Malacca and the failure of the first Portuguese embassy to Peking
Chang, Tien Tse

Malacca and the failure of the first Portuguese embassy to Peking

Chang, Tien Tse

"Boletim do Instituto Luis de Camoes", Macau, 15 (1-2) Primavera-Verao 1981, p. 149-163
Boletim com varias obras e autores.

Algunos aspectos del cuento em Eca de Queiros, por Carmen Fernandez
El "Gachupin" en los pies descalzos, por Carmen Fernandez
Los galeotes y la libertad, por Carmen Fernandez
Portuguese society in Macao and Luso-Vietmanese relations, 1511-1751, by George Bryan Sousa
Woman and piracy: an alternative route to power?, by Dian Murray
Notes on the Kuang-Tung Hsin-Yu, by Roderich Ptak
Na Coreia, pelo Pe. Manuel Teixeira

Historia de Portugal
Expansao portuguesa
Historia de Malaca
Embaixada a China

Algunos aspectos del cuento em Eca de Queiros, por Carmen Fernandez
El "Gachupin" en los pies descalzos, por Carmen Fernandez
Los galeotes y la libertad, por Carmen Fernandez
Portuguese society in Macao and Luso-Vietmanese relations, 1511-1751, by George Bryan Sousa
Woman adn piracy: an alternative route to power?, by Dian Murray
Notes on the Kuang-Tung Hsin-Yu, by Roderich Ptak
Na Coreia, pelo Pe. Manuel Teixeira

Historia de Portugal
Expansao portuguesa
Historia de Malaca
Embaixada a China