVII collective exhibition of Macao artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:315766 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Caligrafia chinesa<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501449<br/> ????????? : ?????????? = S&iacute;ntese visual de fragmentos : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o de arte contempor&acirc;nea de 10 artistas = Visual synthesis of fragments : contemporary art exhibition by 10 artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:186403 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701460<br/> Mapping : ?????????? = Mapping : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o colectiva de fot&oacute;grafos de Macau = Mapping : Macao photographers group exhibition ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:194587 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Correia, Carmo, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Fotografia<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto cultural), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701644<br/> ???? : ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:475104 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501463<br/> ???? : ??????. ?????? : ????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:305539 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????? : ??????, [2011]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ??????. ?????? : ??????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:305540 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;???? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ???????????????????? = Patrim&oacute;nio gravado : colec&ccedil;&atilde;o de Gravuras do Museu de Arte e Arqueologia Arthur M. Sackler na Universidade de Pequim = The printed legacy : prints Collection of Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archeology at Peking University ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:307911 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ???<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500985<br/> ???? : ?????????????????????? = Preservando os tinteiros de pedra : Exposicao de arte de Lei Tak Seng vencedor da XXV exposicao colectiva dos artistas de Macau = Guarding the inkstone : art exhibition of Lei Tak Seng winner of the XXV collective exhibition of Macao artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303924 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500640<br/> ???? : ???????? = A decada de gloria = A decade of glory : exposicao anual de artes visuais de Macau : Macao annual art exhibition ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:304890 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701279<br/> ???? : ?????????2008-2009 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:307443 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996587900<br/> ?? : ????????????? = Labirinto : novos media interactivos de Wu Dar Kuen = A-maze : interactive new media art by Wu Dar Kuen ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:168842 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;????(??)&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701248<br/> ????.??? : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:300249 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????, 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9799993771004<br/> ???????????? = Macao polytechnic institute school of arts : ????(????)??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301670 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????(Macao Polytechnic Institute), [2010]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ??????????2010 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303042 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993771616<br/> ?????????? = XXII Festival de artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303694 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), [2010]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????????????????? ??? ?????? = Obras premiadas Novos Talentos da XXV Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau Leong Chi Hou Kuok Hoi Leng Lam Wai In = Artworks of the winners of New Talent prize of XXV Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists Leong Chi Hou Kuok Hoi Leng Lam Wai In ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302976 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500442<br/> ???? : ???????????????? = Confluence : a collection from the Macao Museum of art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:296125 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??????? -- ???&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de arte de Macau), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759898<br/> ?????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:298917 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;???? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9787536138285<br/> ??????????? = First chongqing biennale for the young artists : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:300649 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;Macau : ?????, 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993747727<br/> ????????????????????? ??? ????? = Obras de pr&eacute;mio Novos Talentos XXIV Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau Chang Cheng Cheng Kou Sio Nga Lam Wai In = Artworks of the winners of New Talent prize XXIV Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists Chang Cheng Cheng Kou Sio Nga Lam Wai In ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295877 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Caligrafia chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759959<br/> ?????? : ???????? = Eulogy of flowers by a female artist : Guan Huiyi's lacquer painting art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:298104 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Guan Huiyi<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????, 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993749349<br/> ???? : ??????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:298428 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993769446<br/> ???????????? : ????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:155400 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;??? : ??????, 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9787509711330<br/> ??????????????????????? = Pr&eacute;mio novos talentos - Pinturas de Kam Lou, jovem vencedora da XXIII Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau = Painting of the winner of new talent prize of the XXIII Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:287835 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Kam Lou&#160;Pintura&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759454<br/> ???? = Horizontes de Macau : ????? / II ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:288083 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Morais, Jose Manuel t. Simoes , ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??(1900- ) -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700982<br/> ???? : ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:288630 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993794608<br/> ???????????? : ????? : ????(????)????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:290236 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????? : ??????, 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????? ?????? : ????????? : ??? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:291187 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????? : ????????, 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993781028<br/> ???? = Espaco Alternativo : ?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295218 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;Instalacoes&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701057<br/> ???????????? = Macao Polytechnic Institute school of arts : ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295813 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????(Macao Polytechnic Institute), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993758648<br/> ?. ?. ? = Quietude,pensamentos,palavras : ???????????????????????? / Quietness,thouguts, words : painting of Lam Wai Man winner of the XXIII collective exhibition of Macao artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:289085 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759591<br/> 2008???????? = Exposicao anual de artes visuais de Macau 2008 = Macao annual art exhibition 2008 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:289199 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701040<br/> ????????? = XV Festival de Artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:290713 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?????<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700531<br/> ????????? = XVII festival de artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295472 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?????<br/>??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701026<br/> ???????2007 : ?????????? = Rainbow artworks exhibition pictures album 2007 : art creations made by disabilities ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:283344 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Pintura<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993791409<br/> ??. ?? : 07???????? : ????????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:285890 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : [??????], [2007]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ??. ???? : 2007??????????? = Arte-libertaccao da critividade : Exposicao anual de artes visuais de Macau = Art-creativity unbound : 2007 Macao annual art exhibition ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:286124 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Artes visuais&#160;Pintura&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Fotografia<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700937<br/> ????? : ???????? = Sentimento do Lilau : obras de artistas de Macau = Sentiment on Lilau : works by Macao artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:286127 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;Pintura&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700920<br/> ??. ?? : 07???????? : ??????????????????? : ???? ????? / ??? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:286452 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : [??????], [2007]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????? : ?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:285656 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/> A city of dream colors = ??? . ??????? : ???? . ???? = Anita Fung Pou Chu?fireworks art in Macau : a city of dream colors?set of Paintings ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:305696 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte<br/>????&#160;Peking : ????(China Pictorial Press), 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9787802201750<br/> 2006??????????? = Exposicao anual de artes visuais de Macau : ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:277178 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?,??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Artes visuais&#160;Arte&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2006<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700814<br/> ???? : ??????? = Horizontes de Macau : exposicao de arte contemporanea = Macao horizons : contemporary art exhibition ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:278518 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??(1900- ) -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2006<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700852<br/> ??.?? : ???????? = Vivacidade! : video arte Frances = Fresh! : French video art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:277741 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Amerio, Sandy, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Video&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2005<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993754596<br/> ?????? : ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:277706 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2005<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993749240<br/> ????????? = Exposicao anual de artes visuais de Macau catalogo : ??????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:272533 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Festival de Artes de Macau -- 2005&#160;Arte&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2005<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700715<br/> ??????? : ??????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:277517 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : [????], 2005<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ??. ??. ?? : ??????????????2004 = Descobrindo a beleza na natureza e na vida : 2004 exposicao dos trabalhos dos alunos de artes visuais do Colegio Mateus Ricci, Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:268468 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;?????, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo&#160;Artes visuais<br/>????&#160;Macau : [?????(Colegio Mateus Ricci)], [2004]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????? : ?????????? : ?????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265286 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????? : ???????????, 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993769323<br/> ???? : ???????????????????? = Imagens simples : pintura de Iam Wai Man, vencedora da XIX Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau = Simple images : paintings by Iam Wai Man, winner of the XIX Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265301 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao&#160;Iam Wai Man<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746935<br/> ?????????????? : ????????? = A China e o ocidente : influencia cultural e inovacao : catalogo da exposicao de artes visuais : XV festival de artes de Macau = China and the west : cultural influence and innovation : visual arts exhibition catalogue : 15th Macao Arts Festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265641 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700517<br/> ???? : ???????????? = Exposicao colectiva de pintores de Macau : amor por Macau = Passion for Macau : calligraphic and painting works exhibition ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:267481 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ??&#160;Pintura&#160;Caligrafia chinesa<br/>????&#160;Macau : ?????(Fundacao Macau), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993710295<br/> ????? : ???????????????? = Pinturas de Chio Hoi Ian : melhor jovem artista da Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau = Paintings of Chio Hoi Ian : best youth artist of the Collective Exhibition of Macau Artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:264282 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;Pintura&#160;Chio Hoi Ian&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746713<br/> ???? : ??????????? = Tesouros Chineses : Monumentos e sitios da China Candidatos a patrimonio mundial da UNESCO = Chinese treasures : Monuments and sites in China bidding for UNESCO world heritaage listing ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:264306 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700395<br/> ???? : ??????????? = Atmosfera jovia : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o de obras de arte contempor&acirc;nea para o Ano Novo Chin&acirc;s = A beam of delight : Chinese New Year Macao contemporary art exhibition ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:264917 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Ano da Cabra&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao&#160;Arte<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746485<br/> ??.?? : ???????????? = Cores coreanas, tintas extasiantes : obras da artista coreana Chun Soo Kyung = Colors of Korea, glamorous ink : works of the woman artist Chun Soo Kyung from South Korea ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265122 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746522<br/> ???? : &quot;??????&quot;????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:254472 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700401<br/> ???? : ?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:259637 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;????&#160;??&#160;????<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746805<br/> ?????? : ?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:25896 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????, 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993769316<br/> ???? : ?????????? = Caminhos interiores na pintura : sete artistas contempor&acirc;neos = Paintings and inner journeys : seven contemporary artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:43677 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Bessmertny, Konstantin, ?<br/>??&#160;Pintura&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao&#160;Bessmertny, Konstantin&#160;Marreiros, Carlos<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais) : ??????, 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993775829<br/> ???? : ??????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:254500 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;??? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912) -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746430<br/> ??????????????? : ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:257137 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993747154<br/> ?????? : ??????? = Fasc&iacute;nios Centen&aacute;rios de Cant&atilde;o : Cer&acirc;mica de Wan Zhaoquan = Guangdong Century Charm : Wan Zhaoquan's Ceramic ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:261108 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;Ceramica chinesa -- Cantao&#160;Wan Zhaoquan&#160;Etnografia -- Cantao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746195<br/> ???????? : ??????????? = Gera&ccedil;&atilde;o XXI : cinco artistas portgueses em Macau = Generation XXI : five portuguese artists in Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:261151 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Gama, Miguel Telles da, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo&#160;Rebelo, Miguel<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746218<br/> ???? : ????????????????? = Can&ccedil;&otilde;es infinitas : pinturas de Iu Lai Hong-melhor jovem artista da Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau = Endless songs : Paintings of Iu Lai Hong-Macao best youth collective artist ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:261026 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo&#160;Iu Lai Hong<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746256<br/> ?????? : ????????? = Caligrafia de Ieong Cheok Kuong : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o do melhor artista da colectiva de artistas de Macau = Calligraphy of Ieong Cheok Kuong : best artist exbibition of Macao collective artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:262368 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao&#160;Ieong Cheok Kuong<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????????((Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais da RAEM), 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746287<br/> The art of Macanese cuisine &amp; other IFT delights = ?????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:262641 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Macau. Institute For Tourism Studies<br/>??&#160;Cookery -- Art&#160;Cookery, Macanese&#160;Gastronomy, Macanese&#160;Arte culin&aacute;ria&#160;Culin&aacute;ria macaense<br/>????&#160;Macau : IFT(Instituto de Forma&ccedil;&atilde;o Tur&iacute;stica), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993764007<br/> ????????? = XII Festival de artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:246165 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;????? -- ??????&#160;Festival de Artes de Macau -- 2001<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????????(Instituto Cultural do governo da R.A.E.de Macau), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?? : ??????? = Wo....man : arte no feminino = Wo....man : feminine art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:257981 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Albergue da Santa Casa da Misericordia), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ?????? = Imagens atrav&eacute;s dum orificio arte de fotografia = Pinhole vision photography art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:337484 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;Fotografia&#160;Artistas&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria, 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729464<br/> ???? = Caligrafia e pintura de Rao Zongyi/ : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:240883 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo&#160;Rao Zongyi<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729389<br/> ???? : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:244950 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993770176<br/> ??????? : ????????? = Prosaico, no entranto Maravilhoso : carimbos, caligrafias e pinturas de Huang Shiling = Common yet marvellous : Huang Shiling's seal cutting, calligrapby and painting ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:246746 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, 1849-1908, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Huang Shiling&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????????(Servicos Recreativos e Culturais da Camara Manicipal de Macau Provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729358<br/> IT : ?????? : ?????????? = Transfigura&ccedil;&otilde;es : uma exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o colectiva de instala&ccedil;&otilde;es e pintura abstracta = Identity transformation : A collective exhibition of installations and abstract paintings ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:246760 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;???&#160;?? -- ??&#160;???? -- ???&#160;???(??) -- ???&#160;Pintura<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camra Municipal de Macau provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729327<br/> ?????? : ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:5645 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Allen, Phillip, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ??&#160;???? -- ???<br/>????&#160;??? : ???, 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789574696451<br/> ???????? : ????????? = Celebra&ccedil;&atilde;o do Regresso de Macau a Patria : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o de arte chinesa ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265453 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte chinesa&#160;Pintura<br/>????&#160;Macau : ?????(Instituto Cultural), [2000]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????? : ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:331845 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??,???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????, [1998]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ???????? = Encontro em Macau : artistas portugueses contempor&acirc;neos no oriente = Reunion in Macau : contemporary portuguese artists in the orient ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:328935 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Alves, Elsa Bot&atilde;o, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????(Leal Senado), 1997<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789729737428<br/> III Festival de Artes de Macau : Ano Novo Lunar = ?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:275346 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Macau. Instituto Cultural<br/>??&#160;Festival de Artes de Macau, 3, Macau,1992&#160;??????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????(Instituto Cultural), 1992<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ????????? = M&atilde;os orientais sobre o ocidente : artistas chineses da Calif&oacute;rnia ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:275889 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Guedes, Lu&iacute;sa, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;Pintura&#160;Exposicoes<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Leal Senado), 1992<br/>???&#160;??<br/> Ano Novo Lunar Festival das Artes de Macau 1991 = ???????1991 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:275395 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Instituto Cultural de Macau. Sector de Traducoes<br/>??&#160;Festival de Artes de Macau&#160;??????? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????(Instituto Cultural de Macau), 1991<br/>???&#160;??<br/> &Uacute;ltimas d&eacute;cadas = ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:256576 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Macau. Leal Senado. Museu Lu&iacute;s de Cam&otilde;es<br/>??&#160;Pintura portuguesa&#160;Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o&#160;Cat&aacute;logo&#160;Painting, Portuguese&#160;Exhibition catalogs<br/>????&#160;Macau : ?????(Leal Senado de Macau), 1987<br/>???&#160;??<br/> 2004??????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:268707 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;????????????, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???? : ???????, 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993749202<br/> 2018??????????? = Obras dos artistas da exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o colectiva das artes visuais de Macau 2018 = Works by the artists of the collective exhibition of Macao visual arts 2018 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:527612 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;????&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704379<br/> ???????????? = Obras escolhidas das colec&ccedil;&otilde;es do Museu de Arte de Macau = Selected works from collections of the Macao Museum of Art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:521959 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704355<br/> ????????????????? = Mulheres artistas 1a bienal inter nacional de macau = Women artists 1st inter national biennial of macao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508639 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Nunes, Ana Jacinto, ?<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703747<br/> ??????????? : ?? = Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o anual de artes entre a China e os pa&iacute;ses de l&iacute;ngua Portuguesa : aprofundar = Annual arts exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking countries : penetrate ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:519828 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ????<br/>??&#160;????&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703839<br/> 2016???????? : ????? = Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o anual de artes visuais de Macau 2016 : categoria de meios de express&atilde;o ocidentais = Macao annual visual arts exhibition 2016 : western media category ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425931 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????(Instituto cultural do governo da R.A.E. de Macau), [2016]<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702818<br/> ?????????1981-1992 = Zhou Chunya : correspond&ecirc;ncia sobre arte 1981-1992 = Zhou Chunya : letters on art 1981-1992. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425983 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;???&#160;??? -- ???????<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502842<br/> ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:227585 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993711940<br/> ?????? 2013 = Montra de artes de Macau 2013 = Macao arts window 2013 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:464115 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Drummond, Jos&eacute;, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??????<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502705<br/> ????????????????????????? : 2009-2014??????? = Visual arts programme School of Arts Macao Polytechnic Institute : 2009-2014 collection of outstanding works by students ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215381 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????(Macao Polytechnic Institute), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996521041<br/> ??????2012 = Montra de artes de Macau 2012 = Macao arts window 2012 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:210348 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??????&#160;Artes de Macau&#160;Montra de artes de Macau&#160;Macao arts<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501807<br/> ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303222 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912) -- ??????&#160;??? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912) -- ??????<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????? : ????, 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9799993700158<br/> ????????? : 1985-1999 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:288052 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759263<br/> ??????.?????? : ???????????. 2017/2018 = Macao Polytechnic Institute. School of Arts : bachelor of arts in design graduation portfolio 2017/2018 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:517366 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ?? ??????? = Virtude herdada : caligrafia, pintura e selos entalhados por Zhou Zhan e Zhou Yun = Inheriting virtuosity : the calligraphy, painting and seal-carving of Zhou Zhan and Zhou Yun ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:318998 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501913<br/> ???? : ?????????? = Yang Shan Shen : o Legado : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o comemorativa dos cem anos do seu nascimento = Yang Shan Shen : the legacy : commemorative exhibition of the centennial birth anniversary ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:208019 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??&#160;Painting, Chinese<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501579<br/> ??????????? = Poster designs by Macau Museum of Art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:289067 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Cartazes&#160;Design&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????(Macau Museum of Art), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759577<br/> ?????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:284517 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993790228<br/> ????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:280808 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2006<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993790211<br/> ??.????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:268767 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???? : ???????, 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993749141<br/> ???? : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:245473 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993762980<br/> ???????. ? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:449819 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ???<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2020<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789998181304<br/> 2020 ARTFEM?????????????? = 2020 ARTFEM mulheres Artistas bienal internacional de Macau = 2020 ARTFEM Women Artists international biennial of Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:507279 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Marreiros, Carlos, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;??: ?????? : ???????, 2020<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996588648<br/> ???????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:519916 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993749578<br/> ????????? = 30.&ordm; festival de artes de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:522908 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????? = 30th Macao arts festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:522911 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???, ?<br/>??&#160;????&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????????2019????????? = Graduation exhibition portfolio of class 2019 faculty of Humanitise and arts at MUST ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:528233 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993753629<br/> ??????????? : ?? = Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o anual de artes entre a China e os pa&iacute;ses de L&iacute;ngua Portuguesa: AIYA = Annual arts exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking countries: AIYA ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:510763 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;????&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703860<br/> ??????????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:519208 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996570735<br/> ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:519220 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;????<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????? ; ????????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996530432<br/> ????????? : ????101 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:521577 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;????<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996535925<br/> ????????????2018???????? : MUST design 2018 = Graduation exhibition portfolio of class 2018 faculty of humanitise and arts at Mauca University of Science and Technology : MUST design 2018 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:510807 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993753605<br/> ??????????? : ??? = Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o anual de artes entre a China e os pa&iacute;ses de L&iacute;ngua Portuguesa: o universo = Annual arts exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking countries: the universe ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:510995 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;????&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703822<br/> ??????????? : ??? = Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o annual de artes entre e China e os pa&iacute;ses de L&iacute;ngua Portuguesa: alter ego = Annual arts exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking countries: alter ego ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:517933 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Jos&eacute; Eduardo Agualusa, ?????<br/>??&#160;????&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704157<br/> ?? ?????????? = Macao international art exchange exhibition ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:507333 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993749561<br/> ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:503793 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??, ?<br/>??&#160;????&#160;????&#160;?????<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996587863<br/> ???? : ???????? = Arts communication : theory, mechanism, and method ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:507227 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996549519<br/> ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:494817 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? : ???????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703334<br/> ?????? : ??.???? = A arte de Zhang Daqian : as suas pinturas e os selos do seu c&iacute;rculo de gravadores = The art of Zhang Daqian : his paintings and seals by acquainted seal carvers ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:496880 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural) : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703389<br/> ?????????? : ????????? : ?????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:450770 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?????<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702702<br/> ????????????? : ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:471599 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:482348 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;???? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996584831<br/> ????????????2016?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:473675 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993753544<br/> ????????????? : ?????????????2015 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:218395 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????(Macao Polytechnic Institute), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????? = Design art in Macao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:227851 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;???? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? ; ?? : ?????????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702610&#160;9787509776018<br/> 2015????????????? = Exposicao annual de artes visuais de Macau 2015 : categoria de pintura e caligrafia Chinesas = Macao annual visual arts exhibition 2015 : chinese painting and calligraphy category ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:217509 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702412<br/> ??????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:464630 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;???&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993711995<br/> ???????? : ???????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:468860 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??????&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993771678<br/> ????????????????? : ????????????? = Obras premiadas dos novos talentos da XXX exposicao colectiva dos artistas de Macau : Lei Hio I, Tam Hio Lam, Cheong Kit Pan = Artworks of the winners of new talent prize of XXX collective exhibition of Macao artists : Lei Hio I, Tam Hio Lam, Cheong Kit Pan ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:425625 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??? --&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto Para Os Assuntos Civicos E Municipais), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502767<br/> ????????????2015?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:469025 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993753506<br/> 2014???????? : ????? = Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o anual de artes visuais de Macau 2014 : categoria de meios de express&atilde;o ocidentais = Macao annual visual art exhibition 2014 : western media category ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:208406 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702078<br/> 2013????? : ????????? : ?????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:207750 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?????<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996587917<br/> ???????? : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:207821 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;??(??)&#160;?? -- ??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701934<br/> ????????????? : ?????????????2014 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:211256 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????????2014?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:214736 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993753469<br/> ? = ????????????????????????? = Sonho = Escola Superior de Artes do Instituto Politecnico de Macau exposicao de graduacao do curso de licenciatura em design ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215138 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????????????(Escoie superior de artes), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215465 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Kolstoe, John, ?<br/>??&#160;??(??)&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996546303<br/> AP6??????????????2013 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:316625 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996596704<br/> AP9???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:316626 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996596728<br/> ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:318018 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996589041<br/> 2013???????? : ????? = Exposi&ccedil;ao anual de artes visuais de Macau 2013 : categoria de pintura e caligrafia chinesas = Macao annual visual art exhibition 2013 : chinese painting and calligraphy category ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:202275 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701781<br/> ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:207747 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?????<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996583278<br/> ?????????? = The art of metre and chinese education ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:484895 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;????&#160;??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????(Funda&ccedil;&atilde;o Macau), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993711063<br/> ?????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:309455 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996589027<br/> ????????????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:315947 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993753322<br/> 2012???????? = Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o anual de artes visuais de Macau 2012 = Macao annual visual art exhibition 2012 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:194588 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Festival de Artes de Macau -- 2012<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701484<br/> ?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:305609 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ???<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500763<br/> ???????????????????????????????? = Obras premiadas novos talentos da XXVI Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau Wong Sio Hang Shao Zi Wei Cheang Kin Ieng = Artworks of the winners of new talent prize of XXVI Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists Wong Sio Hang Shao Zi Wei Cheang Kin Ieng ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:306728 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500916<br/> VAFA???????2010 = Video art for all-international video art festival 2010 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311560 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Riebel, Stefan, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;????(??) -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;VAFA???????<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Art For All Society), 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ?????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:299141 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993790266<br/> ???? : ??????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303018 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993788690<br/> ???????? = Esculturas em jade requintado do estilo de Xangai = Sculptures of the finest jade of Shanghai style ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303139 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;? -- ?? -- ??&#160;Escultura chinesa&#160;Jade&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500534<br/> ???????????? : ??????????? = Macao polytechnic institute school of arts : design program-graduation portfolio ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:161901 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;??????&#160;Arte&#160;Design<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??????(Macao Polytechnic Institute), [2010]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> 2010???????? = Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o anual de artes visuais de Macau 2010 = Macao annual art exhibition 2010 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:167350 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701187<br/> ????????????(??) : ????????????????? = Cinco artistas de caracteres chineses em Macau : Gu Gan?Pu Lieping?Yi Liao? Lu Zizhen?Zeng Laide = Five chinese character artists in Macao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:167351 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Pintura<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701231<br/> ??????????? = O poder chinesa da arte abstracta contemporanea ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295860 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;Arte&#160;Artistas chineses<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701071<br/> ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303704 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993787938<br/> ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:294906 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993790716<br/> ???????? : 2008????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:291191 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????? = Colectiva de artistas da Bahia : ??????,?????,??? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295056 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Dias, Caetano, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura brasileira&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao&#160;Artistas brasileiros<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759744<br/> ????????????????2007 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:284515 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : [????????], [2007]<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:281477 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993790709<br/> ?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:284658 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993749325<br/> ??????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:285365 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993769422<br/> ??????????????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:294934 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????, 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/> 20???????(???) ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:139497 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;??? : ????, 2006<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9787301113110<br/> ?????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:273073 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????, 2005<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993734604<br/> ??.???? : ??? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:277221 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2005<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993710370<br/> ??????????????????????????????? = Pintura de Ieong I Mei, Pou Ka Ieng e Kam Mei Leng vencedores do pr&eacute;mio &quot;Novos Talentos&quot; da XX Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau = Paintings of Ieong I Mei, Pou Ka Ieng and Kam Mei Leng winners of &quot;New Talents&quot; prize of the 20th Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:268440 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Ieong I Mei<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993754060<br/> ???????? = Obras escolhidas de He Xiangning = Selected works by He Xiangning ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:269509 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao&#160;He Xiangning<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993754121<br/> ???????????(??????) ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265054 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;???? -- ?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789628294121<br/> Viv&ecirc;ncias do imperador Qian Long : guia da exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o = The life of emperor Qian Long : guide book = ?????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:280807 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Macau. Museu de Arte de Macau<br/>??&#160;Art, Chinese -- Exhibition -- Guidebooks&#160;Calligraphy, Chinese&#160;Arte chinesa&#160;Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o -- Guia&#160;Cat&aacute;logo<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746447<br/> ???????????????? = XVII Concurso de Arte da Funda&ccedil;&atilde;o Philippe Charriol = The Philippe Charriol Foundation 17th Annual Art Competition exhibition ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:272862 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de arte de Macau), [2002]<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993746317<br/> ???????? : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:252503 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993769408<br/> ???????? : ????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:252509 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????, 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993769415<br/> ????????? = XIII Festival de Artes de Macau = XIII Macao Arts Festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:254582 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;Festival de Artes de Macau -- 2002<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????????????(Instituto Cultural do Govermo da R.A.E.de Macau), 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:260543 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????, 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ??.?? : ???????????? = Arte-arte : Salvador 450 Anos ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:334763 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??? -- ??&#160;Artes plasticas -- Salvador&#160;Arte&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729433<br/> ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:331752 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????, 2001?<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993762805<br/> ?????? = Elogio de l&oacute;tus exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o colectiva de arte = Praise of lotus ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:337302 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??????<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729068<br/> ???????? = Mostra dos artistas de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:255076 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Catalogo&#160;Caligrafia chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ??????? = Retrospectiva de arte de Situ Qi ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:337894 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;???&#160;???&#160;Situ Qi&#160;Arte chinesa&#160;Biografia<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????????? = Macau gardens &amp; landscape art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:332089 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z 2024-07-07T18:16:03Z ?? / ???&#160;Cabral, Francisco M.Caldeira, ?<br/>??&#160;???? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????? ; ?? : ????????, 1999<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789627160885<br/>