???? ?? - ?????? Books - General Collections for Loan - Biblioteca Sir Robert Ho Tung - Pintura chinesa - Caligrafia chinesa SirsiDynix Enterprise https://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003d$0025E8$002597$00259D$0025E8$0025A1$002593$0026qf$003dFORMAT$002509Format$002509BOOK$002509Books$0026qf$003dITYPE$002509Material$002bType$0025091$00253ACIR-BK$002509General$002bCollections$002bfor$002bLoan$0026qf$003dLIBRARY$002509Library$0025091$00253AHT$002509Biblioteca$002bSir$002bRobert$002bHo$002bTung$0026qf$003dSUBJECT$002509Subject$002509Pintura$002bchinesa$002509Pintura$002bchinesa$0026qf$003dSUBJECT$002509$0025E4$0025B8$0025BB$0025E9$0025A1$00258C$002509Caligrafia$002bchinesa$002509Caligrafia$002bchinesa$0026te$003dILS$0026lm$003dHT$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue? 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ???? : ??????? = Magnific&ecirc;ncia : obras de Chan Chi Vai = Magnificence : artworks of Chan Chi Vai ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:312204 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501197<br/> ???? : ?????? = O brilho de um talento : exposicao de arte de Deng Sanmu = The shininess of a talent : art exhibition of Deng Sanmu ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311858 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501128<br/> ???? : ???????????????????? = Pinceladas esvoa&ccedil;antes : obra art&iacute;stica de Ho Loi Seng vencedor da XXVII Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau = The flying strokes : artworks of Ho Loi Seng winner of XXVII Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311990 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501289<br/> ????????????????????? ??? ????? = Obras de pr&eacute;mio Novos Talentos XXIV Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau Chang Cheng Cheng Kou Sio Nga Lam Wai In = Artworks of the winners of New Talent prize XXIV Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists Chang Cheng Cheng Kou Sio Nga Lam Wai In ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295877 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Caligrafia chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759959<br/> ?????????????? : ????????? = A China e o ocidente : influencia cultural e inovacao : catalogo da exposicao de artes visuais : XV festival de artes de Macau = China and the west : cultural influence and innovation : visual arts exhibition catalogue : 15th Macao Arts Festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265641 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700517<br/> ???? = Caligrafia e pintura de Rao Zongyi/ : ??????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:240883 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo&#160;Rao Zongyi<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729389<br/> ??????? : ????????? = Prosaico, no entranto Maravilhoso : carimbos, caligrafias e pinturas de Huang Shiling = Common yet marvellous : Huang Shiling's seal cutting, calligrapby and painting ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:246746 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, 1849-1908, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Huang Shiling&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ?????????????(Servicos Recreativos e Culturais da Camara Manicipal de Macau Provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729358<br/> 2013???????? : ????? = Exposi&ccedil;ao anual de artes visuais de Macau 2013 : categoria de pintura e caligrafia chinesas = Macao annual visual art exhibition 2013 : chinese painting and calligraphy category ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:202275 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701781<br/> ?????? = Elogio de l&oacute;tus exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o colectiva de arte = Praise of lotus ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:337302 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??????<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729068<br/> ???????? = Mostra dos artistas de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:255076 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;Arte&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Catalogo&#160;Caligrafia chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ???? : ?????? = Mem&oacute;rias do papel de arroz : uma retrospectiva da obra de Chui Tak Kei = Memories of rice paper : a retrospective of Chui Tak Kei's artworks ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:202550 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501760<br/> ???? ???? : ???????????? = Profundidade : caligrafia e pintura comemorativa do centesimo anivers&aacute;rio do nascimento de Qi Yuanbai = High and deep : calligraphy and painting by Qi Yuanbai commemorating the 100th anniversary of his birth ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:315768 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Qi Yuanbai&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Pintura chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501210<br/> ???? : ????????????? = Mestres em reclusao : obras de arte da escola de pintura de xin an da Coleccao do Museu de Anhui = Masters in Seclusion : works of the xin an painting school from the Anhui Museum ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:315749 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501425<br/> ???? : ???????????? = O passado : mestres de Macau : poesia, caligrafia, pintura e sinetes 2012 = The past : masters of Macao : poetry, calligraphy, paintings and seal-carvings 2012 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:208022 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501180<br/> ???? : ????????? = Mem&oacute;ria viva : cent&eacute;simo anivers&aacute;rio do nascimento de Tang Yun = Unfading memory : centennial anniversary of Tang Yun's birth ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302988 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau) : ????, 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500404<br/> ???? : ??????? = Da fonte : pintura de Wu Tai = Deep from the source : paintings by Wu Tai ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:316595 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501142<br/> ???? : ???????????????? = Luar enevoado : pinturas da Escola de Jinling das dinastias Ming tardia e prim&oacute;rdios dos Qing da colec&ccedil;&atilde;o do Museu de Nanjing = Clouded moonlight : Jinling School paintings of late Ming &amp; early Qing dynasties from Nanjing Museum collection ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:303005 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;Dinastia Ming -- 1368-1644<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau) : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500510<br/> ???? : ?????????????? = Breath of the universe : theses on Qing Teng and Bai Yang's calligraphy and painting ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302985 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??????&#160;?? -- ??? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??? -- ??&#160;Chen Chun&#160;Xu Wei<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau) : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2010<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500480<br/> ???? : ????????????????? = A estacao do retorno : tesouros do museu do Palacio Imperial = The season of return : treasures from the Palace Museum ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:302542 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;????? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ?? -- ???&#160;Museu do Palacio Imperial<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau) : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9799993700141<br/> ???? : ????????????????? = Antagonismo ou ex&iacute;lio : obras dos artistas leais aos Ming no in&iacute;cio da dinastia Qing da colec&ccedil;&atilde;o do Museu de Xangai = Against or away : artworks by Ming loyalists in early Qing dynasty from the collection of Shanghai Museum ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:301606 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1368-1644)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;?? -- ?? -- ?? -- ?(1644-1912)&#160;Caligrafia chinesa<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9799993700042<br/> ???? = The light of the southern school : ????????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295059 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??????&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Dong Qi Chang<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????((Museu de Arte de Macau), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759775<br/> ???? : ??????????????? = Sob a influ&ecirc;ncia dos mestres cl&aacute;ssicos : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o especial comemorativa do 80&ordm; anivers&aacute;rio da morte de Wu Chang Shuo = On the shoulders of classical masters : a special exhibition commemorating the 80th anniversary of the passing of Wu Chang Shuo ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:288115 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, 1844-1927, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????((Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2007<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759393<br/> ???? : ????? = Pintura e caligrafia de Chang Zong Hao = Paintings and calligraphies by Chang Zong Hao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:272213 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2005<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993754428<br/> ??????? : ?????? = A arte dos Oito Exc&ecirc;ntricos de Yangzhou = The Art of the Eight Eccentrics Yangzhou ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:337434 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;Pintores -- China&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Caligrafia chinesa&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729006<br/> ??????? = As obras de Deng Erya : caligrafia. pintura. sinete ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:254056 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??&#160;Deng Erya&#160;Biografia&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 1999<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789729760990<br/> ????????? = Associacao Yu Un dos caligrafos e pintores Chineses de Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:246780 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z 2024-07-07T16:05:19Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;Pintura chinesa&#160;Associacao Yu Un dos Caligrafos e Pintores Chineses em Macau&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo&#160;Caligrafia chinesa<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729242<br/>