Cover image for History of the conquest of Mexico : with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican civilisatio, and the life of the conqueror Hernando Cortes
History of the conquest of Mexico : with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican civilisatio, and the life of the conqueror Hernando Cortes
History of the conquest of Mexico : with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican civilisatio, and the life of the conqueror Hernando Cortes
Prescott, William

Marques, Lourenço Pereira, ant. possuidor.
Publication Information:
London : George Routledge, 1874
Physical Description:
3 Vols. ; 18 cm
General Note:
Espolio do Lourenco Pereira Marques

Vestigios de traca sem prejuico do texto
Historia do Mexico
Conquista -- Mexico