???? ?? -- ??? - ?????? General books - Exposicao SirsiDynix Enterprise https://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003d$0025E7$0025B4$0025A0$0025E6$00258F$00258F$002b--$002b$0025E4$0025BD$00259C$0025E5$002593$002581$0025E9$00259B$002586$0026qf$003dITEMCAT2$002509Item$002bCategory$002b2$0025091$00253AG$002509General$002bbooks$0026qf$003dSUBJECT$002509Subject$002509Exposicao$002509Exposicao$0026te$003dILS$0026lm$003dHT$0026ps$003d300? 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z ?? : ????????????????????? = O palco dos prazeres : pintura de Lio Hak Man vencedor do pr&eacute;mio especial melhor cria&ccedil;&atilde;o da XXVI Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau = The stage of joy : painting of Lio Hak Man winner of the best creation special prize of the XXVI Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:310965 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;Lio Hak Man<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501098<br/> ???? : ?????? = Macau : desenhos de George Chinnery = Macao : sketches by Georgenery ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:311545 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z ?? / ???&#160;Chinnery, George, (1774-1852), ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??? -- 1774-1852&#160;?????? -- ??? -- 1774-1852&#160;?? -- ??? -- 1774-1852&#160;Desenho&#160;Chinnery, George -- 1774-1852<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996501272<br/> ?? : ?????? = Nas comissuras da mem&oacute;ria : desenhos contempor&acirc;neos de Macau = In the interstices of memory : Macao contemporary drawings ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:308872 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;Desenho&#160;Arte&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996500923<br/> ??? : ?????? = Portas a preto e branco : esbo&ccedil;os e retratos de Lok Hei = Doors in black and white : sketches and portraits by Lok Hei ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295885 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Desenho&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao<br/>????&#160;?? : ????(Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais), 2009<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759904<br/> ???? : ??????????? = Pinceladas inovadoras : pintura experimental do Instituto de Belas Artes de Sichuan = Innovative brushwork : experimental paintings from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:295049 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z 2024-07-02T04:59:01Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Desenho&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????((Museu de Arte de Macau), 2008<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993759676<br/>