???? ???, - ?????? Multiple languages - ????? SirsiDynix Enterprise https://webpac.library.gov.mo/client/zh_TW/webpac/webpac/qu$003d$0025E6$002596$002587$0025E5$00258C$002596$0025E5$0025B1$002580$00252C$0026qf$003dLANGUAGE$002509Language$002509MUL$002509Multiple$002blanguages$0026qf$003dLIBRARY$002509$0025E5$00259B$0025BE$0025E4$0025B9$0025A6$0025E9$0025A6$002586$0025091$00253AMH$002509$0025E6$00259C$00259B$0025E5$00258E$0025A6$0025E5$00259B$0025BE$0025E4$0025B9$0025A6$0025E9$0025A6$002586$0026te$003dILS$0026lm$003dHT$0026ps$003d300? 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ???????2014-15 = Orquestra de Macau temporada de concertos 2014-15 = Macao Orchestra concert season 2014-15 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:212748 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;??. ???. ????, ????<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;????&#160;Musica -- Macau&#160;Orquestra de Macau&#160;Music -- Macau<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702139<br/> ? : ??????? = Fluxo : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o de arte do vidro por Sunny Wang = Flow : glass art exhibition by Sunny Wang ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:504160 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703600<br/> ???? : ???????????? = Auguste Borget : o pintor viajante na costa sul da China = Auguste Borget : a painter-traveller on the south China coast. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:478741 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Borget, Auguste, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;????? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? (Instituto Cultural) : ??????? (Museu de arte de Macau), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703112<br/> ???? : ??????????? = 60&deg; anivers&aacute;rio da associa&ccedil;&atilde;o dos artistas de Belas-Artes de Macau : uma retrospectiva = 60th anniversary of the Macao Artists Society : a retrospective ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:475068 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???2lcstt&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???2lcstt<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Museu de Arte de Macau), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702962<br/> ?31??????? : ?????????? ??? ?????? = Obras premiadas dos novos talentos da XXXI exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o colectiva dos artistas de Macau = artworks of the winners of new talent prize of XXXI collective exhibition of Macao artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:476722 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??? --&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??????????(Divis&atilde;o de Desenvolvimento das Artes Visuais, Departamento de Museus), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703075<br/> ????? : ??????????????????? = Ao risco da cor : Claude Viallat e Franck Chalendard = At the risk of colour : Claude Viallat &amp; Franck Chalendard ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:217516 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Viallat, Claude, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Claude Viallat -- ???&#160;Franck Chalendard -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702443<br/> ?? : ?????????? = Obras de Nuno Santiago = This is where I will always be : works by Nuno Santiago ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:217510 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Santiago, Nuno, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Nuno Santiago -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702382<br/> ??????:??????????????? = A jornada de um mestre : Julio Pomar &amp; amigos = The journey of a Master : Julio Pomar &amp; friends ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:220990 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Pomar, Julio, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Julio Pomar -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural) : ????????(Albergue SCM), [2015]<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789728960087<br/> ????? : ????????? = T&eacute;cnicas em extin&ccedil;&atilde;o : fotografia de Jean Baudrillard = Vanishing techniques : Photography of Jean Baudrillard ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:204183 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Baudrillard, Jean, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto cultural), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701774<br/> ????????? = XIII Festival de Artes de Macau = XIII Macao Arts Festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:254582 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;Festival de Artes de Macau -- 2002<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????????????(Instituto Cultural do Govermo da R.A.E.de Macau), 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/> ??????? : ??????????? = A neve do norte sa&uacute;da o Novo Ano Lunar : costumes populares das Provincias de Heilongjiang e de Jilin = The northern snow greets the Chinese New Year : popular customs from Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:246755 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;Arte chinesa&#160;Costumes chineses -- Provincia de Heilongjiang&#160;Costumes chinese -- Provincia de Jilin&#160;Etnografia -- China&#160;Ano Novo Lunar<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729259<br/> ???? : ?????? = Imagens atrav&eacute;s dum orificio arte de fotografia = Pinhole vision photography art ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:337484 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??&#160;???&#160;Fotografia&#160;Artistas&#160;Catalogo<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria, 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729464<br/> ?????? : ?????????? = A realidade da fantasia : pintura moderna a tinta da China de Li Xiaoxuan = The fantasy reality : Li Xiaoxuan's modern Chinese paintings ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:246776 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;Pintura&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao&#160;Li Xiaoxuan&#160;?? -- ??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2001<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729310<br/> ???????? = Thomas Yeo quatro d&eacute;cadas = Thomas Yeo four decades ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:337431 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao&#160;Yeo, Thomas<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729129<br/> ??????????????? = XVII Exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o Colectiva dos Artistas de Macau 2000 = XVII Collective Exhibition of Macau Artists 2000 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:251367 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;???&#160;??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??????????<br/>????&#160;?? : ???????(Camara Municipal de Macau Provisoria), 2000<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993729181<br/> ???? : ?????????? = Paisagem pitoresca : fotografias a&eacute;reas de Macau captadas por Chan Hin Io = Picturesque beauty of the land : aerial photos of Macao by Chan Hin Io ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:488103 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau), 2017<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703266<br/> ???? : ????????? = O lugar onde o patrim&oacute;nio mundial brilha : fotografias do centro hist&oacute;rico de Macau = where the world heritage shines : photographs of the historic centre of Macao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:485342 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???????&#160;??????<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??? (Instituto Cultural), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703174<br/> ??+?? : ??????? = Vis&atilde;o indefinida + digital : pintura a tinta de Leung Kui Ting = Roaming vision + digital : ink paintings by Leung Kui Ting. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:471248 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;????&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural) : ???(Departamento de Museus) : ???????(Divis&atilde;o de Desenvolvimento das Artes Visuais), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702863<br/> ???????? = Tesouro de Arte Sacra do Semin&aacute;rio de S. Jos&eacute; = Treasure of Sacred Art of St. Joseph's Seminary ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:478738 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?????<br/>??&#160;?? ???????? -- ???&#160;?? ???&#160;?? ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ??? (Instituto Cultural), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703006<br/> ??? : ???? = Lui Chun Kwong : a linha distante = Lui Chun Kwong : the distant line. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:484955 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???<br/>????&#160;?? : ??? (Instituto Cultural), 2016<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993703099<br/> ???? : ????????? = O lugar onde o patrim&oacute;nio mundial brilha : fotografias do centro historico de Macau = Where the world heritage shines : photographs of the historic centre of Macao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:227528 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???????&#160;???? -- ??&#160;??????<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702696<br/> ???? : ???????? = Marcas hist&oacute;ricas de Lingnan : os mais not&aacute;veis achados arqueol&oacute;gicos de Guangdong Hong Kong e Macau = Historical imprints of Lingn : major archaeological discoveries of GuangDong, Hong Kong and Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:227853 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702672<br/> ???? : ?????????? = Marcas hist&oacute;ricas de Lingnan : disserta&ccedil;&otilde;es sobre os mais not&aacute;veis achados arqueol&oacute;gicos de Guangdong, Hong Kong e Macau = Historical imprints of Lingn : research of the major archaeological discoveries of GuangDong, Hong Kong and Macau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:227854 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ??? -- ??????&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??????&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??????<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2015<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702672<br/> ?? : ??????? = Pintar a ideia : Manuel Casimiro = To paint the idea : Manuel Casimiro ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:207808 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Casimiro, Manuel, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ???&#160;???? -- ??? -- ??&#160;Pinturas -- Exposicao<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701941<br/> ?????????? = Wspolczesny plakat Makau ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:210960 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??? -- ??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;????????? -- ??&#160;Posters -- Collections -- Exhibition&#160;Poster Museum at Wilanow -- Exhibition<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702092<br/> ???? : ??????? = Em tempo de tuf&otilde;es : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o de documentos hist&oacute;ricos de Macau = The times of typhoon : exhibition of Macao's archival materials ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:214268 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;Typhoons -- Macau -- History&#160;Typhoons -- Macau -- Catalog&#160;Tufao -- Macau -- Historia&#160;Tufao -- Macau -- Catalogo&#160;?? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto cultural) : ???????, 2014<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993702177<br/> ???? : ?????????????? = Uma arte de precis&atilde;o : constru&ccedil;&atilde;o naval em Macau : gente, artes e sociedade = An art of precision : shipbuliding in Macao : people, craft and society ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:317386 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto cultural) : ???????(Arquivo Historico de Macau), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701842<br/> ???? : ??????????. ?? = Viagem aos confins do mundo : Michele Ruggieri e os Jesu&iacute;tas na China vol.I = Journey to the ends of the World : Michele Ruggieri and Jesuits in China vol.I ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:197737 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Sardo, Eugenio Lo, ??, ?<br/>??&#160;??? -- ??&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ??&#160;Ruggieri, Miguel, Padre -- 1543-1607&#160;Ricci, Mateus, Padre -- 1552-1610<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto cultural) : ?????(Museu de Macau), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701743<br/> ???? : ?????? = Cenario na cidade : obras de Yu Cheng Ta = On set in the city : works by Yu Cheng Ta ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:204192 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;???? -- ???&#160;????(??)<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701798<br/> ???? : ????????? = Possibilidades : apresenta&ccedil;&atilde;o de Poesia polaca em Macau = Possibilities : introducing Polish poetry in Macao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:205650 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Szymborska, Wistawa, ?<br/>??&#160;????&#160;? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;Wistawa Szymborska -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto cultural), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701927<br/> ???? : ??????????. ??. ??? = Viagem aos confins do mundo : Michele Ruggieri e os Jesu&iacute;tas na China vol.II tese = Journey to the ends of the world : Michele Ruggieri and Jesuits in China vol.II journals ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:203380 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Sardo, Eugenio Lo, ??<br/>??&#160;??? -- ??????&#160;??? -- ??????&#160;??? -- ?? -- ??????&#160;Ruggieri, Miguel, Padre -- 1543-1607&#160;Ricci, Mateus, Padre -- 1552-1610<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto cultural) : ?????(Museu de Macau), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701743<br/> ????? : ???????? = Atlas da China de Michele Ruggieri = Atlas of China by Michele Ruggieri ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:210863 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;Ruggieri, Michele, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;??? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??&#160;Mapas -- China&#160;Ruggieri, Michele -- Atlas<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2013<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701897<br/> ????????? : ?????????? = S&iacute;ntese visual de fragmentos : exposi&ccedil;&atilde;o de arte contempor&acirc;nea de 10 artistas = Visual synthesis of fragments : contemporary art exhibition by 10 artists ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:186403 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ?<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;??? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2012<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701460<br/> ???????? = A m&uacute;sica ritual tauista em Macau = Taoist ritual music in Macao ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:174286 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;????&#160;?? -- ????&#160;Tauismo&#160;Musica ritual tauista<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2011<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993701316<br/> ?? : ??????? = O passaro mistico : regresso de Shi Hu a Macau catalogo de exposicao de pintura = The mystical bird : Shi Hu's return to Macao exhibition catalogue ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265300 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;Pintura&#160;Catalogo&#160;Exposicao&#160;Shi Hu<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700555<br/> ???? : ?????? = Encantos do passado : fotografia de Lai Wing Chiu = Charms of old : photography by Lai Wing Chiu ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265916 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;Fotografia -- Macau&#160;Exposicao&#160;Catalogo&#160;Lai Wing Chiu<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700593<br/> ?????????????? : ????????? = A China e o ocidente : influencia cultural e inovacao : catalogo da exposicao de artes visuais : XV festival de artes de Macau = China and the west : cultural influence and innovation : visual arts exhibition catalogue : 15th Macao Arts Festival ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:265641 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???&#160;?? -- ???<br/>????&#160;Macau : ???(Instituto Cultural), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700517<br/> 2002????????? = Cat&aacute;logo das publica&ccedil;&otilde;es editadas em Macau em 2002 = Catalog of publications in Macao in 2002 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:91716 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;???? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau) : ???????(Biblioteca Central de Macau), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700647<br/> 2003????????? = Cat&aacute;logo das publica&ccedil;&otilde;es editadas em Macau em 2003 = Catalog of publications in Macao in 2003 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:91719 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;??, ??<br/>??&#160;???? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ???(Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau) : ???????(Biblioteca Central de Macau), 2004<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700654<br/> 2000????????? = Cat&aacute;logo das publica&ccedil;&otilde;es editadas em Macau em 2000 = Catalog of publications in Macao in 2000 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:27191 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???????, ?<br/>??&#160;Catalogo&#160;Bibliografia -- Macau&#160;???? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????(Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau), 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700425<br/> 2001????????? = Cat&aacute;logo das publica&ccedil;&otilde;es editadas em Macau em 2001 = Catalog of publications in Macao in 2001 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:27242 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???????, ??<br/>??&#160;Catalogo&#160;Bibliografia -- Macau&#160;???? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????(Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau), 2003<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700432<br/> ??????????????? = Conhecer a bandeira nacional, o emblema nacional e o hino nacional da Republica Popular da China : ???? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:261181 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;Bandeira Nacional -- China&#160;Emblema Nacional -- China<br/>????&#160;Macau : ????????????(Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E.de Macau), 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700357<br/> ??????????????????? = Conhecer a bandeira nacional, o emblema nacional e o hino nacional da Rep&uacute;blica Popular da China livrinho pedag&oacute;gico = Learning about the national flag, emblem and anthem of the People's Republic of China educational brochure ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:261193 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z 2024-07-03T17:39:27Z ?? / ???&#160;???, ??<br/>??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??&#160;?? -- ??<br/>????&#160;?? : ????????????(Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E.de Macau) : ?????, 2002<br/>???&#160;??<br/>ISBN????????&#160;9789993700371<br/>