???? ???. ???????, - ?????? Ilha Verde Library SirsiDynix Enterprise https://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003d$0025E6$002596$002587$0025E5$00258C$002596$0025E5$0025B1$002580.$002b$002b$0025E6$0025BE$0025B3$0025E9$002596$002580$0025E8$002597$00259D$0025E8$0025A1$002593$0025E5$00258D$00259A$0025E7$002589$0025A9$0025E9$0025A4$0025A8$00252C$0026qf$003dLIBRARY$002509Library$0025091$00253AIV$002509Ilha$002bVerde$002bLibrary$0026te$003dILS$0026lm$003dHT$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue?dt=list 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ???? : ?????????????????? = Obras primas da arte Russa da colec&ccedil;&atilde;o da Galeria Estatal Tretyakov = Masterpieces of Russian art from the State Tretyakov Gallery ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:521549 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???. ???????, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704287<br/> ?????? : ???????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:519588 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???. ???????, ??<br/>??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704096<br/> ?? : ?????? = Fang Lijun : a luz poeirenta = Fang Lijun : the light of dust ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:609366 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2023<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993705277<br/> ???? : ????????????? = Um encontro de tesouros : o 70.&ordm; anivers&aacute;rio da Associa&ccedil;&atilde;o dos Cal&iacute;grafos e Pintores Chineses Yu Un de Macau = A gathering of treasures: the 70th anniversary of the Yu Un Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association of Macao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:610649 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2023<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993705284<br/> ??????? = Prel&uacute;dio do estilo moderno de Macau = Prelude to Macao's Modern Style ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:583888 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2022<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993705178<br/> ???? : ????????? = Come&ccedil;o auspicioso : tradi&ccedil;&otilde;es do Festival da Primavera na Cidade Proibida = Auspicious beginning : Spring Festival traditions in the Forbidden City ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:609062 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2022<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993705208<br/> ???? : ????????????????? = Centuries-old legacy : Macao's landscape and architecture paintings from the Macao Museum of Art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:606405 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2022<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993705147<br/> ??.?? : ???????????? = Vis&otilde;es multiprism&aacute;ticas rec&iacute;procas : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o internacional de arte contempor&acirc;nea por convite = Multi-prismatic mutual views : international invitational exhibition of contemporary art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:605102 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2021<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993705055<br/> ????? : ????????? = Renascer &agrave; brisa da primavera : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o de arte de He Duoling = Rebirth in the spring breeze : art exhibition of He Duoling ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:278353 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2020<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704768<br/> ???? : ????? = Deambula&ccedil;&otilde;es pela paisagem : colec&ccedil;&atilde;o do Museu de Arte de Macau = Wandering across the landscape : collection of the Macao Museum of Art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:583921 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2020<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704775<br/> ???? : ???????????? = Apar&ecirc;ncia majestosa : trajes dos imperadores e imperatrizes Qing da colec&ccedil;&atilde;o do Museu do Pal&aacute;cio = Stately demeanour : costumes of Qing emperors and empresses from the collection of the Palace Museum ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:569489 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2020<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704805<br/> ? : 2019????????? = Fusion : exhibition of artworks of Macao artists 2019 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:575526 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? : ???????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ????? : ???????????? = Belexa na nova era : obras-primas da colec&ccedil;&atilde;o do Museu Nacional de Arte da China = Beauty in the new era : masterpieces from the collection of the National Art Museum of China ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:529383 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? : ???????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704416<br/> ???????????????? = Desenhos da Renascen&ccedil;a Italiana do British Museum = Italian Renaissance drawings from the British Museum ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:527860 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;????&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? : ???????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704386<br/> ???? : ?????? = Deambular e sentir : pinturas a aguarela de Lai Ieng = Strolling and feeling : watercolour paintings of Lai Ieng ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:521755 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;???&#160;???&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704362<br/> ???????????? = Obras escolhidas das colec&ccedil;&otilde;es do Museu de Arte de Macau = Selected works from collections of the Macao Museum of Art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:521959 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????, 2019<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704355<br/> ?.? : ?????? = Jarim brilhante: obras de Guan Huai Bin = Sparking garden: Guan Huai Bin works ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:519267 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;????<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704300<br/> ????? : ?????????? = Marc Chagall : luz e cor no sul de Fran&ccedil;a = Marc Chagall : light and colour in southern France ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:507968 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;Chagall, Marc, ?<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;??&#160;???&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? (Instituto Cultural) : ??????? (Museu de arte de Macau), 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703792<br/> ???? : ?????????????????? = Antagonismo ou ex&iacute;lio : actas do simp&oacute;sio sobre arte dos lealistas Ming no In&iacute;cio da dinastia Qing = Against or away : proceedings of the symposium on artworks by Ming loyalists in early Qing dynasty ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:514365 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??????????????? (2009 : ??)<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2018<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993704126<br/> ???? : ???????????. ?? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508529 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;???&#160;????&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703655<br/> ???? : ?????????????????? = Clouded moonlight : theses on Jinling School Paintings of late Ming &amp; early Qing Dynasties = Luar enevoado : estudos sobre a Pinturas da Escola de Jinling de finais da Dinastia Ming a In&iacute;cios da Dinastia Qing ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508556 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???? : ??????????????? : (2010 : ??)<br/>??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??&#160;??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703433<br/> Ad lib : extra. no.2 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508659 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703280<br/> ??? : ???????? = Ballade: animamix arte contempor&acirc;nea = Ballade: animamix contemporary art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508758 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;????&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703488<br/> ????? = A linguagem e a arte de Xu Bing = Language &amp; the art of Xu Bing ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:508370 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;?? 1955-<br/>????&#160;?? : ???, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703648<br/> ???? : ??????????? = Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o do 70&ordm; anivers&aacute;rio de Han Tianheng = Exhibition of the 70th anniversary of Han Tianheng ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:468815 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto cultural) : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702832<br/> ???? : ??????????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:480318 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;????? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????, 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703129<br/> ???? : ?????? = Amor pro Macau : fotografias de Lee Kung Kim = love of Macao : photographs by Lee Kung Kim. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:482363 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???????&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? (Instituto Cultural) : ??????? (Museu de arte de Macau), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703235<br/> ????? : ???????1860-1960 = Um s&egrave;culo de arte Austr&iacute;aca 1860-1960 = One century of Austrian art 1860-1960 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:464148 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ??? -- ??????<br/>????&#160;Macau : [???(Instituto cultural)] : [???????(Museu de Arte de Macau)], 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789996502965<br/> ???? : ???????????? = Auguste Borget : o pintor viajante na costa sul da China = Auguste Borget : a painter-traveller on the south China coast. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:475049 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;Borget, Auguste, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;????? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702887<br/> ???? : ??????????? = 60&deg; anivers&aacute;rio da associa&ccedil;&atilde;o dos artistas de Belas-Artes de Macau : uma retrospectiva = 60th anniversary of the Macao Artists Society : a retrospective ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:475068 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???2lcstt&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???2lcstt<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702962<br/> ???? : ???????????? = Auguste Borget : o pintor viajante na costa sul da China = Auguste Borget : a painter-traveller on the south China coast. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:478741 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;Borget, Auguste, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;????? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? (Instituto Cultural) : ??????? (Museu de arte de Macau), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703112<br/> Ad lib : Konstantin Bessmertny. no.1 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:516728 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????, 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703068<br/> ?????? : ??.???? = A arte de Zhang Daqian : as suas pinturas e os selos do seu c&iacute;rculo de gravadores = The art of Zhang Daqian : his paintings and seals by acquainted seal carvers ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:496880 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural) : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703389<br/> ???????? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:494817 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? : ???????, 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703334<br/> ???? : ???????? = Vasos de flores do Museu do Pal&aacute;cio imperial = flower vessels from the Palace Museum. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:486304 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z 2024-07-17T10:38:44Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;????? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? (Instituto Cultural) : ???????(Museu de arte de Macau), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703136<br/>